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Watching the "one and dones" yesterday

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  • Watching the "one and dones" yesterday

    I watched the Kentucky freshmen stars lose to the Gamecocks yesterday, and then took some delight watching the Jayhawk pair of one and dones lose to the Cowboys, and it rekindled a thought I had last year; there ought to be a separate league for players who won't play at least 3 years in college. I think college basketball needs to be what it used to be; guys playing for their school, much like the current Shockers, and not playing to increase their draft potential for the NBA. As it is, the one and dones don't even have to attend class; why make a mockery of the term "student-athlete"? Mark Cuban shared his views on the subject, and while we came to the same conclusion, the underlying reasons for doing so are different.

    What do you guys think?

  • #2
    No no no.. college basketball is nearly perfect right now. I enjoy the one and done's. Provides a certain level of entertainment to the game. Getting the chance to see stars before they make it big is an awesome thing.

    I think it provides more parity in college. The big schools fight over the NBA type players. Leaving the guys who turn into stars in a couple of years left for us. Here is a question to think about. If the top 20-25 players went NBA every year would FVV, Baker or Early be on our team?

    However, if I am advising someone like Wiggins last year, no doubt in my mind I would seriously think hard about a one year D-league or EURO-league contract. Get a million or two in pocket plus more NBA like game situations..


    • #3
      And what other situation would show that you can't just anoint a team #1 because they got a bunch of highly thought-of players who have yet to play a game against real competition. Does anyone remember what UK was ranked pre-season last year?


      • #4
        Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
        And what other situation would show that you can't just anoint a team #1 because they got a bunch of highly thought-of players who have yet to play a game against real competition. Does anyone remember what UK was ranked pre-season last year?
        Preseason this year, Kentucky was #1.

        Preseason last year, Kentucky was #3.
        Livin the dream


        • #5
          Long, but interesting reading in this thesis done by a UNC student; (this goes to UNC's repository; you'll have to download the thesis, "the effects of one and done players on men's basketball" to view the thesis.)

          He looks at several metrics and bases his findings on those metrics. I haven't read to the end yet, so I won't give my take on it. Shock2005, I don't know if we would have Baker and FVV this year, I imagine we would, but Early would certainly have been a candidate. Since he stayed, maybe he wasn't of the mindset to go early? (pun intended).

          I just think having the NBA so engaged in what happens at the college level leads to impurity of the sport, especially at the higher levels. WSU can do it without being a stepping stone for a kid to get to the NBA, and we can do it pretty dang well.


          • #6
            Lone, let me specify. I'm saying if the top rated recruits go to the draft that leaves open scholarships at the big universities. FVV was high enough that he would have had a lot more offers earlier in his recruiting.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shocks2005 View Post
              Lone, let me specify. I'm saying if the top rated recruits go to the draft that leaves open scholarships at the big universities. FVV was high enough that he would have had a lot more offers earlier in his recruiting.
              I see what you're saying; sorry I misinterpreted! You're right, the top non-one and doners would certainly become prime targets for the elite schools, but more things would come into play when making a decision. Suddenly, without the prospect of big money and star status in a year, geography, family, friends, local start status, stuff like that might come back into the process. I just don't like the NBA. Too perfect, too business like, the usual gripes. College bball is getting that way for the "elite" teams too, at least in my opinion. But I'm an old fashioned guy.


              • #8
                What I think is interesting, is if you are Coach Cal, do you start passing on the best players and looking for a few multi-year players to go along with a couple of Top 10'ers? NIT first round loss followed by a 8/9 first or second round loss, if he was Tubby he'd be done at the end of the season. How many more years does he get if the status quo doesn't change?


                • #9
                  As long as Ashley Judd keeps showing up at uk games I would not care who is the coach.


                  • #10
                    Players should have to stay out of NBA after HS for three years. They should have three years to develop either in college, D-League, or Euro league. I agree with Mark Cuban- The NBA has a minor league, take advantage of it!!
                    People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                    Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                    • #11
                      Agreed. The people who want to pay college athletes rarely bring up the point that there are options besides going to college.


                      • #12
                        a funny take on the now infamous 40-0 shirts
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          I think one and dones are good for schools like WSU. One and dones level the playing field in a way. A team who can keep players for 4 years and really develop them can play with and beat the "big dogs" who only have some players for a year or two.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jhook89 View Post
                            I think one and dones are good for schools like WSU. One and dones level the playing field in a way. A team who can keep players for 4 years and really develop them can play with and beat the "big dogs" who only have some players for a year or two.
                            I disagree. Nobody is forcing these teams to recruit one and done players. They recruit them because, generally, they are extremely talented. Do you think Gregg Marshall wouldn't have taken Andrew Wiggins this year? If it's such a detriment to attract the highest rated talent in the country (how good these evaluators actually are is another story) then why recruit them?

                            This is just a sorry excuse that "major" teams use when they lose.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Fuente 858 View Post
                              a funny take on the now infamous 40-0 shirts
                              Calipari continues to pass the buck, but he built this Kentucky team and he's the man pulling the strings. If anybody's to blame for the Wildcats' struggles, it's him.

                              As his program crash-landed at rock bottom Saturday at South Carolina, John Calipari excused himself from the proceedings. He got himself tossed by the officials, and then blew off the press conference after his Kentucky Wildcats lost to a team ranked No. 178 in America according to the RPI.

                              Had Calipari shown up to answer questions Saturday after the worst defeat of his Kentucky tenure, instead of sending assistant John Robic and two freshmen to the interview room, here are the questions Calipari should have been asked.
                              Q: Can the 40-0 T-shirts people have been using to wax their cars be forwarded to the good people of Wichita? Just in case?

