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  • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
    Uhh, if you pay for and own this website that means you can pretty much do whatever you want. At least I thought that's how America works.
    Very true. Kai can boot every single one of us if he wants. All within his rights. He is free to choose from a wide spectrum of choices, both good and bad alike.

    I did not originally intend for this to be about Kai specifically. His post was merely one of many posts I've seen with a similar theme. I wish discussion could be encouraged on this forum, not stifled. That was my only point, and I will leave it at that.
    Last edited by Jamar Howard 4 President; March 25, 2015, 07:42 AM.


    • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
      Very true. Kai can boot every single one of us if he wants. All within his rights. He is free to choose from a wide spectrum of choices, both good and bad alike.

      I did not originally intend for this to be about Kai specifically. His post was merely one of many posts I've seen with a similar theme. I wish discussion could be encouraged on this forum, not stifled. That was my only point, and I will leave it at that.
      Is this the post that got JH4P banned?

      If a post about stifling discussion is what got him banned, that certainly seems ironic.


      • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
        Is this the post that got JH4P banned?

        If a post about stifling discussion is what got him banned, that certainly seems ironic.
        He is on a 24 hour mandatory vacation that was supposed to be 48 hours from last afternoon, but the system didn't work so I cut it short by about 12 hours to 24 left. - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


        • Originally posted by ShockTop View Post
          Gary Parrish released another podcast a hour ago. Talked about Coach again. Said that Coach was lucky landing Fred and Ron
          He just seems to be getting luckier and luckier:

          "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
          Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
          "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

          A physician called into a radio show and said:
          "That's the definition of a stool sample."


          • Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
            He just seems to be getting luckier and luckier:

            Was Shaq really only a two star recruit? I am sure there isn't a single 2 star recruit from that class that is playing better than he is. I'd be surprised if there's a three star from that year playing better than he is. And that's comparing a freshman to sophomores since he redshirted.


            • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
              Very true. Kai can boot every single one of us if he wants. All within his rights. He is free to choose from a wide spectrum of choices, both good and bad alike.

              I did not originally intend for this to be about Kai specifically. His post was merely one of many posts I've seen with a similar theme. I wish discussion could be encouraged on this forum, not stifled. That was my only point, and I will leave it at that.
              If that's what got him banned, then it is flat wrong. I like Kai, but if he banned him over this, then he needs to seriously reassess what a moderator is, because I see much worse from a number of posters everyday on this blog.

              Don't good moderator qualities include a sense of balance and fairness? Without bias?

              Is this board being run to cater to a few individuals with extreme opinions who are confrontational?

              I'd at least like to have some insight into why this happened. Yes, the owner of this blog can do what they want, but Jamar has posted here for a long time. I don't always agree with what he says, sometimes I think he was a little silly, but he never engaged in the kind of behavior that resulted in being banned, IMO.


              • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                He is on a 24 hour mandatory vacation that was supposed to be 48 hours from last afternoon, but the system didn't work so I cut it short by about 12 hours to 24 left.
                Is this the post that got him banned for 48 hours?

                Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                You were actively complaining that this thread even exists. You said it gets "really old" that you have to "deal with talking about this crap". Guess what? You don't have to talk about it! Posting/reading threads that don't interest you is not a requirement of forum membership.

                Sure, you weren't actively using mod powers to close a thread. In that sense, you weren't forcing people to stop. However, you were actively whining about a thread's existance simply because it does not interest you. THAT is the attitude that I'm saying needs to go away. If you (or any other poster) is disinterested in a thread, why not just stay out of the discussion altogether?
                Edit: @shocka khan: beat me to it


                • " Wichita State could be my destination job"

                  "It's a family decision - everyone has a say - especially my wife"

                  Quotes from 3G on Mike and Mike a few minutes ago.


                  • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                    If that's what got him banned, then it is flat wrong. I like Kai, but if he banned him over this, then he needs to seriously reassess what a moderator is, because I see much worse from a number of posters everyday on this blog.

                    Don't good moderator qualities include a sense of balance and fairness? Without bias?

                    Is this board being run to cater to a few individuals with extreme opinions who are confrontational?

                    I'd at least like to have some insight into why this happened. Yes, the owner of this blog can do what they want, but Jamar has posted here for a long time. I don't always agree with what he says, sometimes I think he was a little silly, but he never engaged in the kind of behavior that resulted in being banned, IMO.
                    Come talk to me in a PM, I'm not discussing bans in a thread. I responded to let people know the situation, so they wouldn't keep asking. But there is more to this than just one post, don't kid yourself if you think one post got Jamar a 48 hour ban that's been cut to 36.
           - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                    • No Kai, I was fine with the explanation that you provided just about the same time (literally minutes) before I made my post.

                      I thank you for your transparency and a brief explanation, I didn't want to hear all the gory details.

                      I also appreciate that you clarified that this was one of those 'time out' bans, not a permaban.


                      • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                        No Kai, I was fine with the explanation that you provided just about the same time (literally minutes) before I made my post.

                        I thank you for your transparency and a brief explanation, I didn't want to hear all the gory details.

                        I also appreciate that you clarified that this was one of those 'time out' bans, not a permaban.
                        Ok, I sent you a PM before you made this last post. Just wanted to clear up anything if you had issues with how I handle the forum.

                        And, to anyone else, please send me a PM if you want to comment on bans. Posts after this one will be removed if they're in regards to banning.
               - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                        • If Eric Sexton needs to do a Go Fund Me to raise the cash to keep HCGM, then I'm in.


                          • Originally posted by Shocker Mama View Post
                            If Eric Sexton needs to do a Go Fund Me to raise the cash to keep HCGM, then I'm in.


                            • If we want to be a truly elite program, time to nut up and act like it. Pay the man.


                              • Originally posted by HockeyShock View Post
                                If we want to be a truly elite program, time to nut up and act like it. Pay the man.
                                Come on Sexton, like Freddy tells the guys, let your nuts hang. Give him 3 mil.
                       - A Wichita State Basketball Blog

