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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by ShockerExpress View Post
    As I type this I remember the post where Memphis' guy says the Tigers haven't contacted anyone, so this could be off, but I can't help and see some similarities between this opening and Vandy's at this point.

    Just a ton of silence right off the bat. I don't really know whether that is good or bad news, or that Marshall would even consider Memphis, but usually it seems there is a bit of news by now.

    Makes me wonder if 3G is making it explicitly known if there is any info leaked then he's completely out of negotiations (if you want to call it that).

    Or maybe he was just at Costco all weekend and Memphis is about to hire Penny. I don't know, no one does.
    SE, you're overthinking this -- by about a factor of 10, probably. Just relax and resume your normal life (I'm hoping this isn't it).


    • Originally posted by ShockerExpress View Post
      Omaha, Tulsa, Des Moines -- all sizes similar to ours. I would bet all have better sports radio. I know Tulsa has a station with real actual radio talent there, talking about local things all day. No reason why Wichita couldn't be the same. I could argue Wichita is more sports centric than Tulsa. Wichita State is far more of a draw than anything that happens in Tulsa city limits.

      I live in the Tulsa area and can tell you the local sports station is not much better. They only cover OU and to a lesser extent OSU. Tulsa gets a mention here and there. If you are a fan of OU then it is probably great. Anyone else and it is unbearable.


      • It funny there is a thread on the Memphis board where they found the 3 stooges from last night on KWCH.

        What they don't realize is those 3 guys would love to see Marshall gone and are anti-WSU.
        Last edited by SB Shock; April 11, 2016, 10:27 AM.


        • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
          All Memphis fans will be banned from here going forward. Bunch of garbage fans just trying to stir some **** up.
          I'm not going to say this excessive, as this is probably much healthier for all concerned. I do feel one or two of their fans came here and have not caused any problem. There are others who came here well intentioned, but got caught up in talk that was not going to end well. Some started by them, some started from this end. There were also the trolls.

          I do hope the mods will review the Memphis fans' conversations here and, at the proper time, re-invite them to our board if they wish to participate on good terms.


          • The more I think about it, the more Bruce Pearl is the perfect fit at Memphis.

            Coached in the state and they loved him for cheating. He's the next Calipari.

            And I guarantee you it wouldn't take much more than the $2.5mm he's making at Auburn.

            Now if they're smart they go Steve Forbes...
            "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
            -John Wooden


            • 15 pages since I last checked this thread on Friday. Ugghh, no thanks. I think I'd rather catch up on my research of the changes in the Pomeroy formula between the '04 and '05 seasons.


              • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                If I was AD at Memphis, the first guy I would go after is Marshall, not somebody else.
                That's not how a search agency handles it. At least not cleanly.


                • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                  If I was AD at Memphis, the first guy I would go after is Marshall, not somebody else.
                  Just like if WSU restarted football I would love for them to go after Nick Saban, Not that I would want them to spend a lot of time or money going after him, but if he is willing.


                  • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                    All Memphis fans will be banned from here going forward. Bunch of garbage fans just trying to stir some **** up.
                    Thanks for ending the yearly shitshow a bit earlier this year.

                    It's turned into an utter joke. Such smalltime.
                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • Originally posted by jdmee View Post
                      Just like if WSU restarted football I would love for them to go after Nick Saban, Not that I would want them to spend a lot of time or money going after him, but if he is willing.
                      Good point. You have to try for the best, even if you have little to no chance of aquirement.
                      Deuces Valley.
                      ... No really, deuces.
                      "Enjoy the ride."

                      - a smart man


                      • Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
                        I don't remember where I saw this (and don't intend to go back and find out), but didn't some Memphis visitor say he thought their fan favorite was Bruce Pearl?

                        To me, that seems far more likely than Marshall. Pearl is well known in Tennessee, even if from experience at the other end of the state where he had success; he seems to aim for splashy, high-profile recruits; and he has every incentive to want to get the heck out of Auburn while he can do so voluntarily, because he doesn't seem to be gaining much traction there. Plus, Memphis is unquestionably a much better basketball job than Auburn is.

                        By contrast, Marshall has a great program already underway at WSU, a lot of returning talent -- almost certainly a reload rater than a rebuild -- and a great life in Doodah; plus (if his comments about not wanting to coach too many more years are to be believed, and why shouldn't they be?), he's already locked in for himself what should be a very lucrative, essentially lifetime deal.

                        Memephis would do well to hire Steve Forbes, but I'll bet if they can land Pearl they'd consider it a home run hire -- and so would Pearl.
                        Would Forbes go to work with Pearl again?
                        "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                        Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                        "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                        A physician called into a radio show and said:
                        "That's the definition of a stool sample."


                        • I actually found most of the people on their board to be fair and objective. The one guy that said he was coming over here to stir things up, and apparently did, was warned by other posters there not to do it. He was told: "You're not that clever."


                          • Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
                            SE, you're overthinking this -- by about a factor of 10, probably. Just relax and resume your normal life (I'm hoping this isn't it).
                            I do thankfully have a girlfriend (somehow). I will quit shockernetting when it becomes an issue with her :biggrin-new:


                            • There is Memphis poster saying Marshall wanted more than they were willing to give and Memphis is moving on.


                              • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                                There is Memphis poster saying Marshall wanted more than they were willing to give and Memphis is moving on.
                                Did Marshall want the university he worked for to be named Wichita State? I could see how that could be asking a bit much from a school like Memphis.

