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Poll--would you leave your job for the UT job in an analogous situation

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  • Poll--would you leave your job for the UT job in an analogous situation

    Say you were offered a 50% pay bump for a new job which would require you to move to a decent location.
    (I'm obviously guessing on the salary but am considering some raise at WSU to maybe 2.4 and UT offering 3.6--no need to debate the details, not the point of the poll)

    The new job has pros and cons:
    It probably won't allow as much success (however that is defined) in the short term as your present job.
    It may or may not allow more success long term--that is not clear one way or another.
    It definitely has a lot less job security than your current job.
    Most people at the institution/company you will work for take your branch of work less seriously than some other branches which don't exist at your current job.
    Unknown relationships with co-workers, bosses, etc.

    If you feel like participating, vote based on whatever your situation is regarding family and friends, your job, etc.

    The poll is expired.

    Shocker Nation, NYC

  • #2
    Great question. It does make you think.

    1.2 million more dollars is VERY compelling. The thing that kept me at "no" is the idea that 2.4 is also very high and the difference almost becomes obscure to me.

    If I rephrase the question into my own life, it is more equivalent to 40k versus 60k with the same set of variables. You know what... I still wouldn't leave. For me, it would take at least double.


    • #3
      My salary won't be staying the same at my current job. Let me know once they give me a nice bump.
      The Assman


      • #4
        Originally posted by TheYeti
        I am self employed so from my perspective I would not. Here is how I believe this applies in this case. In terms of being self employed, and having someone looking over his shoulder, Marshall is essentially self employed at WSU. At TU, I am betting not so much.
        Very much agree with this. I work for a small company where everyone is very good to each other in a GREAT environment and it feels like home. The idea of making 60 in an uncertain environment as opposed to 40 in a wonderful environment is actually a no brainer to me. Again, it would have to be double for me to even consider it.


        • #5
          Hard to pass up. Provided there isn't a lifestyle change (how many cheeseburgers can one man eat?) that is just money in the bank. Even if you fail miserably there is 4-6 mil in the bank after 3-4 years. Not like there wouldn't be income in a new job to follow as well. Really depends on the perceived riskiness of the UT gig and what kind of leverage to improve WSU pay.
          Last edited by BOBB; March 28, 2015, 12:25 PM.
          Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


          • #6
            I voted...

            "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


            • #7
              On a percentage basis, in my life, I would stay. Now a pay increase to $700,000 is nothing to sneeze at (okay just kidding).

              Actually, the problem for me putting myself in GMs shoes is two fold:

              1. I am not a type A personality where things like running a major division within a major company in my industry is one of my career goals.

              2. I have no idea what 3+ million dollars buys you compared to 2 million.
              Livin the dream


              • #8
                Originally posted by wufan View Post
                On a percentage basis, in my life, I would stay. Now a pay increase to $700,000 is nothing to sneeze at (okay just kidding).

                Actually, the problem for me putting myself in GMs shoes is two fold:

                1. I am not a type A personality where things like running a major division within a major company in my industry is one of my career goals.

                2. I have no idea what 3+ million dollars buys you compared to 2 million.
                Actually, it buys you $500,000 more in taxes.
                If you take the high road, you won't find much traffic there . . .


                • #9
                  My no vote is based on age.

                  For someone in their 30's or 40's with many more years of employment, the answer would be yes.
                  For someone in their 50's or 60's with most of their work life behind them, I say stay where you are if you are happy.
                  For someone in their 50's or 60's that wants to work till their 80, I say take the money because that's obviously what means most to you.
                  Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rixtoy1 View Post
                    Actually, it buys you $500,000 more in taxes.
                    And an offset in state income taxes paid...
           - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wufan View Post
                      On a percentage basis, in my life, I would stay. Now a pay increase to $700,000 is nothing to sneeze at (okay just kidding).

                      Actually, the problem for me putting myself in GMs shoes is two fold:

                      1. I am not a type A personality where things like running a major division within a major company in my industry is one of my career goals.

                      2. I have no idea what 3+ million dollars buys you compared to 2 million.
                      #2 is the best point. HCGM doesn't seem like the type of guy that needs to liven an elaborate lifestyle. Private jet access and a nice house on a golf course is all a guy really needs. After that, it's a question of do you need a $5M house or a second home on a beach? The extra million buys him a vacation home and an earlier retirement.


                      • #12
                        I work in a good organization. There are some challenges but overall, it is a pretty good set-up for me in this stage of my career. When I pondered a comparable situation in my life, I thought of a partner organization in San Antonio that has little support and seemingly weak board leadership. No way I would double my pay be enough for me to take that job. Now, there is another partner organization in Denver that is really successful at what it does. Someday when/if a similar job to mine comes available, you can be assured that I will be putting my name in that hat, especially if it would double my salary.

                        Not exactly an apples-apples comparison to 3G, but it was interesting way to look at it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                          And an offset in state income taxes paid...
                          Of course, if the job is in Texas, you don't pay state income taxes.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DJ06Shocker View Post
                            Great question. It does make you think.

                            1.2 million more dollars is VERY compelling. The thing that kept me at "no" is the idea that 2.4 is also very high and the difference almost becomes obscure to me.

                            If I rephrase the question into my own life, it is more equivalent to 40k versus 60k with the same set of variables. You know what... I still wouldn't leave. For me, it would take at least double.
                            I think you might find that going from $40,000 to $60,000 would make possibly a bigger change in one's lifestyle than going from $2.4 - $4. And like you indicated, at a salary of $2.4 a year, you likely are not wanting for anything, and if you are, then you should just go out and pay cash for it.


                            • #15
                              I think he goes to Texas for his kids... More money... Weather and environment... Chance to kick Bill self ass twice a year... Hope he stays... Only thing is it's a football school with basketball potential.. Even when they do good... The fans are not even comparison to wichita state.... It's a different love for the basketball program

