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Juwan Howard and Gregg Marshall

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  • Juwan Howard and Gregg Marshall

    I think this deserves its own thread. And I am surprised that the comparison hasn't been discussed more on this fine forum.

    When I saw the Juwan Howard video I thought there is no way he keeps his job. Oh, but it was just a slap, not a closed fist. I see, so an elbow to the forehead is ok?

    Gregg's name is popping up in some of the articles about coaches search at KSU, Georgia, Missouri, among others. He is sometimes described as "disgraced." Disgraced? How is Howard not disgraced?

    And before some of GM's other transgressions are discussed, Howard told Turgeon last year he was going to "kill him."

    What the hell man? Are there some obvious things I am missing?
    Last edited by ABC; March 15, 2022, 09:31 AM.

  • #2
    Mods might as well move this to the political forum.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post
      Mods might as well move this to the political forum.
      It would be more appropriate unfortunately.


      • #4
        I go back to the crazy ending in Normal in 2013. Reverse the tables, and imagine Gregg (a white HC) taking a shot at Dana Ford (a black assistant). Try to tell me that the Stephen A's of the world don't come unglued and don't expect Gregg to be fired and thrown in jail immediately.


        • #5
          Juwan apologized so its ok...


          • #6
            Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post
            Juwan apologized so its ok...
            Because he was given the opportunity to do so.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ShockMe300 View Post

              Because he was given the opportunity to do so.
              Yep. My post was made with a tinge of sarcasm...


              • #8
                Verbal threats and physical violence is not okay ever. Coaches are not teaching players the game but also sportsmanship. I wonder why everyone uses the Shaq incident but never refers to the parking lot debacle!


                • #9
                  White privilege.


                  • #10
                    _____ man allegedly punches _____ man, no hard evidence = Guilty. MUST be fired.

                    _____ man pinches _____ man in 4K and tells another _____ man he will “kill him” = Unfortunate. Few game vacation.
                    The Assman


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Shock Top View Post
                      _____ man allegedly punches _____ man, no hard evidence = Guilty. MUST be fired.

                      _____ man pinches _____ man in 4K and tells another _____ man he will “kill him” = Unfortunate. Few game vacation.
                      one admitted to it and apologized. The other denied all charges. And if you believe this BS that GM said he would apologize to keep his job I got some prime real estate to sell you.


                      • #12
                        If Marshall had really wanted to keep his job and was willing to make that apology, why wouldn’t he have just come right out to the press and done that? There’s no way the University could have gotten rid of him at that point. They would’ve been forced to make that deal and keep him around.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by shock-it-to-me View Post

                          one admitted to it and apologized. The other denied all charges. And if you believe this BS that GM said he would apologize to keep his job I got some prime real estate to sell you.
                          Do you still beat your wife?
                          The Assman


                          • #14
                            3G denied all wrongdoings. The University had a track record of covering up his transgressions due to his insane popularity and success. Neither side had clean hands, thus the massive payout.


                            • #15
                              Just make sure your wrongdoings are in the public eye
                              The Assman

