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Wichita State: vs South Florida (03/05/23)

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  • #91
    Originally posted by shock-it-to-me View Post
    Some people really don't want to admit that this team actually looks pretty decent the last three or four weeks. The offense looks better than even in some Marshall era portions. We still have defensive and rebounding deficiencies though.
    Yep. I have an infinite amount lower opinion of our fan base than I used to have. We have just as many spoiled idiots than anyone. Maybe more. I always thought we were a little different.

    We aren’t.


    • #92
      Originally posted by shock-it-to-me View Post
      Some people really don't want to admit that this team actually looks pretty decent the last three or four weeks. The offense looks better than even in some Marshall era portions. We still have defensive and rebounding deficiencies though.
      So 5-4 for the months of Feb and March is your bar? That's great and all and I'm happy for you that we finished .500. How shitty were we so that now 5-4 is exciting?


      • #93
        Here’s what I wouldn’t mind seeing. Bring in a new coach, whoever to be HC, maybe even Adrian Griffin. Maybe IB loves wichita state enough to step down to assistant head coach, and Kennedy gets to rest. That’d be very interesting to see in terms of the vast improvements this last month vs the stability and efficiency of a different coach.

        it’ll never happen but it’s a nice dream


        • #94
          Originally posted by ShockHat View Post
          Here’s what I wouldn’t mind seeing. Bring in a new coach, whoever to be HC, maybe even Adrian Griffin. Maybe IB loves wichita state enough to step down to assistant head coach, and Kennedy gets to rest. That’d be very interesting to see in terms of the vast improvements this last month vs the stability and efficiency of a different coach.

          it’ll never happen but it’s a nice dream
          HCIB will be a great head coach elsewhere where he can learn. He's had a good enough resume that a Valley level school will give him a second chance.


          • #95
            Originally posted by ShockerExpress View Post

            Yep. I have an infinite amount lower opinion of our fan base than I used to have. We have just as many spoiled idiots than anyone. Maybe more. I always thought we were a little different.

            We aren’t.
            Undeniably better as of late. My concern is if this is the new normal? (Season as a whole)

            What expectations should people have to not be considered spoiled? (Not asking this in sarcasm)
            I personally feel like being in the mix for an NCAA bid every season is completely reasonable. With that being my benchmark, the last two seasons have been disappointing.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post

              Undeniably better as of late. My concern is if this is the new normal? (Season as a whole)

              What expectations should people have to not be considered spoiled? (Not asking this in sarcasm)
              I personally feel like being in the mix for an NCAA bid every season is completely reasonable. With that being my benchmark, the last two seasons have been disappointing.
              There’s no question it’s been disappointing. I’m super dissatisfied and lean toward wanting a change.

              I’m still enjoying supporting the team in person and financially. I think a .500 team with the finish we had deserves a better crowd and more support than it got today.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post

                Undeniably better as of late. My concern is if this is the new normal? (Season as a whole)

                What expectations should people have to not be considered spoiled? (Not asking this in sarcasm)
                I personally feel like being in the mix for an NCAA bid every season is completely reasonable. With that being my benchmark, the last two seasons have been disappointing.
                My question do you say undeniably better? If you look at the schedule, we literally finished .500 or within a game of .500 each month of the season. Just the eye test?


                • #98
                  Originally posted by ShockerExpress View Post

                  There’s no question it’s been disappointing. I’m super dissatisfied and lean toward wanting a change.

                  I’m still enjoying supporting the team in person and financially. I think a .500 team with the finish we had deserves a better crowd and more support than it got today.
                  Completely fair. If I hadn’t been sick, would have loved to be there.


                  • #99
                    Hope poor bear will be available for tournament. That did not look good there at the end. Looked like a dislocated shoulder almost


                    • Originally posted by NCAABound View Post

                      My question do you say undeniably better? If you look at the schedule, we literally finished .500 or within a game of .500 each month of the season. Just the eye test?
                      Yeah I’m strictly basing that on what I saw. I’ve not dug into the stats, pretty much at all. From what I saw though, I felt like there was some nice improvements. Again, not good enough imo to keep the status quo.


                      • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post

                        1st half of the season.
                        Actually, the first half of the game pretty much looked like the 1st half of the season. UFS couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a banjo in the second half, but we did play better, particularly our rebounding which hurt us in the first half.

                        As for the season, we've been dancing around .500 all season long. We played Mizzu and K St much like we played Memphis in the second half. I would expect some growth on the team's part, if for nothing else, they got more use to playing with each other after a disastrous lost of players that had been ecstatic over Brown's hiring the season before.


                        • Originally posted by NCAABound View Post

                          So 5-4 for the months of Feb and March is your bar? That's great and all and I'm happy for you that we finished .500. How shitty were we so that now 5-4 is exciting?
                          Look at things beyond record. Look at assists, shooting percentage, etc. They are VASTLY improved. If you cant admit that I don't know what to tell you. No, we still aren't as good as Memphis and Houston, but we are 5-1 in Feb and March against everyone else. I think this is currently the 3rd/4th best team in the conference. Is that enough to keep IB around, probably not, but it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be early in the season.


                          • Originally posted by shock-it-to-me View Post

                            Look at things beyond record. Look at assists, shooting percentage, etc. They are VASTLY improved. If you cant admit that I don't know what to tell you. No, we still aren't as good as Memphis and Houston, but we are 5-1 in Feb and March against everyone else. I think this is currently the 3rd/4th best team in the conference. Is that enough to keep IB around, probably not, but it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be early in the season.
                            Yeah so what? Those improvements didn't equate to a better record. You don't think the other teams are getting better throughout the season too?

                            Listen...I'm happy we blew out a below average USF team at home today. But reading much into it is fools gold.


                            • Originally posted by NCAABound View Post

                              Yeah so what? Those improvements didn't equate to a better record. You don't think the other teams are getting better throughout the season too?

                              Listen...I'm happy we blew out a below average USF team at home today. But reading much into it is fools gold.
                              Our Torvick rank for the season is 87th. If you sort the entire country since Feb. 1… we are 47th.

                              If you want to close your eyes and not face reality go ahead. But there’s a concrete non-biased ranking system.


                              • You know what's non-biased....the w-l record

