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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • I think I need to take a time out from this. I can't possibly imagine any additional speculations that could possibly be made at this point. The ball is in Coach Marshall's court and he deserves adequate time to thoroughly consider his options. The fact that Wichita State is still in the picture after all of these year's of battling the big boys and more than holding our own we have nothing to hang our heads about if Coach Marshall decides he needs a fresh challenge.

    ADES has done a great job keeping 3G on board all these many years and deserves credit for that. He will have the biggest challenge of his tenure as Shocker AD if 3G does move on. Hopefully, he comes through that with flying colors if it gets to that.


    • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
      Why Friday?

      Maybe I'm giving him too much benefit of the doubt, but that seems like a bit of stalling in order to possibly make a decision HERE.
      No school on Friday, is my guess.


      • I'm tired of this **** every year! Some greaseball football school comes in and flashes their money around and we run scared. Well if Gregg thinks than freaking Alabama is a better basketball Job than WSU then hit the bricks pal...


        • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
          That was cool.
          Lesson 1 of your post doctoral work.
 - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


          • Originally posted by ShoxFan7 View Post
            This sounds like what Alabama did to Saban. Kept uping the ante until he couldn't say no. In college basketball terms it's like what Lon Kruger went through when he was at UNLV. He kept saying no to Oklahoma but they kept coming back until he stopped saying no. I wasn't worried about all this Alabama talk because of the reasons that have been listed here several times but as this plays out I don't see it not ending well for us Shocker fans. Sometimes no matter how great "the little guy" eventually the bigger guy ends up winning because they can take more punches and throw more haymakers. We'll see what happens but having to wait until at least Friday gives me little hope it what's being reported is true.
            I have two words for Alabama. Phyrric victory.


            • Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post

              I think if he goes, one of the reason will be that he wants to be in a better conference. He probably feels he can automatically get better recruits. He already recruits in that part of the country since he's familiar with the region, so he may think it would be easier to land one of those recruits being in a power conference.
              I think it's absolutely the conference. Who does he have to compete with besides UK? Florida? Arkansas? LSU? I guarantee his ego says bring 'me on.
              I felt much better this AM when someone I know talked to HCGM in the last 48 hrs and he was REALLY excited about the caliber of potential recruits we are in on right now. Supposedly big time players. This Friday stuff has me scratching my head.


              • Originally posted by AndShock View Post
                The article they cited mentioned it was Bama that was approaching $4 mil.
                We are referencing two separate articles According to Sporting News WSU's offer is in the neighborhood of $4 million. Here is the link:

       %2Fshowthread.php%3F19926-The-Annual-HCGM-s-WSU-Future%2Fpage88&utm_source=mweb&utm_medium=mweb&ut howthread.php%3F19926-The-Annual-HCGM-s-WSU-Future%2Fpage88

                Sorry on my IPhone and I can't get it to link properly. You can go to my earlier posts for the correct link.
                ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


                • how could anyone believe someone who doesnt know the difference between excepting and accepting?


                  • Question: if your very good friend got dumped by his employer who immediately turned around and treated you like a commodity instead of a human being... Expecting you to come take your good friends job while they were in limbo about their own future...

                    Would you maybe consider stretching out their search a little bit and take them to the cleaners? Stretch the limits of their wining and dining and potentially complicate their job search once you inevitably turn them down? Maybe he's mad about grant. Just saying. I'm having fun with conspiracy theories and April fools jokes.


                    • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post

                      Has this been posted? According to this source WSU's offer is in the neighborhood of $4 million. Staggering!

                      Man, I don't know what to think anymore.

                      If it is true that Marshall still wants to take his family to Alabama - then it means he really want to go to Alabama and he just hoping his family buy in.

                      If it is also true WSU offered 4 million and he still wants to go visit Alabama, then this just.....a 1 finger shocker.


                      • Jeez guys, what does Gregg owe you? WSU fans have given him great support and he has given us 8 amazing years (so far). I don't think he owes us anything. He owes his family much more than he owes us. If not being in Wichita is what his best for his family, then I will be happy for him and be excited for the next guy.

                        All this talk that Gregg is bigger than the program is crap. What exactly makes someone bigger than the program? That he is generating headlines? He was generating headlines before he even talked to Alabama. Even then, it is a headline with Wichita State talked about. Any press is good press.

                        What exactly makes a program? The coaches? The players? The staff? To me, all of these things are a pieces of what makes a program. The biggest piece for Wichita State's program will and will always be the fans. What makes this program special is the stories we all share. In the thread about our favorite Shocker players, we mentioned Jason Perez quite frequently. We were awful while he was here. Then the program was defined by a committed fan base. When Marshall is gone and we have had many new coaches, our fans will still continue to carry the banner of Wichita State. The fan support will remain and continue to define what makes Wichita State special. Winning is great and addicting. But plenty of teams have won, and won more the Wichita State. But our support is unique, through good times and bad. We are hungry, I hope we always stay hungry. It leads us to be frustrated with Marshall, in his latest courtship. But we are bigger than the wins and losses he provides. We are constant, the monolith pillar in the Wichita State program.

                        The memories and stories we share will last longer than any coach or player. Till my dying day, I will remember starting the undefeated chant at the 31-0 game. I will remember sitting in the top row for the Matt Brauer game. I will remember splitting a six-pack after being pissed at getting swept by Evansville. I will remember making friends on this board to find someone to watch games with after moving to Texas. These things are going to last forever. That's what makes Wichita State such a special, special place.

                        I get that some of you don't want the ride to end, and regardless of what Marshall chooses, it won't end. What happens on the court helps to spark these memories, but we are the wood that burns these events into memories. Being a sports fan is a sense of community. Damnit, I can't think of a community I would rather be in.

                        Go Shockers!
                        Last edited by TheDover1018; April 1, 2015, 09:21 PM.


                        • Originally posted by ShoxFan7 View Post
                          This sounds like what Alabama did to Saban. Kept uping the ante until he couldn't say no. In college basketball terms it's like what Lon Kruger went through when he was at UNLV. He kept saying no to Oklahoma but they kept coming back until he stopped saying no. I wasn't worried about all this Alabama talk because of the reasons that have been listed here several times but as this plays out I don't see it not ending well for us Shocker fans. Sometimes no matter how great "the little guy" eventually the bigger guy ends up winning because they can take more punches and throw more haymakers. We'll see what happens but having to wait until at least Friday gives me little hope it what's being reported is true.

                          Time will tell. The bigger the check, the bigger the headaches, and the shorter the honeymoon.

                          At what point are you "bought" vs. hired?
                          Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                          • If the Marshall trip to Bama report from Forde is all conjecture or a leak from a Bama source that is wrong, there are going to be some things in this thread you all will possibly have regretted saying in the near future. What if the decision was to wait till the morning so they could get a complete news cycle rather than rushing a late one tonight? There could be all kinds of reasons, maybe a hold up with the legal council or the agent. I think that people need to not read so much into news articles from national writers until the morning when more can come out, because right now I'll be shocked if anything new comes out, it's after 9 pm. Come back tomorrow and start the rage party, but tonight is foolish imo.
                   - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                            • Marshall isn't going anywhere


                              • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
                                Time will tell. The bigger the check, the bigger the headaches, and the shorter the honeymoon.

                                At what point are you "bought" vs. hired?
                                Two words. Phyrric victory. What you thought would make you free becomes your ball and chain.

