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  • #16
    Exciting times. Big opportunity. Big challenges. Both on the field of play and making sure the fiscal support is in place now and well into the future.

    Thinkers, Doers, Movers and Shockers more important than ever.



    • #17
      So the question is, when does ESPN change their website to list us as being in the American rather than the MVC?
      The fact that man is master of his actions is due to his being able to deliberate about them.-- Thomas Aquinas


      • #18
        We're gonna need a bigger arena


        • #19
          I liked seeing all the signs and WuShock's videos. You guys did a good job playing up to the day.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Veritas View Post
            We're gonna need a bigger arena
            If we're going to drop $40 million on something, I'd much sooner it be an expanded CKA than a football program.
            The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
            We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


            • #21
              It's a small thing but damn, I wish the rest of the internet would keep up with things:

              Attached Files


              • #22
                Anybody having apple pie today?
                Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by wusphlash View Post
                  Anybody having apple pie today?
                  I suspect some of your former conference mates may be eating crow...



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by calfan View Post
                    I have declared my independence from the MVC. I'm American now!!!
                    SHOCKERS & AWE

                    "Go Ahead, Try To Jinx Us" ~ The Monsters Of The Midwest

                    "Wichita State fans bring the noise to another level. The roar
                    gets into your skull, giving you a mild case of vertigo."


                    • #25
                      NBC Sports has got the change made on their website. Looks good to see it on the page.
                      The fact that man is master of his actions is due to his being able to deliberate about them.-- Thomas Aquinas


                      • #26
                        Happy days. We went from Shocker Mountain and rose on up to the mighty AAC. God bless the AAC, SN, Shockers, Navy football, and may God bless the United States Of America!!!!!!!
                        Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


                        • #27
                          Welcome aboard Shockers. Very VERY glad that we invited you all.

                          Happy Independence Day!

                          PS, Crossing my fingers that we'll also invite/land Dayton and VCU.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by MemTGRS View Post
                            Welcome aboard Shockers. Very VERY glad that we invited you all.

                            Happy Independence Day!

                            PS, Crossing my fingers that we'll also invite/land Dayton and VCU.
                            Thanks for the kind words. Let's just hope that our Shocker Programs can assist to elevate this fine Conference to a win/win/improved level and together we soar this impressive Conference to new and improved heights. God bless you and may God bless America!!!!!!!
                            Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


                            • #29
                              SMU fan here. Welcome aboard. Look forward to some really good games with you guys.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by MemTGRS View Post
                                Welcome aboard Shockers. Very VERY glad that we invited you all.

                                Happy Independence Day!

                                PS, Crossing my fingers that we'll also invite/land Dayton and VCU.
                                'can't wait until tubby turns it around (most likely sooner rather than later) and shockers-tigers go at it. big time.

