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Early stock rising?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Rlh04d View Post
    Early definitely got himself on NBA radars with this tournament. I don't think we have anything to worry about as far as him declaring for the draft over the offseason, though.

    The progress he's made over the year has been terrific. He's always shown flashes of brilliance offensively, but he's really come on as far as defense, rebounding, and playing smarter.

    This is Early's team next year. He should be the favorite for MVC POY. Keep adding strength, be more consistent on offense, continue to eliminate quick fouls that keep taking him out of the game, and he's a first rounder next year. I think he has the potential to put up McDermott numbers on offense AND be elite defensively. Incredible combo.
    Read something somewhere today that Marshall has definite plans to work on CLE's skills over the summer, but he refused to elaborate. CLE is definitely on the radar now. He will be closely watched. I expect to see CLE to be much more aggressive attacking the rim next year. If he is successful at that, I like his chances in the 2014 draft.
    Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


    • #17
      Cle's leaping ability has gotten better throughout the year. His tip putbacks were very, very impressive.
      The mountains are calling, and I must go.


      • #18
        The little I've picked up is that Early needs to learn how to drive from the perimeter to the hoop. I believe that's going to be the focus of his off-season work. That sounds simple, neat, and obvious until you look just a bit deeper. Marshall is going to teach Early how to play SG. He'll never play SG at WSU, but he's going to have the opportunity to learn the skills used at that position.

        But there's nothing to keep a guy playing SF or PF from doing a pick and pop, and if you cover him from outside, he just takes you to the hole - or maybe does a drive and dish.
        The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
        We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Rlh04d View Post
          Early definitely got himself on NBA radars with this tournament. I don't think we have anything to worry about as far as him declaring for the draft over the offseason, though.

          The progress he's made over the year has been terrific. He's always shown flashes of brilliance offensively, but he's really come on as far as defense, rebounding, and playing smarter.

          This is Early's team next year. He should be the favorite for MVC POY. Keep adding strength, be more consistent on offense, continue to eliminate quick fouls that keep taking him out of the game, and he's a first rounder next year. I think he has the potential to put up McDermott numbers on offense AND be elite defensively. Incredible combo.
          I don't know if anyone on 3G's teams will put up McDermott-like or even Colt-like numbers simply because 3G's teams tend to play a much more team oriented, balanced style of play. But Cle doesn't have to put up huge offensive numbers to be noticed by the pros. In fact, it is probably more important for him to improve his handles and passing and to pack on 10 to 15 pound of muscle than it is to put up big offensive numbers. He will be on the NBA radar next year for sure.


          • #20
            Cle is and has already put up McDermott and Colt numbers. Not consistently which is an issue but its not like him getting those numbers are a detriment to the team. Which is unlike Colt and McDermott. and the nice thing is... if McDermott or Ryan gets those numbers those teams are going to lose hands down.. Not so much on this team.


            • #21
              Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
              All right Mr. Butt Hurt. Reading your original post could EASILY be taken to reflect a dialogue around Early leaving...well early. Put some armor on that skin of yours quick before it thins out even more. Plus there have been other references earlier in the year about this topic. Last I observed, this is a fan board which allows for discussion and opinion. I was trying to insert my 2-cents without insultin anyone, including you. But thin-skin-man shows up from nowhere.
              i must be thin skinned and butt hurt as well. i saw nothing in the initial post that even alluded to early leaving early.

              i also find your observation about the board being for "discussion and opinion" after you told someone to stop their discussion and opinion puzzling.

              as for early and his nba aspirations, i have no clue as i didnt get to see him play much this year. but his play against louisville was better than what i saw during the regular season. definitely elevated his game. hopefully what he showed is just the beginning and he develops even more.


              • #22
                Cle's big issue this year was with consistency, or perhaps more accurately the lack thereof. A lot of that had to do with his propensity to get into foul trouble.

                He does a some areas he needs to work on and I quite sure 3G and staff will tend to that.

                The thing with Cle is you think the guy is having a horrible game then you look at the box score and he has 15 points and 8 rebounds and you hardly even notice it.

                He will definitely be a marked man next year I think, but he is also a hard match up for most teams. Especially so for Valley teams. But as ASM pointed out Cle doesn't have to score mega-points for us to win. In fact, we are a much better team when Cle or Malcolm or Fred or anyone else are not trying to win the game by themselves. That will hold true again next year as well.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                  Cle's big issue this year was with consistency, or perhaps more accurately the lack thereof. A lot of that had to do with his propensity to get into foul trouble.

                  He does a some areas he needs to work on and I quite sure 3G and staff will tend to that.

                  The thing with Cle is you think the guy is having a horrible game then you look at the box score and he has 15 points and 8 rebounds and you hardly even notice it.

