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Gregg Marshall Show 02/20/2017

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Topshock View Post
    This would be ideal but the reality is we can't just keep the margin, safe but have to win by as much as possible. We are 13 in Ken Pom mainly because of our margin of victory. Most of the limited love we are receiving on the national level is due to the fact we are destroying teams.
    We can absolutely put Simon and Bush out there with Landry, Kelly, and Morris and still run up the score against Evansville. We just probably shouldn't clear the whole bench.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
      We can absolutely put Simon and Bush out there with Landry, Kelly, and Morris and still run up the score against Evansville. We just probably shouldn't clear the whole bench.
      Agreed. Just sprinkle them in with some starters, and we'll be fine.
      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


      • #18
        Would love to see Gregg actually punch Palm. Most anti WSU guy on the planet. Every year, he says the same things, regardless of schedule.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Topshock View Post
          This would be ideal but the reality is we can't just keep the margin, safe but have to win by as much as possible. We are 13 in Ken Pom mainly because of our margin of victory. Most of the limited love we are receiving on the national level is due to the fact we are destroying teams.
          Well, don't get carried away, Top. If it comes down to a few hundredths in KenPom vs. giving JR and Bush their due, I have no doubt that Marshall will go with JR and Bush. (Plus, remember what happened against the UNIs? The deep bunch actually improved WSU's shooting percentage and scoring -- Dave Dahl found it greatly amusing.)

          Marshall doesn't start bench seniors or overdo things because he remembers a prior debacle, also against Evansville, when excess emotion contributed to a "bad" home loss; and he isn't going to make that mistake again. But he won't overlook his dynamic duo tonight.


          • #20
            I agree with Marshall. Don't sacrifice a game because of sr night. Get up by 30, then put em in.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Shockers5150 View Post
              I agree with Marshall. Don't sacrifice a game because of sr night. Get up by 30, then put em in.
              I would even give them an opportunity, one at a time, with four of our regular rotation players even in the first half.
              "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
              Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
              "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

              A physician called into a radio show and said:
              "That's the definition of a stool sample."


              • #22
                Are we even sure how good JRS ankle is? Sat out the Loyola game, hobbled off the floor against UNI. I'm not sure how much time he should be on the court on senior night is what's most important. Having a healthy JRS in future games this year could be. If he's not 100%, I put him out there, tell him to be very careful and after a few minutes, get him out.


                • #23
                  I would love to see Simon and Bush get 10 minutes of playing time each tonight.

                  I'm sure they would love it also.

                  I'm not sure they would love it more than free trips to a couple of NCAA tournament destinations.


                  • #24
                    Does anybody really think we are going to struggle against Evansville? I mean, yeah, I know I'm supposed to respect each opponent, but I'll leave that part up to the team...and this is a near last place team in a conference that is hilariously bad this year. The Evansville team that beat us is not the same Evansville team we will see tonight. Based on what I've watched the last month, I have no reason to believe the Shockers won't win every remaining game by 20 or more, and that's if I'm being objective. Taking the position of "we need to worry and make sure we play good basketball to hopefully, maybe beat this team" is actually the non-objective line of thinking. That would have been more appropriate for the UNI game, and we won by 29, so.....

                    JRS and Bush will get a lot of minutes tonight unless something odd happens.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
                      Coach has given these two young men great amunts of love and appreciation; the fans have always shown their appreciation and will do so again before the game and during the game when they enter, when they score or rebound, and when they exit. I do not believe that a "trophy" start means anything more than a trophy/certificate of participation would for Hillary Clinton. JMHO, no biggie.
                      I believe this isn't JUST for these two, but sends a strong message to all "role players", current AND future: you WILL get to start if you stick with the program through your Senior year. Trophy start? When I played, being a starter WAS a big deal, and I don't believe many wouldn't cherish it, but perhaps I've seen Rudy too many times. Some things just mean more than "also played".


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by OregonShocker View Post
                        I believe this isn't JUST for these two, but sends a strong message to all "role players", current AND future: you WILL get to start if you stick with the program through your Senior year. Trophy start? When I played, being a starter WAS a big deal, and I don't believe many wouldn't cherish it, but perhaps I've seen Rudy too many times. Some things just mean more than "also played".
                        Maybe 3G is planning a massive surprise for the night.....



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BOBB View Post
                          You realize we are tied for a league championship, right? If things go well, Bush and Simon will have ample opportunity for recognition. If they go really poorly, they will also have time.

                          Listened to my first show in a while. The callers are terrible. They should just go with Mike and Coach and mix in a taped player or administrator interview for 15 minutes if they need to fill time.
                          Yes, I do. And, I wouldn't do it for the Final Four game. But I believe this is a gesture that means more by sending a message: we value loyalty as much as the first minute of a game. For me, it is different to say, "I started" than to say, "I was also on the team." But, maybe I have low self-esteem issues ;-)


                          • #28
                            How many other programs in the country start their deep bench seniors on senior night? It's nothing personal and I'm sure JRS and ZB are smart enough to know better.
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                              How many other programs in the country start their deep bench seniors on senior night? It's nothing personal and I'm sure JRS and ZB are smart enough to know better.
                              I'm not saying we would lose if we started JRS and ZB but I'm sure if you gave them the choice of starting one game or going to the NCAAs again, I'm pretty sure I know what they would say


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by OregonShocker View Post
                                I believe this isn't JUST for these two, but sends a strong message to all "role players", current AND future: you WILL get to start if you stick with the program through your Senior year. Trophy start? When I played, being a starter WAS a big deal, and I don't believe many wouldn't cherish it, but perhaps I've seen Rudy too many times. Some things just mean more than "also played".
                                That's a good point, Oregon -- not just for these guys, but also for Barney and Kaelen Malone, and for future walkons, invited and otherwise. Still, when it comes to JR, I think the first priority has to be to keep him healthy, so if his foot needs the rest then a token appearance to get an ovation may be the answer. As for Bush, turn him loose!

