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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by ShoxRoxMySox View Post
    I'd like to keep 3G and 2G on the same squad.
    I like the fact that Greggs assistants are in demand. Great opportunities for men that help build this program


    • Greg Heier will get a good gig one day... He can recruit and has the players respect.


      • Jeff ******* ‏@GoodmanESPN · 2h2 hours ago

        How about this: Wright State let the players meet all the coaching candidates that came to campus. Marty Simmons, Scott Nagy, Joe Dooley.


        • Jeff ******* ‏@GoodmanESPN · 1h1 hour ago

          Sounds like Marty Simmons and Joe Dooley both out at Wright State. Looking like Scott Nagy is the favorite to get that one.


          • Does this mean Marty is out at the 'Ville?
            "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


            • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
              Does this mean Marty is out at the 'Ville?
              Certainly wouldn't be a move up. I suspect the Marty/Evansville marriage is headed for divorce court.
              Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


              • If you want some laughs, read this Twitter.


                • FWIW -- which may be nothing.


                  • Some Nashville radio guy says money of a deal for Marshall to Vandy is all finished. Now negotiations are about other things.


                    • Now ******* with this :

                      Says Bryce Drew is frontrunner at Vandy. Obviously makes more sense.


                      • Originally posted by ShockerExpress View Post
                        That's not that much more than he makes here


                        • Jeff ******* ‏@GoodmanESPN 8m8 minutes ago Bryce Drew now considered the frontrunner for Vandy, sources told ESPN.

                          ******* just tweeted.


                          • Originally posted by ShockerExpress View Post
                            Lol, didn't Bama offer more last year?


                            • The local Nashville radio guy (@BPFranksShow) is basically walking back his tweet now. He's more or less saying the ******* tweet trumps his own, and that Drew is probably the primary target at this point. Other people are tweeting back at the guy saying they heard the same news about Marshall last Wednesday. The Marshall component could very well be a fake leak altogether, in order to pressure Drew into jumping on the Vandy job instead of the Georgia Tech opening (he's reportedly pondering both).

                              Marshall will listen to offers thrown his way - everyone knows this - but that's really all he does. Leaves a lot of other parties in want, with nothing to show for it. Besides, I'd be shocked if Marshall took a second look at a contract worth 6 years and $24M, when his current contract is 7 years at $23M with another $838K in incentives possible each of those years. He's got the ball rolling here in a huge way; Vandy is where coaching dreams go to die.
                              Last edited by SHOCKvalue; April 3, 2016, 09:20 PM.


                              • I haven't commented on any of these Vandy rumors because I think it's a bunch of BS. What I would like to say about is this: If 3G is actually talking to them, it would really piss me off if I'm WSU big donors and/or administration. They bent over backwards last year to make him a Top 10 paid coach. He has everything he wants here. If he is going to talk to other schools every freakin' off season, and I'm not saying he is, he's gonna start losing some respect from some of the people that matter. If this is the Gonzaga of the midwest, a big part of that is having a head coach that doesn't entertain outside offers. Surely some of this has an adverse effect on recruiting.

