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The outpouring of congratulations from other Valley fans is.......

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  • #16
    I'm not sure how much of a fan Hoopsnut is so don't pay much attention to him. I only remember him coming on here to criticize people, the Shocker coaching staff, etc. He seems like he may have an axe to grind somewhere.


    • #17
      Originally posted by shockerfan View Post
      Lol quit being so sensitive. Do we really need anyone to come over and stroke our egos?
      Its not an ego thing.....I didn't play the damn game. Its bonding as a league when **** is falling apart around you. Okay the budget comment was a shot at other schools that probably wasn't called for.
      The Creighton thing you cited was pretty cool as long as it was sincere.
      Fair enough?


      • #18
        ...and we are in the sweet sixteen. I can't wait to see what happens WHEN we advance :)


        • #19
          MSU grad here. Congratulations. Love your team, the grit, the passion, the intensity, the desire for greatness. You deserve this.


          • #20
            Originally posted by shockerfan View Post
            Lol quit being so sensitive. Do we really need anyone to come over and stroke our egos?
            Actually I came on here this a.m. to offer my congrats for a well-played game and good luck for the future. Somehow this yoyo's whiny comment makes it seem futile. Most of us other team Valley fans probably chose to let you have your fun last night and will trickle over today to offer our support. One idiot does not a fanbase make but it sure doesn't do anything for it either.


            • #21
              Personally, I always root for the valley teams whoever they play outside of the conference and especially in the big dance. All programs have their good and bad seeds, including ours, and I don't hold the entire program responsible for a few classless fans. Having said that, go CU beat Duke today !


              • #22
                Originally posted by TerreHaute View Post
                Actually I came on here this a.m. to offer my congrats for a well-played game and good luck for the future. Somehow this yoyo's whiny comment makes it seem futile. Most of us other team Valley fans probably chose to let you have your fun last night and will trickle over today to offer our support. One idiot does not a fanbase make but it sure doesn't do anything for it either.
                Thanks for all your inflammatory support. Hope your long overnight drive through cyberspace didn't wear you out.


                • #23
                  I went to Austin on Friday to catch some basketball and soak up the atmosphere. Went with an A&M buddy that I converted to a Shocks fan, and we were both wearing Shocker gear. Overall, there was a lot of recognition.

                  But the biggest recognition was from a guy that flagged my friend down, high fived him, started talking about Carl's hair and how he loved watching our team, great win against Pitt, beat the hell out of Zaga, etc. His friend was saying the same stuff.

                  I saw all of this from a distance, and when my friend got back to our table I asked him what was said and where the guy was from. He said it was noisy, but that he thought he said KU.

                  As we were leaving the same 2 guys flagged me down, said all the same stuff. I said something about them being Kansas fans, and the guy stared at me blankly. So I said my friend thought he heard them say they were Kansas fans. He said:

                  "No. Creighton."

                  True story.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
                    ...........just overwhelming.
                    what I have seen is:

                    1. There are a lot who just hate us - and that is good, means we are winning

                    2. The MBA degree ones root for us because they hope for more $$$ to support their football programs that is draining their resources.

                    3. Others choose not to root for because they are concerned WSU success means they are going to lose the recruiting battle.

                    4. Others choose not to root for us because they know now we will have "scoreboard" on them in any smack talk - what will UNI fans have to talk about anymore?

                    5. Finally there is the type of MVC fan who are just fans of the game and root for all teams. Usually these are one who go to STL and stay the complete tournament regardless of whether team is playing or not.


                    • #25
                      Take it as compliment... When we beat Kansas in 2010, it was a huge deal. In your case, many people expected you might win. Trust me, most of us Valley fans are behind you guys big time.


                      • #26
                        Fans shouldn't judge fans based on message boards. I pull for all the Valley teams when they aren't playing WSU.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by kstarheel View Post
                          Fans shouldn't judge fans based on message boards. I pull for all the Valley teams when they aren't playing WSU.
                          I very much agree. There isn't a reason not too.


                          • #28
                            I appreciate the kind words we do get. Lots of nice stuff on other forums, especially SIU and UNI, two teams that know how it feels.

                            My whole point, didn't it seem different in 2006? More camaraderie, spirited rivalries yes, but not the divisive camps we seem to fall under now.

                            I'm sure MVC Fans is part of the reason...although I don't read that site because I have a short fuse sometimes. Hate and jealously towards HCGM is another.

                            In any event, just a different vibe this year coming from the outside.


                            • #29
                              Actually I enjoyed rooting for creighton last night. Sure there are a teams that are not as good as WSU in the valley. There was a time WSU wasn't as good as any team in the valley. However, I wish them all success because if WSU can't find another conference I want this one to be the best it can be. Rooting against valley teams is counter productive and petty.
                              People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                              Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                              Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                              • #30
                                I want you guys to win the NC. You're a fun, gutsy team to watch. Seeing you guys overcome the loss of the loss of four starters from last year AND the injury of the starters this year(of which the National Media thinks you guys are back to full strength, when we know you are still missing a starter,) Has been a great success.

                                HCGM is a great coach and can take you to the top. Others say he's"whiny", I say he's passionate, and it shows. Each and every game his players play hard for him.

                                Good luck in the Sweet Sixteen (and beyond!)

