Here's the deal. Right now, it would not be cool to be a bulldawg here at 21st and Hillside. Bulldogs can be stubborn, especially towards fowls such as bluejays. Their chewing and digging habits have to be addressed at times, and have been known to lay down while drinking on the job with heads submerged? If that be true, none of this will be tolerated here at 21st and Hillside. As far as this Drake team, we will refuse to take their team for granted. Thus, we must tell our Ma's and our Paws, to fill up the Chuck along with us, and scratch out our own destiny and make this a Season to remember. For now, when the game is over, we need to hear a sweeping sound. Can you dig it? Groooovy graaavy baybay!!!!!!!
X-Man, Carr, Cliff, Stallworth, Cleo=MTXE=74
X-Man, Carr, Cliff, Stallworth, Cleo=MTXE=74