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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Rick Barnes to Tennessee


    • I wouldn't put too much stock into the 'cancellation' of the radio show. Things are just too crazy right now, and you know how weird the callers can get. Just a preventative measure, at least that's what it looks like to me. Deep down, I think he stays. Why leave when our team will be better than any team he goes to next year?


      • Rebuilding job? Yep.

        Basketball clearly an afterthought in AD hierarchy? Yep.

        Blueblood level of tradition and achievement? Nope.

        Sure, Alabama can money whip us, but that is literally the only weapon of note in their arsenal. And it's not like they're going to hammer our top offer by 100% or anything either, so even that element is being pretty vastly overstated by many.

        Do you think HCGM was kidding about not ever wanting to take on another rebuild? The man hates losing and his PTSD from that first season in Wichita left some permanent scars. He has watched Frank Martin go to South Carolina and flounder after initially landing a wildly impressive recruiting class. Even in a weak SEC, climbing out of the abyss is no easy task and he knows it. Alabama has a long climb ahead of them, and HCGM would be stepping into a region where his recruiting brand is far less recognized. Could he succeed? You bet, and I think he probably would....but don't think the obstacles aren't front and center in his mind.

        Bama is not the job to fear IMO. They'll probably succeed in getting HCGM a fat (and deserved) pay raise here at WSU though.


        • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
          @JasonKingBR: Here's a analysis of coaching jobs: Texas-Sized Basketball Coaching Carousel Kicks into High Gear via @bleacherreport

          Jason King still thinks Marshall is the leading candidate for Texas with former NBA star and coach John Lucas as a likely dark horse candidate.

          Regarding Alabama:

          Buzz Williams, the former Marquette coach who just completed his first season at Virginia Tech, has also been contacted, sources close to the search said.
          These reports are the kind that make me prickly. The whole "Alabama would be a great fall back if Texas fell through" crap really pisses me off. We are a great program right now. It's written as if he has got to get out of here now or blow his big chance. Gotta have a good fall back. How bout his fall back is staying at the program he built that is light years ahead of freaking Alabama in hoops? That is not going to be an easy place to win. For whomever takes over. That may not be what the writer really meant, but it sure makes the Shocker job look like crap. Pisses me off.


          • Originally posted by ShoxRoxMySox View Post
            All this speculation, regardless of how pointless it all really is, is making me really unproductive today at work. If my computer could talk trash it'd ask me if I have a mental problem since I've refreshed twitter and shockernet 200 gazillion times this morning waiting to see up-to-the minute nothingness... Sigh...
            This is why I stopped searching for info, it can drive a man nuts. Lol.


            • Originally posted by ShoxRoxMySox View Post
              Daaaang. Dropping the ban hammer all Thor-like!


              • [QUOTE=Shocktoberfest;563655]These reports are the kind that make me prickly. The whole "Alabama would be a great fall back if Texas fell through" crap really pisses me off. We are a great program right now. It's written as if he has got to get out of here now or blow his big chance. Gotta have a good fall back. How bout his fall back is staying at the program he built that is light years ahead of freaking Alabama in hoops? That is not going to be an easy place to win. For whomever takes over. That may not be what the writer really meant, but it sure makes the Shocker job look like crap. Pisses me off.[/QUOTE
                Agree totally! I cant see taking the bama job over ucla or other jobs unless he really wants to get closer to home. Still just does not make much sense.


                • Originally posted by ky-mike View Post
                  From Mike Kennedy - To clarify, Gregg Marshall did not cancel his radio show for tonight. It was tentative, and did not get placed on his schedule. An effort will be made to schedule a end of the season Gregg Marshall Show in the near future.
                  Not sure that I am totally buying that. After we loss to Notre Dame Mike was talking about having Darius and Tekele on the Coach Marshall's show tonight if they could arrange that but did not give any indication that the show was tentative.

                  Follow 3G's lead and just say it like it is. There is too much uncertainty surrounding 3G's current status and too much consternation among the fan base to proceed with a show tonight. We all know that's the case anyway.
                  Last edited by 1972Shocker; March 30, 2015, 03:29 PM.


                  • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                    Not sure that I am totally buying that. After we loss to Notre Dame Mike was talking about having Darius and Tekele on the Coach Marshall's show tonight if they could arrange that but did not give any indication that the show was tentative.

