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Who Has Time To Work - NCAA Tournament Talk

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  • Eric
    Maybe I wasn’t paying attention, but didn’t our beloved Fred sling a few choice words the other night?

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  • MoValley John
    I really don't have that big of a problem with Drew Timme dropping F-bombs. I just really struggle trying to watch him play and not confusing him with Ben Stiller. f5909fb5-14db-4998-823a-9402ca762931_1140x641.jpgben-stiller-2.jpg

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  • WstateU
    Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

    Do you want your first grade kid to swear? Kids emulate their parents.
    Call me guilty. I’ve let one slip in front of our children…

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Originally posted by ABC View Post

    For as many tope 25 teams the Big 12 seems to have every year, this seems to happen a lot, doesn't it?
    Like most power 5 , over rated. Unlike other conferences which are under rated. The selection system favors P5 to the 3rd degree.

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  • ABC
    Originally posted by Aargh View Post
    The Big 12 kind of flamed out in the tournament this year. Only KSU and Texas left in the S16.
    For as many tope 25 teams the Big 12 seems to have every year, this seems to happen a lot, doesn't it?

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  • WuShock16
    My first realization that little ears are listening was a time where I was going east on K-96, exiting on Rock to go to Sam's. As I was going through the intersection, my car died. Fortunately, I put it in neutral, got the car restarted, and got to Sam's without any further incident at the time. (Later, I found that my car had some further issues that needed repaired, though not germane to this conversation).

    Whenever my car engine cut off, I said under my breath, "Aww $#!+!" I proceed to hear my toddler son in the backseat repeat that phrase. Oops. My wife wasn't too happy with me when I shared that story later. Live and learn.

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  • WuShock16
    Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
    Drew Timme dropped the f bomb on national TV today with no remorse. Look, I get that you have emotions after the game. Totally fine. Save the cursing for your locker room. Another reason for me to dislike the guy. At least the FAU player who did it seemed apologetic.

    I want to be able to take my kids to as many sporting events as possible, and it amazes me how many people feel comfortable cursing in casual conversation with people they’ve never met or around children in general, especially at sporting events. I have experienced tons of emotions during a game, but nothing that would make me curse around strangers or children.

    I realize this is a “get off my lawn” type thing, but man, it irks me.
    My co-worker and I were talking about this today. DT said it so fast that both of us admitted to thinking, "Wait, did he really just say what I think he did?"

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Originally posted by Horn28Clem30 View Post

    I'd kind of like to know more opinions on this...we have a 2 month old at home now, and my wife is constantly yelling at me for swearing, and to me it's not a big deal at all and basically a normal part of language these days.
    Do you want your first grade kid to swear? Kids emulate their parents.

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  • jdmee
    Originally posted by Horn28Clem30 View Post

    I'd kind of like to know more opinions on this...we have a 2 month old at home now, and my wife is constantly yelling at me for swearing, and to me it's not a big deal at all and basically a normal part of language these days.
    I think it is all situational. Go to a UFC event, I expect there to be a bunch of swearing and wouldn't pay much attention to it. Go to a baseball game and I am more aware of my surroundings and will watch my language.

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  • Horn28Clem30
    Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
    Drew Timme dropped the f bomb on national TV today with no remorse. Look, I get that you have emotions after the game. Totally fine. Save the cursing for your locker room. Another reason for me to dislike the guy. At least the FAU player who did it seemed apologetic.

    I want to be able to take my kids to as many sporting events as possible, and it amazes me how many people feel comfortable cursing in casual conversation with people they’ve never met or around children in general, especially at sporting events. I have experienced tons of emotions during a game, but nothing that would make me curse around strangers or children.

    I realize this is a “get off my lawn” type thing, but man, it irks me.
    I'd kind of like to know more opinions on this...we have a 2 month old at home now, and my wife is constantly yelling at me for swearing, and to me it's not a big deal at all and basically a normal part of language these days.

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  • Aargh
    The Big 12 kind of flamed out in the tournament this year. Only KSU and Texas left in the S16.

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
    Drew Timme dropped the f bomb on national TV today with no remorse. Look, I get that you have emotions after the game. Totally fine. Save the cursing for your locker room. Another reason for me to dislike the guy. At least the FAU player who did it seemed apologetic.

    I want to be able to take my kids to as many sporting events as possible, and it amazes me how many people feel comfortable cursing in casual conversation with people they’ve never met or around children in general, especially at sporting events. I have experienced tons of emotions during a game, but nothing that would make me curse around strangers or children.

    I realize this is a “get off my lawn” type thing, but man, it irks me.
    Absolutely correct. Kids have way too many examples of bad behavior and not enough examples of good behavior.. Good role models are rare these days. NCAA should impose fines and or game suspensions for bad behavior.

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  • Kel Varnsen
    Drew Timme dropped the f bomb on national TV today with no remorse. Look, I get that you have emotions after the game. Totally fine. Save the cursing for your locker room. Another reason for me to dislike the guy. At least the FAU player who did it seemed apologetic.

    I want to be able to take my kids to as many sporting events as possible, and it amazes me how many people feel comfortable cursing in casual conversation with people they’ve never met or around children in general, especially at sporting events. I have experienced tons of emotions during a game, but nothing that would make me curse around strangers or children.

    I realize this is a “get off my lawn” type thing, but man, it irks me.

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  • SubGod22
    66 seconds left. I believe FAU is up 7 with the ball.

    The FDU run is on the ropes

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  • ShockingButTrue
    See ya' Baylor. Wouldn't wanna be ya' Balyor...

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