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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
    Does anybody find this old quote as ironically twisted as I do:
    Funny ...

    Leonard Hamilton has coached the basketball team at two of the country's most football-dominated programs -- Miami and Florida State."I'm still trying to figure out what a 'football school' means," Hamilton said. "Why does it have to be that way? Does Jim O'Brien have to deal with that at Ohio State?"
    But the reality remains, says Hamilton, being at a football school has more advantages even if the basketball program has to be patient when it comes time for facility upgrades.
    "At least you don't have to introduce where you're from and who you are," Hamilton said.
    I bet Coach Ham knows what being a 'football school' means now. FSU is still bottom of the ACC in revenue, he's seen planned raises be cancelled while the football coaches received raises ... basketball facilities did get upgraded a bit. Nothing close to the indoor practice facility we recently created for the football team, but the basketball arena no longer looks like a rundown joke at least.
    Originally posted by BleacherReport
    Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


    • Originally posted by tgcshock View Post
      I'm not one of the people that has suggested we shouldn't try to get 4 or 5 star guys. But it may very well be that we haven't seen one in large part because Marshall hasn't found one yet that would buy into the work ethic, the team focus, and the defense at the level he demands. It's not that they don't exist. By all accounts Kevin Durant was nothing but a high BB IQ and team first guy in his one year at Texas. One the other hand, there are probably 50 Oubre's for every 1 Durant. If we have to play with the Cottons and Bakers of the world for the foreseeable future, I am certainly not panicked about that. If we can get a 5 star that will give us the effort and team play Marshall demands, by all means. But once again we were in the Sweet Sixteen and a lot of teams with bigger name players were not. I can live with that.
      Spot on! My thoughts exactly.


      • Turn this yearly process into a positive! What Marshall should do is require that every AD who calls on him agree to a home and home over the next 3 years regardless of the meeting outcome. This way they can really put their money where their mouth is and show appreciation for what he has built. Also, same for past WSU coaches (Turgeon and Boyle on my mind here...), they know how much a pain scheduling is so they should be willing to play...regardless of where either team is at on a given year.


        • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
          More than likely it means Feves push me in.:cowbell:
          You need eyes in the back of your head.


          • 428 users on-line; might be time to entertain them. :)
            "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


            • I am just hoping that neither AD is willing to be a "yes man" like Sexton is. Like the recent article said, Sexton just pops his head in to see if Marshall needs anything. Other than that he is hands off when it comes to Marshall and gives him anything he wants. I like to think MOST AD's aren't like that. MOST are more controlling than that... I hope.

              Perhaps that is why what i was told this morning never came to far. Perhaps Marshall was ready to commit to Texas if Patterson would just meet his final demands. That could be when things fall apart. I don't see Marshall giving in. If he doesn't get EXACTLY what he wants then he says, screw it I have a great thing here. At the final hour he says "thanks but no thanks"

              That is my final hope and how it is playing out in my head. See I am not ALWAYS a pessimist lol
              "He called me around noon and was thrilled," Brandt said. "He said he was going to be a Shocker forever." -- RIP Guy, you WILL indeed be a Shocker forever!


              • Originally posted by kcshocker11 View Post
                Hope your right
                I second that. All in favor...


                • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                  I wholeheartedly agree, Shaka at VCU is already getting 4 and 5 star guys for the past several years and I've always wondered why can't we. They've pretty much experienced the same success as we have so there's no advantage there. I came to the conclusion that VCU simply has a geographic advantage over us. The east coast is saturated with basketball talent and all the major cities are so close to each other. Perhaps conference affiliation plays a small role too.

                  I believe GM may experience a slight challenge to get kids to think about Wichita, KS and relocating so far from their friends and family. But this just solidifies the amazing coaching job he's done here.
                  Sorry if this has already been stated but he just signed 3 4* recruits this year alone. That isn't counting Fred.


                  • Aye!


                    • Anyone know this clown? Cant find any verification on Bama boards, personally think he,s hes full of #$@#$
                      I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                      • Originally posted by kcshocker11 View Post
               Anyone know this clown? Cant find any verification on Bama boards, personally think he,s hes full of #$@#$
                        I think he is a clown, just read the rest of his tweets and for a guy with such an "in" he only has 483 followers.


                        • CollegeHoopNews ‏@CollegeHoopNews 40s40 seconds ago If I'm Gregg Marshall I stay in Wichita. He's already built a powerhouse. And he doesn't have issues getting top flight recruits. #Shockers
                          0 retweets 0 favorites


                          • Originally posted by kcshocker11 View Post
                   Anyone know this clown? Cant find any verification on Bama boards, personally think he,s hes full of #$@#$
                            This guy also has a bunch of posts about how going after Marshall is a mistake because Alabama could be hiring Calipari.
                            "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


                            • Originally posted by kcshocker11 View Post
                     Anyone know this clown? Cant find any verification on Bama boards, personally think he,s hes full of #$@#$
                              Speaks with forked tongue...
                              Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                              • Originally posted by seskridge
                                Well considering a day ago he posted that he had heard from Saban that Marshall was no longer under consideration I'm going with this guy is an idiot
                                Damn, I was looking for a spiritual leader...was hoping the Chief could work out.