                    Follow 3G's lead and just say it like it is. Their is too much uncertainty surrounding 3G's current status and too much consternation among the fan base to proceed with a show tonight. We all know that's the case anyway.
                    It is totally plausible that nothing was scheduled assuming/hoping that the team would be returning from a game with UK, and or the coaching staff might not be available. There is need to question MK's integrity here.
                    Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                    • But I gotts ta no!!!!
                      For some the glass is half full and for others half empty. My glass is out of ice.
                      - said no one ever...


                      • [QUOTE=bleednblackngold;563662]
                        Originally posted by Shocktoberfest View Post
                        These reports are the kind that make me prickly. The whole "Alabama would be a great fall back if Texas fell through" crap really pisses me off. We are a great program right now. It's written as if he has got to get out of here now or blow his big chance. Gotta have a good fall back. How bout his fall back is staying at the program he built that is light years ahead of freaking Alabama in hoops? That is not going to be an easy place to win. For whomever takes over. That may not be what the writer really meant, but it sure makes the Shocker job look like crap. Pisses me off.[/QUOTE

                        Agree totally! I cant see taking the bama job over ucla or other jobs unless he really wants to get closer to home. Still just does not make much sense.
                        Besides the $$ you guys are overlooking one big thing. HCGM left a one bid conference and came to a 1.5 bid conference. The weak MVC gives it's teams little margin for error. Texas sucked the last 2/3's of the bid, UCLA sucked all bid. WSU loses 4 games....7-seed. The year WSU won the NIT, there is no doubt in my mind that team would have made the Sweet 16...minimum. I think if the MVC were a solid 3 bid league, 4 in a good year, HCGM would not be looking around. Even when WSU got the #1 seed last year they were given Kentucky as the 8, L'Ville as the 4 and Michigan as the 2. The rest of the Valley hasn't stepped up and I think thats the main reason HCGM will step out.


                        • While it would be hilarious, it would be unfair to show video of the crowd at Alabama's 1/2/2015 rout of North Florida.

                          This however is their SEC kickoff against aTm:

                          At this point, Bama had only 3 losses. It's pretty obvious that Wichita State has more "Physical" support with butts in the seats.
                          "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
                          -John Wooden


                          • [QUOTE=WillieJeffJeffries;563678]
                            Originally posted by bleednblackngold View Post

                            Besides the $$ you guys are overlooking one big thing. HCGM left a one bid conference and came to a 1.5 bid conference. The weak MVC gives it's teams little margin for error. Texas sucked the last 2/3's of the bid, UCLA sucked all bid. WSU loses 4 games....7-seed. The year WSU won the NIT, there is no doubt in my mind that team would have made the Sweet 16...minimum. I think if the MVC were a solid 3 bid league, 4 in a good year, HCGM would not be looking around. Even when WSU got the #1 seed last year they were given Kentucky as the 8, L'Ville as the 4 and Michigan as the 2. The rest of the Valley hasn't stepped up and I think thats the main reason HCGM will step out.
                            Then why wait this long? He's known this for some time and turned down countless P5 jobs. To do that and settle on Alabama makes no sense. I'm not throwing Texas in there as it is different. But Bama?


                            • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
                              It is totally plausible that nothing was scheduled assuming/hoping that the team would be returning from a game with UK, and or the coaching staff might not be available. There is need to question MK's integrity here.
                              It is plausible but it's also plausible it is just a made up excuse. Show me one place where it was ever stated or reported that Monday's show was tentative prior to this late announcement. It no doubt became tentative at some point between Thursday and an hour ago and we all know the reason for that. Perhaps it just became tentative an hour ago I don't know. Don't really care all that much. It's a good decision. No need to sugar coat it.

                              Technically all of the shows are tentative subject to the availability of Coach Marshall or one of his assistants. After the MVC Tournament they cancelled a show at the last minute due to 3G's illness and moved Todd Butler up from his 8:00 pm time slot to 6:00 pm. So technically Mike is speaking the truth just not giving the real reason for the cancellation.
                              Last edited by 1972Shocker; March 30, 2015, 03:55 PM.


                              • I'm going to put this here, too.

                                It's simple to me. Alabama AD came to Wichita today and arrived a little before noon. They have lunch, they meet, they discuss lots of things. In the afternoon, they take a break. They plan to have dinner tonight and talk some more. The AD is likely staying the night in Wichita, regardless.

                                If the AD from a school is your guest, you treat them well, and you have a good time. You don't rush a quick meeting and shove them out the door. The coach's show is cancelled because they are still doing things with the Alabama folks and it doesn't necessarily mean ANYTHING. These are high level people. They are probably golfing today and having steaks tonight. Think about it.

