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Press Release Regarding ShockerRadio broadcasts

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  • #46
    Looks like she deleted my comment and my ability to comment further... I just asked if it was fair to ask the radio station for 4 hours to promote herself just because Dave is doing a WSU broadcast for 4 hours.


    • #47
      as a out of towner DD voice has become a part of my Shocker experience.I will truely miss him:pirate:
      I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


      • #48
        Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
        I don't know voter turnout but I imagine it'd be pretty low. Your estimate is probably accurate.

        And ditto on everything else. I will now be a voter in this race and so will a lot of people I know that normally wouldn't have.

        If it is a Sedgwick County District Court judicial position (and I assume it is) then it would be a lot closer to 100,000 than 2,000.

        I don't know this woman at all, but I do know Dave a little bit. And I probably would have voted for Dave anyway, but I definitely will now.


        • #49
          So.... I'm just wondering, if sportscasting is Mr. Dahl's career, does he moonlight as a lawyer? Seems to me he takes time out of his day to talk about a program he loves a couple times a week.
          And another question. I know that you're after "fair and equal" access, but I think you have shot yourself in the foot. Koch arena seats about 10,000 people. There are countless others that listen to the game on 1330. I will venture to say that 10,000 people know who Mr. Dahl is. Those 10,000 people now know you as the person who refused to let Dave Dahl continue his "career" as a color commentator. Seems to be kind of counter productive and Obama-esque, unless this was a publicity stunt. In that case...
          Why in the world would you want your name to have a negative connotation? If you wanted name recognition, why not make mor public appearances? Why not go out and paint a house for a needy person? This move paints you as a small, insecure person (not candidate, PERSON) and who wants that for a judge.
          The smart thing to do would to have sponsored some of the games or to advertise during the games, and amended the paperwork presented to you by Mr Dahls team to make it to where he can't talk about running for judge during his time on the air. Then you get advertising and his hands are tied. But to come off as this? Good luck recovering.
          I posted this on her page. Start the timer, i bet its off in 5... 4.... 3... 2...
          People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

          Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
          Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


          • #50
            How is her not signing the waiver "consistent with the Rule of Law"?

            Consistent with the Rule of Law, I chose to eat pizza for lunch today. I was concerned that had I chosen an alternative, it would not be consistent and might be a problem should I end up in her future (not likely) courtroom.


            • #51
              Originally posted by shox1989 View Post
              If it is a Sedgwick County District Court judicial position (and I assume it is) then it would be a lot closer to 100,000 than 2,000.

              I don't know this woman at all, but I do know Dave a little bit. And I probably would have voted for Dave anyway, but I definitely will now.
              I looked back at previous Rep. Primaries. Looks like Jim Burgess ran unopposed the last few times and won the primary elections with 15,000 - 17,000 votes. He then won the general election with 100,000 votes. I've always been unaffiliated with a party...anyone know if I need to register as a Republican to vote in the Primary? Maybe this is a question better asked in the Politics forum.


              • #52
                I believe the Republicans require affiliation in order to vote in their primaries in the state of Kansas. I believe the Democrats let Independants vote in their primaries.

                Unless they've changed those in the last few years
                Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                • #53
                  Go vote for Dave today!

