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The Definitive Argument Why The Shockers Deserve (And Will) Receive An At-large Bid

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  • #31
    Jamar - I wasn't arguing with you and really enjoyed your post. I was voicing my fears about selection Sunday and where the quality wins argument comes into play. I agree WSU doesn't have the luxury of playing 10 or 15 Top 50 games, but that is what scares me and keeps me from relaxing and thinking 100% we are in. If we had a larger sample size I think our record against the Top 50 would compare much more favorably against other teams.


    • #32
      Well done sir! That has to be one of the best posts I have ever read on Shockernet. :applause::good:

      Edit: Oh, and by the way, I think we are in.
      Last edited by ShockerDropOut; March 10, 2016, 09:03 AM.
      Go Shocks!


      • #33
        I'd say it's about 50/50 that we are in.


        • #34
          Originally posted by FlyingWheat View Post
          With so many in the media regurgitating dumb arguments, what are the odds that the committee also uses the same wrong reasoning? I mean it's not like the committee has shown us a lot of love the last couple years with Bracket of Death and the seven seed.
          Bracket Matrix has us on 76/99 brackets. Therefore, I think one could suggest our odds of making it are around 75%. If you factor in that at least some of the 23 only use RPI, like Palm, an argument could be made our odds are better.
          Last edited by Heinro; March 10, 2016, 09:17 AM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Heinro View Post
            Bracket Matrix has us on 76/99 brackets. Therefore, I think one could suggest our odds of making it are around 75%. If you factor in that at least some of the 23 only use RPI, like Palm, an argument could be made our odds are greater.
            And even our biggest 'haters' like Palm are putting WSU closer and closer. WSU is now the first team out for Palm, and has moved from the 4th team on "out for now" on his bubble watch to the 3rd team "on the fence". He's changing his viewpoint slowly over the week.


            • #36
              In a best case scenario, I think we know we are in today. GW, Michigan, Florida and Vandy are all in must win situations to even consider being above us on the cutline. That would leave only Tulsa and Connecticut who could perhaps position themselves above us and knock us out of the field. Butler, Pitt, South Carolina, the A10 bubble and Pac 12 bubble are bonuses I will be pulling for, but would suspect those are more seeding related.


              • #37
                Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                I'd say it's about 50/50 that we are in.
                Again, thanks.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • #38
                  Originally posted by boyshocker View Post
                  Can this go straight into the Shockernet Hall of Posts without a waiting period?
         - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                    Did you forget about the wait-time waiver application process? I thought we lived in a democracy? Don't we have 1st Amendment rights on this board? Free speech!!!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by shockfan89_ View Post
                      If I was putting together a tournament of teams with RPI 101-200, WSU would definitely be in. When putting together a tournament of the top 50 I would tend to look at success against the top 50 (1-4) and the top 100 (3-3) and not weight success against the 101+ teams as highly since these are teams that won't be in the tournament. This is where I get nervous. I think we get in, but that is where the "quality wins" discussion comes into play.
                      JH4P just spent what looks like hours putting together one of the must substantive posts this forum has ever seen, strictly to explain to people with your take why they're off... and somehow you still managed to post this.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                        JH4P just spent what looks like hours putting together one of the must substantive posts this forum has ever seen, strictly to explain to people with your take why they're off... and somehow you still managed to post this.
                        ...................and it didn't take hours, either