                  He will definitely be a marked man next year I think, but he is also a hard match up for most teams. Especially so for Valley teams. But as ASM pointed out Cle doesn't have to score mega-points for us to win. In fact, we are a much better team when Cle or Malcolm or Fred or anyone else are not trying to win the game by themselves. That will hold true again next year as well.
                  CLE is no X-Man, but he does quietly rack up points and rebounds very quietly the way X used to do. I had no idea he had 24 and 10 last night until I heard it on ESPN. I have no doubt that CLE is going to take the Valley by storm next year. But he will do it the same way he did it last night...
                  Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                    I don't know if anyone on 3G's teams will put up McDermott-like or even Colt-like numbers simply because 3G's teams tend to play a much more team oriented, balanced style of play. But Cle doesn't have to put up huge offensive numbers to be noticed by the pros. In fact, it is probably more important for him to improve his handles and passing and to pack on 10 to 15 pound of muscle than it is to put up big offensive numbers. He will be on the NBA radar next year for sure.
                    I don't think that our team will ever turn into "the Early show" where we're just setting up constant plays to get him the ball the way those two do. However, Early averaged nearly 14 points a game playing 25 minutes. McDermott averaged 23 points while playing 32 minutes. Colt averaged 20 minutes while playing 33 minutes. Colt and McDermott were clearly "the man" on their teams, while Cleanthony for the most part was behind both Armstead and Hall.

                    On a points per minute basis, Cleanthony made .56 points per minute he played. McDermott .72 and Colt .61. I don't think it would be out of the realm of reality to believe that Early will be playing 29 minutes a game (what Armstead and Hall were playing) and in that time frame can average 20 points a game. That would require him to bump up his scoring a bit, to .69 points per minute. Maybe that won't happen, but I think he will be a better overall player next year and will certainly play more. I expect him to be in the 17-20 minutes a game range. His points per minute ratio would put him at 16 ppg if he averaged 29 minutes a game this year, already, so that seems very reasonable to me.

                    I think Marshall understands that he has an NBA prospect on his hands and that getting him to the NBA will be good for the program, so I think our gameplan might change next year from how it's been in the past. Not to the point where we're going to become Creighton or Evansville, but to the point where Early is going to have more scoring opportunities than single players have had under Marshall previously. The only thing Marshall doesn't have on his resume right now is proven results in getting players to the NBA ... that's the next step for him.

                    However, just being more consistent offensively isn't going to be enough. I know that's going to happen. He's going to have to stop getting himself into foul trouble so that he can have more minutes on the floor. I think that's going to be a major point of emphasis with him moving forward, and it's something he's improved on of late.
                    Originally posted by BleacherReport
                    Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Rlh04d View Post
                      Not to the point where we're going to become Creighton or Evansville, but to the point where Early is going to have more scoring opportunities than single players have had under Marshall previously.
                      Heck, if Cle can just avoid foul trouble he will be on the floor plenty. The biggest reason he only played 25 minutes a game this year was his tendency to get in foul trouble. If he stays on the floor and doesn't try to be a one-man team he can put up numbers that will be more than attractive enough to get him noticed by the NBA.

                      Cle is most effective when he lets the game come to him. When he forces things and tries to win the game by himself he is not so effective. The more he is on the floor the more those opportunities will come to him.

                      More importantly, if he can lead this team to another deep run in the NCAA Tournament his stock will also rise greatly.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                        Heck, if Cle can just avoid foul trouble he will be on the floor plenty. The biggest reason he only played 25 minutes a game this year was his tendency to get in foul trouble. If he stays on the floor and doesn't try to be a one-man team he can put up numbers that will be more than attractive enough to get him noticed by the NBA.

                        Cle is most effective when he lets the game come to him. When he forces things and tries to win the game by himself his is not so effective. The more he is on the floor the more those opportunities will come to him.

                        More importantly, if he can lead this team to another deep run in the NCAA Tournament his stock will also rise greatly.
                        Definitely. I've got no doubt in his offensive ability. As long as he can keep out of foul trouble, I think he'll easily play 30 minutes a game next year.

                        The truly impressive thing about Early is that he's going to be able to put up those numbers while playing in Marshall's system. I think scouts are competent enough to realize the difference between our system and that of Creighton or Evansville. As well as the major advantage Early brings in his defense.
                        Originally posted by BleacherReport
                        Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by lostshocker View Post
                          i also find your observation about the board being for "discussion and opinion" after you told someone to stop their discussion and opinion puzzling.
                          Welcome to the party "lost." You already have the hang of a sports fan board where discussion and opinion rule. I look forward to more of your work.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                            Welcome to the party "lost." You already have the hang of a sports fan board where discussion and opinion rule. I look forward to more of your work.
                            I remember when I got my version of this post. This had me laughing. :)

