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***OFFICIAL*** Game Thread - Misery State

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  • If we're going to play Metallica, it needs to be "Wherever I May Roam."

    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


    • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
      Why would I do that. I'm with all of you, I want GM to finish his career here at WSU, however, it's no secret that mid-major programs are stepping stones to bigger profile programs, conferences and millions.
      +1 I became really cynical about coaches sticking around when ralph miller (ku alum) left to go to iowa and kruger left his alma mater to coach at a higher level. I mean if a guy won"t stick around for his alma mater wtf. Now look where he wound up at...that powerhouse of a basketball school ou.


      • I am watching a replay of the game on The color guy just called Stutz the "probable Valley Player of the Year". Both Miss St announcers are gushing about Stutz. I love it! (this is about half way through the first half).


        • I think Marshall has made strides this year as a "coach." I liked how he switched defenses and presses, especially in the second half. I don't think we would have seen it from him last year. He is coming to grips with his bullheaded ways. He has always been a solid he is becoming a better in-game coach. I like where this is heading. GO SHOX!!!


          • Jay Bilas spewing more love on WSU on ESPN2. David Kyles and I making the highlight reel as well tonight (although not HD).


            • GREAT game. Shox came to play and so did MSU. But WSU's decent game is better than MSU's best game.

              This team looks hungry for a championship OUTRIGHT. Really love when we pass the ball. Really love the team firing on all cylinders. Really love the excellent defense tonight, especially by Ben and Carl on ThroatSlasher.

              It was nice to hear and see ThroatSlasher's mom zip it right after the game started. Never heard a peep from that wench again. I wish the student section could have mocked ThroatSlasher a bit more. But oh well. They did enough. Now ThroatSlasher can watch us win the Valley, like they did last year, but see us in the Big Dance, where he could never be. I hope you cry hard Weems.

              Great win. Let's keep it going!
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • Originally posted by Rixtoy1 View Post
                I was disappointed so many fans left at the time-out with around 4 minutes+ left - Really?
                I know we had a decent lead, but that is a long time and is it really that important to get to your car. I couldn't believe how many left . . .
                That really irked me. The game was actually going quick too. I think it ended by like 8:45 or 8:50.

                We have at least a share of a conference title, a Top 25 team, and obliterating the competition and you see people emptying towards the exits with 4 minutes left. Really? Is that really how big the bandwagon population is here? I think our players and coaches deserve better than that. Yeah, Chicago State in November qualifies you to leave early. Not in the second last game of the season that you'll be able to watch these boys play at home.

                It's not like there was bad weather or anything.

                Really disappointed in some segments of our fanbase. Thanks to those who stayed for the painstakingly long 1 hour and 45 minutes of a basketball game with one of the better teams we've had in recent memory.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                  Why would I do that. I'm with all of you, I want GM to finish his career here at WSU, however, it's no secret that mid-major programs are stepping stones to bigger profile programs, conferences and millions.
                  And career suicides.
                  Deuces Valley.
                  ... No really, deuces.
                  "Enjoy the ride."

                  - a smart man


                  • Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                    Comment from coach Ford in the post-game show:

                    (roughly) "WSU is better than any of the programs looking for coaches next year, so we're planning on staying"

                    Top 25 team. Possible 4-5 seed. I don't think there are any teams looking for a coach with that in their resume. I don't expect WSU to be at this level next year, but the next year (and several years) after that could put WSU right back at that level. Are there any coaching openings with that potential?

                    What it comes down to is ego and greed. Ego says that $3 mill (compared to $1.5 mill) means something about one's value. Greed says $3 mill is better than $1.5 mill. The Bruce Weber example (and many others) says that some times the big bucks are temporary and the job satisfaction (happiness factor) is severely tested at the top salary ranges.

                    I'm always skeptical of WSU keeping a coach for the long haul. I'm more confident Marshall will stick around than I was about Turgeon sticking around. Marshall has a "working-class" background. Turgeon had Larry Brown as his mentor.
                    Good post and I'm hoping for the same logic.
                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • Originally posted by Rixtoy1 View Post
                      I was disappointed so many fans left at the time-out with around 4 minutes+ left - Really?
                      I know we had a decent lead, but that is a long time and is it really that important to get to your car. I couldn't believe how many left . . .
                      Kennedy has commented that this was the case in the MTXE period as well.
                      Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


                      • Garrett's only miss was a nice mid-range shot he normally doesn't attempt...still almost went in. His all-around offensive game is as good as any of us could expect. Even his ability to handle the ball is impressive for a 7-footer. His defense does concern me however.

                        Except for a mizzeryable 1-6 shooting, Toure was solid.

                        Ben is just a gamer. As much emphasis as his defense that past couple of games has been, he has contributed on the offensive end as well. Glad to see his stroke back.

                        Joe had a C+ game tonight...too many TO's.

                        D-Will does what we need him to do...move the offense, play solid defense (boy did he take a lick in the second half).

                        Happy to see our designated shooter (DK) make some shots tonight. He grabbed some boards and played nicely on the defensive end. His energy seemed better tonight.

                        What's not to like about Cotton.

                        What's wrong with this picture...Hall played 18 minutes, and had zero rebounds...but he did help hold tissue boy to just 10 points.


                        • I was very happy to see Weems for the last time at Koch. And even happier to see him rendered a non factor. No way I was leaving early.

                          Seasons like this do not happen very often. Lets enjoy the ride.........
                          Marge: The plant called and said that if you don't come in tomorrow, don't bother coming in Monday.
                          Homer: WOOHOO! Four day weekend.


                          • Hall was pasted on Weems even when Weems was just standing on the wing. Same for Smith. They combined for one board. I'm pretty sure their job was to tell coach what flavor of gum he was chewing.
                            Livin the dream


                            • :friendly_wink: This isn't a "Can we finish 18-0?" type comment, is it?
                              Originally posted by another shocker View Post
                              Wichita State #1 in the country.
                              Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                              Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


                              • Originally posted by capnkirk View Post
                                I was very happy to see Weems for the last time at Koch. And even happier to see him rendered a non factor. No way I was leaving early.

                                Seasons like this do not happen very often. Lets enjoy the ride.........
                                Seasons like this "didn't: happen very often. As Bob Dylan said "The times they are a changin"
                                Welcome to the new age of Shocker basketball!!!!

