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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by shoxrox89 View Post
    Alabama for 4.3m a year is a better job than memphis and i would also argue it has greater potential for recruiting.
    you would never win that argument


    • Originally posted by Shox21 View Post
      What is it with you that you have to jump on ANY comment made. I wasn't acting like Mr. Mediator and the only things I have trouble handling are hundreds and hundreds of comments you make that do nothing but try to disparage other posters. Sometimes you have a point but it gets lost in all the times you try to start an argument. I said nothing that you should have jumped on but YOU, the impotent FEVER, has to have the last word.
      fixed it


      • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
        you would never win that argument
        Probably a lot more pay with less expectations, aac < sec, access to alabama, georgia, louisiana recruits.
        Last edited by shoxrox89; April 9, 2016, 12:36 PM.
        Hows my post? send me feedback at 1-800-f$%k-off


        • Originally posted by Shox21 View Post
          What is it with you that you have to jump on ANY comment made. I wasn't acting like Mr. Mediator and the only things I have trouble handling are hundreds and hundreds of comments you make that do nothing but try to disparage other posters. Sometimes you have a point but it gets lost in all the times you try to start an argument. I said nothing that you should have jumped on but YOU, the omnipotent FEVER, has to have the last word.
          In your modest opinion, you think you didn't deserve to get jumped on. That's great for you.

          All you did in your post was ***** and complain, said you were going to bed, acted like this was a Memphis board, and then basically told everyone to stop posting.

          Like I said, take a break if an athletic DISCUSSION board is making you pound down Excedrin like it's candy.
          Deuces Valley.
          ... No really, deuces.
          "Enjoy the ride."

          - a smart man


          • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
            fixed it
            If that was true, then why and how would you know that? And more importantly, why would you admit that you know that?
            Deuces Valley.
            ... No really, deuces.
            "Enjoy the ride."

            - a smart man


            • Anybody here married, work in the yard, golf, play with kids, go to ballgames, hang out at Central Brewing, take a drive, or just keep your face pressed against a computer screen 24/7?


              • Originally posted by Mr. Obvious View Post
                Anybody here married, work in the yard, golf, play with kids, go to ballgames, hang out at Central Brewing, take a drive, or just keep your face pressed against a computer screen 24/7?
                I think you probably test positive on the last one but it just takes you days and days to work up the energy and guts to post.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • "@Jay_256: @DintheICT @JasonKingBR Word in Memphis is that Marshall is in Memphis RIGHT NOW! So unless he likes BBQ then it means he's talking to UM."

                  LOL. This is getting good.


                  • Originally posted by DPruett2333 View Post
                    "@Jay_256: @DintheICT @JasonKingBR Word in Memphis is that Marshall is in Memphis RIGHT NOW! So unless he likes BBQ then it means he's talking to UM."

                    LOL. This is getting good.
                    Apparently some random radio guy reported on an "unconfirmed source" that said they saw Marshall there and he's running with it


                    • Forbes just wants Marshalls opinion on facilities
                      People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                      Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                      Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                      • They're almost as delusional as Vandy fans.


                        • Originally posted by BasketballJones188 View Post
                          Don't be petty. Vacated things are things that opposing fans use against you, while you say it shouldn't matter if it's your team. Vacated seasons happened. They don't go away no matter what anyone says. They happened. People were there. People saw it. Wichita State is a solid program historically, but Memphis is head and shoulders above Wichita. Memphis is a top 25 program all time. Wichita is not. If you want to look at more than just team results, look at calibre of players, all Americans, etc. Most people can't name any former player for Wichita besides a few players the last few years. Memphis, on the other hand, has a very long history of big names.
                          Yet more proof that most fans can recite their own school's history like the pledge of allegiance but know nothing of the school they're comparing themselves to. I love patriotism, but some folks need to spend a little time researching other schools before coming to their fan boards and spewing their one-sided knowledge.


                          • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                            Think of it this way: if I complement your hot wife on your wedding day that's probably okay. If I'm recently divorced and I come over to your house and tell I want to bang your wife, not really cool. We are just tired from the parade of fans that come here, a new breed every other week, from March to May. Eventually it moves on from you have a really good coach to our school is better than yours and we will pay more money. Then it turns out that neither is really true, at least not significantly.

                            South Carolina, UCLA, Missouri, Alabama, Texas, Vanderbilt, Memphis...they all sing the same tune, beating their chests, and they all go home with someone else.
                            Not just that, but I personally am tired of hearing, as an excuse, "Well, you should be HAPPY all these guys are hitting on your wife! It means she's HOT!" Yeah, we know, but we don't need you verbalizing it. Keep your fantasies to yourself.


                            • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                              In your modest opinion, you think you didn't deserve to get jumped on. That's great for you.

                              All you did in your post was ***** and complain, said you were going to bed, acted like this was a Memphis board, and then basically told everyone to stop posting.

                              Like I said, take a break if an athletic DISCUSSION board is making you pound down Excedrin like it's candy.
                              "In [my] modest opinion" -- there you go again. My opinion is modest but your opinion is right on. I understand that you believe no one is as good or as intelligent as you, but maybe if you didn't go into attack mode just to see another post racked up to your credit, people might not answer back. Go back and read my post again -- I did NOT ***** and complain about anything, I simply said the last five pages I had just read gave me a headache and I was calling it a night. I have absolutely no idea what you meant by I "acted like this was a Memphis board", and your interpretation skills are lacking if you thought I told anyone to quit posting -- I said to quit trying to start an argument with the Memphis posters as they had a right to believe what they wanted just as we do. However, since all you do is try to start an argument I can understand your confusion.


                              • Originally posted by OregonShocker View Post
                                Yet more proof that most fans can recite their own school's history like the pledge of allegiance but know nothing of the school they're comparing themselves to. I love patriotism, but some folks need to spend a little time researching other schools before coming to their fan boards and spewing their one-sided knowledge.
                                I still remember the Memphis St. under Moe Iba. Look it up. We were not great (middle of conference) but they were a door mat.

