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OT - Damn

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  • OT - Damn

  • #2
    What am I missing here?


    • #3
      Now, that pathetic!

      If they're that bad, he'd be better off sitting them.


      • #4
        Whoa. That is some pretty harsh stuff but it looks like its well deserved if his seniors are as big a problem as he aludes to. Showing up late to practice, classes, drugs? Not a good situation. Good luck Pat. Still thought he was a classy guy.


        • #5
          Originally posted by pogo View Post
          Whoa. That is some pretty harsh stuff but it looks like its well deserved if his seniors are as big a problem as he aludes to. Showing up late to practice, classes, drugs? Not a good situation. Good luck Pat. Still thought he was a classy guy.
          It is up to the head coach to handle these issues. If all this is going on and his seniors are playing and not being disciplined than that is on Coach Knight. Not sure Pat Knight has earned the cred throw his entire team under the bus in the fashion. He may be absolutely right but not see he handled this in the correct fashion. Perhaps Pat is just not cut out to be a head coach. He has pretty much been riding the coattails of Daddy Knight to this point. Not sure even Daddy would be proud of this rant.


          • #6
            Remember that this is Pat Knight's first year there. He inherited this team and maybe, just maybe, these bad habits were already there and you can't wipe them out in one year. As to the rant, no I don't think a head coach should EVER do this in the media. It needs to be handled internally and privately.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shox21 View Post
              Remember that this is Pat Knight's first year there. He inherited this team and maybe, just maybe, these bad habits were already there and you can't wipe them out in one year. As to the rant, no I don't think a head coach should EVER do this in the media. It needs to be handled internally and privately.
              I don't think he can help it, public rants run in his genes.


              • #8
                next coach at wsu if marshall leaves in a few?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Metalkatz View Post
                  next coach at wsu if marshall leaves in a few?


                  • #10
                    I didn't mind the rant. I have no certain knowledge, but I suspect this has been said in private. Perhaps these young men did not respond. Being held accoutnable is not a bad thing, and sometimes that reckoning happens in public.

                    You want the benefits of being a scholarshipped division 1 athlete, it needs to be earned. Is there any chance he has the bigger, lifetime picture in sight, and thinks this is the best way to help these young men?

                    We are fools to judge without complete knoweledge of what has transpired before, but I guarantee that will not stop some on this board from donning the robes of justice :)


                    • #11
                      I agree that these problems did not start this year and yes he should have addressed them in a different forum but it looks like he is clearly at the end of his rope and this is what resulted.


                      • #12
                        So, how does senior night go after this?

                        "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                        • #13
                          Lamar responded and punched a ticket to the NCAA tournament today. Bob Knight was very emotional about it before the start of the Big 12 championship game. Regardless of your feelings towards Bob Knight he has devoted his life to college basketball and that has to be a special moment to see your son make the NCAA tournament as a head coach.
                          Last edited by Ta Town Shocker; March 10, 2012, 10:41 PM.
                          Shocker fan for life after witnessing my first game in person, the 80-74 win over the #12 Creighton Bluejays at the Kansas Coliseum.


                          • #14
                            However others may have looked at it at the time, it looks like he knew what buttons to push to get his team to respond and perform.


                            • #15
                              Yeah, that's a sign of a good coach--doing what it takes to get your guys to play their best. Kudos to Pat.
                              "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM

