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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by shock View Post
    Here's the thing that nobody knows or is talking about- Marshall makes a hell of a lot more than $3.5 million. That's why he enjoys talking to schools that are perceived to be better jobs. He'll listen to their offer, listen to them scratch his back and tell him how great he is, and then when they float their offer of $4-5 million he says thanks, but you'll have to double that. And then the realization dawns on them that maybe the check from WSU isn't the the only multimillion check he cashes and they aren't as high and mighty as they thought.

    I have this theory that when they passed the plate last summer, it wasn't a money collection, it was a commitment collection. Commitment to give X amount every year into a private fund and then match the base salary that the school pays. Furthermore, I think HCGM gets that yearly stipend as long as he lives in the Wichita area AND as long as he doesn't coach at another post secondary institution.

    TLDR: Theory that Marshall actually makes 7 million/ year and 3.5 is a rolling stipend as long as he lives in the 316.
    Your theory is consistent with the things @The Coach: was alluding to when Marshall's contract was restructured last year.
    "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


    • Originally posted by kcshocker11 View Post
      I agree. WSU will be able to continue to succeed by hiring good x and o coaches. That being said we would just as soon keep 3G, once a Shocker always a Shocker . I just like the guy.
      Oh I agree. No question Marshall is fantastic and we want to keep him. But if he leaves it will be a different chapter, doesn't have to be any worse. We need someone who wants to be here. If you want to go to Memphis over Wichita State, then go ahead, but that isn't the guy I want. Just saying.


      • If Marshall leaves it ain't money that makes him go. - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


        • Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
          My point is that Marshall moving in the middle of possible negotiations with a new conference WOULD change those negotiations. It would all depend on who WSU hires after him.
          I don't think so. University presidents are the ones who make the final decisions when it comes to inviting schools into a conference. I would hope they are wise enough to look much, much deeper than the current coach.

          Yes, we like to ridicule the decision to invite Loyola to the MVC, but that decision was made by the university presidents, based on what they saw as a financial commitment to improve their overall athletics.

          Honestly, I think Bardo is more valuable to WSU when it comes to our attractiveness to other conferences than Marshall.


          • Look Memphis was ready to run their guy out of town after not making the tournament for two seasons.
            I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


            • Memphis is a dumpster fire right now with regards to talent/roster, and the Memphis fanbase and boosters have abandoned their arena and run off a coach who is just a couple of years removed from a reasonable level of success. Their athletics spending - once their $14M football budget is excluded - is only about 10% more than what WSU spends ($28M vs $25M).


              • Is Maggie a sophomore or junior this year?
                Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                • Gregg wants to be somewhere where he can get into the dance regularly, great fan support that leads to a great home court advantage, it would take a big time gig to lure Marshall out of here, last year was a Mexican standoff, and Koch came in an stopped allot of blood shed and tears.


                  • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                    If Marshall leaves it ain't money that makes him go.
                    It's SGA's fault for not funding Shocker Sound! OMGOMGOMG!!
                    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                    • I'm not worried about Memphis. I think they have a tremendous program that--if I take off my yellow and black tinted glasses for a moment--I will admit is better than ours, but I think we have closed that gap in the past few years to a point where the differences are small. It is not so much better that it would be attractive to HCGM, and I question whether they can afford him.
                      "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


                      • If Gregg wants to be a Mike Brey level coach or a Steve Alford level,he is swayed by the pressure and opinions of others and goes to some place that already has great history and drives a car already driven by others. If he wants to be Dean Smith or Coach K or higher, he stays right here where he is already 9 years into a Hall of Fame legacy of a coaching career and makes WSU into an all time power just by being the coach. I'm sure dumbass ******* has nothing to do with any of it.


                        • Originally posted by shock View Post
                          Here's the thing that nobody knows or is talking about- Marshall makes a hell of a lot more than $3.5 million. That's why he enjoys talking to schools that are perceived to be better jobs. He'll listen to their offer, listen to them scratch his back and tell him how great he is, and then when they float their offer of $4-5 million he says thanks, but you'll have to double that. And then the realization dawns on them that maybe the check from WSU isn't the the only multimillion check he cashes and they aren't as high and mighty as they thought.

                          I have this theory that when they passed the plate last summer, it wasn't a money collection, it was a commitment collection. Commitment to give X amount every year into a private fund and then match the base salary that the school pays. Furthermore, I think HCGM gets that yearly stipend as long as he lives in the Wichita area AND as long as he doesn't coach at another post secondary institution.

                          TLDR: Theory that Marshall actually makes 7 million/ year and 3.5 is a rolling stipend as long as he lives in the 316.
                          Isn't the base salary funded by donations? This is quite a theory being thrown out there.


                          • If I'm living in Tennessee, it's in Nashville, not Memphis.


                            • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                              And so is Middle Tennessee State. What's your point?
                              OMG, did that job open up too?!?! We are so screwed.


                              • My opinion:

                                #1 - Memphis is a better coaching gig than WSU due to conference affiliation, national brand recognition and recent success, despite what Pastner has done to the program
                                #2 - Pastner has probably damaged the program too much for Marshall's liking. It may take 3-4 years of work to get them back to Top 15 consistent ranking - does he want to do that?
                                #3 - I don't see Marshall taking any job that where he doesn't see himself staying for the next 10-15 years and then retiring
                                #4 - Memphis is not a retirement job
                                #5 - Marshall will either stay at WSU until retirement or will take one of about 5-7 jobs that are the very top tier opportunities (i.e, Hall of Fame coach retires or moves to NBA).

