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Pre Tournament To Do List.

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  • #16
    My list:

    1. Play good defense
    2. Play great defense
    3. Play amazing defense

    We are offensively challenged, and our defense is how we need to win games. If our defense showed up maybe Creighton wouldn't have dropped 91 on us, and maybe the game would have been a little closer. We also need to foul less, have less TOs, and move the ball on offense.


    • #17
      Originally posted by TheYeti View Post
      ~totally tongue in cheek~

      Feed them raw meat, make them sleep in cages, while people dressed as blue birds, red birds, pimps, trees, and two different ugly dogs poke them with sticks thru the bars all night long.
      Now that was funny on a day we are not in much of a laughing mood.
      Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


      • #18
        1) guards need to focus on their D, taking care of the ball, and entry passes
        2) DW has the worst shooting % of the starting five and takes the most shots - that
        has to change. hall should be getting the rock !
        3) cle and nick need to attack the basket and look to dish it if doubled !!!!!!!!!!!
        4) if we control game one early get your subs in cause game two will be really important


        • #19
          hope i dont jinx jake ( i admit i like the kid ) but the last six games he has played in he has
          played a total of 50 minutes going 12-16 from the field with ten rebounds. because i like
          him i watch him closely on D and his man rarely scores..........knock on wood


          • #20
            When EO is in the game, I would perfer us playing a zone and trapping. In our man to man today, their pick and roll seemed to be working pretty good? Has our zone really hurt us all that much this Season when we actually use it?
            Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


            • #21
              I recognize that we do need to have a better defensive effort

              But the last 2 games we have played the teams simply could not miss. They could shove the ball down their throat and **** out a basket thats how hot they were. No amount of "Great amzing spectacular" defense is going to solve that.


              • #22
                There are two things I never want to see again:

                1.) Demetric take one of his patented three pointers. (This is when he catches the ball wide open. Stops and waits for the defender to get into position. Jab steps and launches a contested three.)
                2.) Malcolm take a three off the dribble.

                Other than that I just want the team to play hard and smart.


                • #23
                  Cle, grow up and go all Kevin Durant on this league. Take a three occasionally if they leave you wide open, but post up and get fouled or make the shot. Ball fake on the perimeter and drive it to the rack like you were earlier in the season. The MVC trophy awaits you.


                  • #24
                    If your name is Eric Sexton, call the Mountain West conference commissioner.
                    "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
                      My list:

                      1. Play good defense
                      2. Play great defense
                      3. Play amazing defense

                      We are offensively challenged, and our defense is how we need to win games. If our defense showed up maybe Creighton wouldn't have dropped 91 on us, and maybe the game would have been a little closer. We also need to foul less, have less TOs, and move the ball on offense.
                      the shockers were outrebounded by creighton yesterday. grrr.. that's what bothers me. i can't accept that.

                      hit.the.effing.boards. like it's your last meal. THAT'S shocker basketball. time to regroup and get back to doing that with a VENGEANCE in mind.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by another shocker View Post
                        the shockers were outrebounded by creighton yesterday. grrr.. that's what bothers me. i can't accept that.

                        hit.the.effing.boards. like it's your last meal. THAT'S shocker basketball. time to regroup and get back to doing that with a VENGEANCE in mind.
                        That makes it sound like we got outworked on the boards which wasn't the case. It's easier to get a defensive rebound than an offensive rebound. WSU got 26% of their offensive rebounds while Creighton only got 14% of theirs. They outrebounded us because they only missed 14 shots. 14 SHOTS! Play better defense.


                        • #27
                          The only thing they need to do is play angry. The rest will take care of itself.
                          Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                          RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                          Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                          ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                          Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                          Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                          • #28
                            1. Defend the super stars well. I am speaking of folks like Dougie and Colt Ryan.

                            2. Recognize that double teaming is necessary. Not occasional double teaming either. Play with the attitude that "if we are going to lose this game, then dwarfs will have to do it."

                            3. Recognize that some help defense has to be sacrificed. A defender of Dougie and Colt has to stay on him. Don't leave him. When Dougie is beyond the three line, keep a hand in his face and don't leave him. When he is closely guarded outside, he will seldom shoot or dribble penetrate. He most always passes the ball. Don't leave him.

                            4. Recognize that it is better to have a dwarf shooting a three ball than Colt shooting a three ball. In last night's Indiana State - Evensville game, I saw a late play. The Aces had a 12 point lead with under 3 minutes to play. Colt was at the top of the circle. He was closely guarded. He could have driven, if he want to do so. He put up a 3 ball with a hand in his face. The ball barely cleared the defender's finger tips. I said to myself, "That ball is going in." And it did. He is in a zone right now.

                            We lost the conference championship because we could not keep Colt at 25 and under. The same kind of logic could be applied to the Blue Bird game.

                            Meaningless footnote: We sure miss Joe Rags.
                            "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                            --Niels Bohr

