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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by TheYeti
    Ban me if you need to kai, but coach has brought this on himself. We play this game every year, and each year he seems to get a little more and more manipulative. He has shown his ass. If I were an incoming recruit now, I would be turned off quickly by knowing this was going to happen each and every single year.
    I'd guess that Gregg is going about his day as normal while his agent is squeezing every $$ out of the leverage he has. That's how it works. I don't think our frustration should be aimed at 3G until the president says talks shut down or didn't finalize because Gregg doesn't want to be here. Until then, 99% of us don't know what we don't know, and that'll keep me from chasing 3G down with a torch and pitchfork.


    • Originally posted by Drifter View Post
      It's a little confusing, but I think that's referring to the Alabama offer.
      Direct quote from the article:

      "the Shockers are working on an offer in the neighborhood of $4 million per year in order to keep him in Wichita"
      ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


      • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post


        • [QUOTE=shocka khan;565707]
          Originally posted by dahill2424 View Post
          I think we are all being a little quick to jump to negative conclusions here--anyone that has considered changing jobs that would require a move of your family likely spent more than 5 days thinking it through and discussing with family. Asking somebody to make a life-changing decision on such a short timeframe seems unreasonable, and something that we wouldn't expect of ourselves in a similar situation. I don't fault HCGM for thinking through his options and I think giving him some time to think through what is best for him is fair.

          And if my employer countered with market value, I would have taken it, provided I liked my job. You form connections at work and in your community, that's worth something.
          My employer would tolerate a personal day or two with a wink and a nod to test my market worth. After I drug it out for a week, sat on their counteroffer and scheduled a trip with my family I'm sure they'd walk me out of my office.
          Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


          • I am going to chill on all of this. I just hope coach doesn't sell himself short by going to Bama, if in fact he does leave. He could do better building on what he has here, especially at $3-4M per year...
            Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


            • On a more chill note, Cle had 14 points in the 4Q tonight, but eventually missed the game-winning three. Sorry it's off-topic.
              "Say it slowly and savor it..."
              Nothing worse than sCUm/sKUm


              • Originally posted by seskridge
                Also, people on the Bama board don't know Jack. They are all like wsu will never get a 1 seed. Pretty sure we did last year. Idiots

                Edited to add: bama thinks it's cause usd259 doesn't have school Friday. Yeah, they go to the suburbs not Wichita public
                AFAIK they both go to Trinity. Kellen definitely does, and I would assume Maggie does now as well since she is a freshman.


                • The ultimate irony is that Shocker baseball is providing great solace so far this evening.


                  • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post

                    With all due respect you can't compare Gregg's case with one in the mortal world. If you and I were considering changing jobs, we wouldn't play it out in public. Our current boss would probably help us to accept the new position. I know what this process has really reinforced to me is that Gregg has a massive ego. The thing about it egos is it can certainly work for and against you.
                    Best post today. SPOT ON!!!!!


                    • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                      That was cool.


                      • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                        Damn, you guys turn on this man SO quick. If he does stay, I can't wait to watch you all worship the ground he walks on again.

                        I mean, good Lord...I'd love to watch half of you try to turn down $4,000,000 when thinking of your family. Even if we were to sniff $3 mil, which I really doubt we can do, that's still a considerable raise. Point is, give the man some space.
                        $4 million is a lot of money. I could take a million of that, give half of that away and still live comfortably with no problem.

                        I think if he goes, one of the reason will be that he wants to be in a better conference. He probably feels he can automatically get better recruits. He already recruits in that part of the country since he's familiar with the region, so he may think it would be easier to land one of those recruits being in a power conference.


                        • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                          Thanks for the quick math, really sharp. You can talk percentages all you want, but he could be thinking that this is $1,000,000 that could go to Kellen or Maggie. Every year. For many years.

                's basketball. He's coaching a bunch of 18-22 year olds.
                          Actually somewhere around $450,000 year of that would go to the Feds and the State of Alabama. Still a nice chunk of change leftover.


                          • Originally posted by kcshocker11 View Post
                            You know if we can offer 3mil + with how great WSU fan support is, even if 3G were to leave hard to feel bad about our future
                            Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                            • Smokes boys ...lets go


                              • Originally posted by jpshocker View Post
                                I hate to say it but I feel the same way. This **** is getting old and if he's seriously considering going to that dump hole then I'm finished. Let's go get Jans. We shouldn't have to beg and plead. I'm not interested in coming off desperate.
                                Take a break. Go for a walk. Don't look at this screen for a day or so. You'll feel differently.

