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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by SHURTZtheHERTZ View Post
    3Gs has WSU absolutely rolling right now.

    I truly believe he can start pulling 4* and 5* recuits regularly; like Coach Cal did at Memphis.

    Next step, join a new conference.
    I wholeheartedly agree, Shaka at VCU is already getting 4 and 5 star guys for the past several years and I've always wondered why can't we. They've pretty much experienced the same success as we have so there's no advantage there. I came to the conclusion that VCU simply has a geographic advantage over us. The east coast is saturated with basketball talent and all the major cities are so close to each other. Perhaps conference affiliation plays a small role too.

    I believe GM may experience a slight challenge to get kids to think about Wichita, KS and relocating so far from their friends and family. But this just solidifies the amazing coaching job he's done here.


    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
      He has said, many times, that he would never go to a job (exactly like Alabama) if he does, it's about the money.
      Your statement may or may not be true depending on whether or not 3G's opinion of the Alabama job is the same as yours.


      • Originally posted by Rosewood View Post
        Can I just say that if they are willing to pay him a stupid amount of money I can't really fault him for that? I will be sad because I like to be naive and think it isn't about the money for some people. But it would just confirm what I know deep down inside -- it is ALWAYS about the money.
        Money is always a factor but not the only factor. If money was the only factor 3G would have been long gone by now.


        • Originally posted by WUSHOCKBPELI View Post
          I hate waiting.
          This is so much me. But I also really don't want another coach. One reason I don't want another coach is because we will once again be waiting. We will be waiting for him to get poached away in a few years or waiting for him to get fired.


          • I think if he leaves, money is 50% of it. The rest can be spread equally among:

            1. The MVC sucking
            2. WSU not being able to move conferences
            3. The Selection Committee giving the big middle finger to non-power 5 schools who actually won games and allowing P5 schools with "quality losses" in instead
            4. The continuing talk and speculation that the P5 schools will get more say and more control with regards to NCAA rules on paying athletes


            • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
              Money is always a factor but not the only factor. If money was the only factor 3G would have been long gone by now.
              Soliciting opinion here, I'm sure Sexton and Co., have run the numbers and determined how much of a raise that the university can afford without robbing Peter to pay Paul. No facts behind it, just gut feeling, but I'm thinking WSU can max out at 2.5 million a year. Am I out of line?


              • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                Your statement may or may not be true depending on whether or not 3G's opinion of the Alabama job is the same as yours.

                It's certainly a rebuilding job, and with lukewarm fan support.


                • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                  I wholeheartedly agree, Shaka at VCU is already getting 4 and 5 star guys for the past several years and I've always wondered why can't we. They've pretty much experienced the same success as we have so there's no advantage there. I came to the conclusion that VCU simply has a geographic advantage over us. The east coast is saturated with basketball talent and all the major cities are so close to each other. Perhaps conference affiliation plays a small role too.

                  I believe GM may experience a slight challenge to get kids to think about Wichita, KS and relocating so far from their friends and family. But this just solidifies the amazing coaching job he's done here.
                  I think Shaka's system is more friendly to the AAU style the 4-5 star guys are used to playing too. I think it is hard to sell a top recruit on "We are going to beat your ass with sticks every practice" vs "We play fast and pressure the **** out of the other team"


                  • Originally posted by Rosewood View Post
                    I think Shaka's system is more friendly to the AAU style the 4-5 star guys are used to playing too. I think it is hard to sell a top recruit on "We are going to beat your ass with sticks every practice" vs "We play fast and pressure the **** out of the other team"
                    But on Rivals and ESPN, he's been getting 3 and 4 stars not 4 and 5 stars.


                    • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                      Soliciting opinion here, I'm sure Sexton and Co., have run the numbers and determined how much of a raise that the university can afford without robbing Peter to pay Paul. No facts behind it, just gut feeling, but I'm thinking WSU can max out at 2.5 million a year. Am I out of line?
                      This isn't very capitalistic pig of me but damn it do I wish Charles Koch was like T Boone at OSU. Paying HCGM $3 million a year and the university paying $1 million would be nothing to that man. The ROI for the university on that $3/million endowment would be huge. The ROI on the city. ****, I bet Koch Industries is just a better place to work when WSU is winning.

                      But I've always been good at spending OPM


                      • Originally posted by WUSHOCKBPELI View Post
                        I hate waiting.


                        • Originally posted by ShockTop View Post
                          But on Rivals and ESPN, he's been getting 3 and 4 stars not 4 and 5 stars.
                          Honestly IDGAF about recruiting and don't follow it at all. It is my least favorite part about sports. Same in the pros. Draft stuff bores me to death. I would rather play an old school pen and paper RPG with a bunch of dudes who smell like my socks.


                          • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                            Soliciting opinion here, I'm sure Sexton and Co., have run the numbers and determined how much of a raise that the university can afford without robbing Peter to pay Paul. No facts behind it, just gut feeling, but I'm thinking WSU can max out at 2.5 million a year. Am I out of line?
                            I don't think you are out of line but I really do not know for sure.


                            • Originally posted by Rosewood View Post
                              Honestly IDGAF about recruiting and don't follow it at all. It is my least favorite part about sports. Same in the pros. Draft stuff bores me to death. I would rather play an old school pen and paper RPG with a bunch of dudes who smell like my socks.
                              I... I can't decide if you're completely insane or a genius...


                              • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                                Soliciting opinion here, I'm sure Sexton and Co., have run the numbers and determined how much of a raise that the university can afford without robbing Peter to pay Paul. No facts behind it, just gut feeling, but I'm thinking WSU can max out at 2.5 million a year. Am I out of line?
                                Do you think he'd stay then if Bama went as far as $5 million after potential bonuses? I don't know that they'd offer that much, but if Bama has their mind set to something, they can certainly afford it and would do it. Or do you think GM would stay even if Bama were willing to offer that kind of cash?

