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The Basketball Tournament - Wichita Regional

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  • Kind of a mixed bag for me. The crowd was outstanding. I mean, for 60-70% capacity, the ears were definitely ringing Thursday when the Shocks were mounting the comeback (hope its OK to call them the Shocks). That being said, the level of play (individually) was not quite what I hoped for. There were moments of team play, which were fun to watch. Definitely a lot of lapses in concentration, doing basic things like blocking out and going after rebounds. A lot of individual play, which isn't really as entertaining. CF may have been the best player on the floor in any game. My apologies if it has already been discussed, but I don't want to go back and read thru 10 pages of comments, but Early was a massive distraction for me personally. I don't know what he was doing Thursday, don't really care either. He's certainly not the athlete he used to be, that or he is just not physically healthy or is maybe a little out of shape. Certainly not as explosive as he used to be, his play really hurt the Shocks on Thursday. Winners of these types of Tournaments/games, whatever you call them, I think they probably have to let go of ego and just play basketball hard every possession. Officiating was very uneven. There was one game (Iowa I think) where they couldn't be called for a travel unless they just flat out took the ball and ran up the stairs with it and headed out the building. Who am I kidding, still not a travel. One Shocker possession, CF was boxing out a much larger, much heavier person, who proceeded to place his (hook) arm around Connor's waist and just threw him to the floor right in front of the ref (if I can call him that, - I can't). CF just looked up at him like WTF??? All in all I'm borderline 50-50 if I'd go back to any games like this next season. Fun to see some of the old Shockers in unis again those two times, though.


    • Horn28Clem30
      Horn28Clem30 commented
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      I thought Cle looked fine physically, but my god was I annoyed watching him. He'd pimp every dunk, or block or what have you. He literally played zero D on the perimeter either, not even an attempt to get a hand up in a 3 point shooters face. Used to be my favorite shocker of the 3G era since he took us on a final four ride, but man those last two games left a bitter taste!

    • Dan
      Dan commented
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      Cle is a vegetarian now. That combined with probably not lifting like he did in college probably has a lot to do with his physical appearance. I love Cle, but the showboating did get old. Without a a coach like 3G to keep him in check, he may do more harm than good.

  • I think some of you might have expected to see a college basketball game. These games were not that and, IMO, not meant to be that. These guys are in full professional mode at this point in their careers. That means they are doing what they need to do to further and prolong their basketball careers. I don't begrudge them for that. I am sure they would love to compete for the championship and win the cash. They have left the college game behind when they graduated/turned pro. Just my $.02.


    • I thought Cle was entertaining, passionate, and brought swagger and energy to the court. I don't think they play nearly as well without him. Still one of the most athletic and skilled guys on the court.

      He was never a defensive minded guy at WSU. Not by a mile.


      • pie n eye
        pie n eye commented
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        He also took the time to shake hands/high five many people in the arena. He seemed genuinely happy to be back at Koch and on the team. Shrug.

      • MikeKennedyRulZ
        MikeKennedyRulZ commented
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        Ya, but that doesn't fit the narrative on here that he is a selfish showboating lunatic. "rolls eyes"...

      • Stickboy46
        Stickboy46 commented
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        Yup. Thought it was cool that even after their loss he took a lap around the arena to give everyone a high five.

    • Nice article about PJ and his return to Wichita.


      • Did anybody do a + - thing on the guys' minutes?


        • MikeKennedyRulZ
          MikeKennedyRulZ commented
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          + Having Cle on the team
          - Not having Cle on the team

        • Dan
          Dan commented
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          There’s a much longer list of guys I’d rather replace before Cle, which I’ll leave up to coach Bradley.

        • Horn28Clem30
          Horn28Clem30 commented
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          I'm not so sure about that... watching both games, it definitely seemed like they outscored both teams a lot more with Cle on the bench. Especially the game on Thursday...once KB sent him to the bench after the punch he got away with, the team took off.

      • My frustration with Cle is simple. I love the Shocks and truly hope for the best for every guy who wears the uniform. I want to see them succeed. Cle has so much athleticism and talent, but his effort and attitude have impacted him negatively since leaving WSU. He was talented enough for the NBA. He should be playing top level internationally. Instead, he struggled to stick with a team last year (I think he was linked to three teams before settling with a third tier team). He was the most talented After Shock, but just didn't play hard on both ends and keep his mouth shut.


        • MikeKennedyRulZ
          MikeKennedyRulZ commented
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          I get what you're saying. I guess the extra stuff just doesn't bother me as much.

          My recollection is he played for one team last season in Japan (2nd division) and had a great year. He averaged 29.4 points, 10.5 rebounds, 3.4 assists, and 1.6 steals per game. I don't recall him being with 3 different teams.

          In 2017 he had an issue with a GM on a team in Greece but that's all I recall. There was some discrepancy between what Cle said happened and what the GM said happened.

        • WstateU
          WstateU commented
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          I recall something about bad tasting or non-healthy foods...

        • MikeKennedyRulZ
          MikeKennedyRulZ commented
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          Yes that is it. He was on a specific diet (vegan I believe) and was told it was in the area. When he found out in reality it wasn't and that it was farther away he told the coaches he was going to grab food that he wanted before practice. How selfish of him.


        Region $ Tickets % of
        Wichita $96,439 52.0%
        Syracuse $31,871 17.2%
        Columbus $21,025 11.3%
        Richmond $17,349 9.3%
        Memphis $6,226 3.4%
        Lexington $5,343 2.9%
        Greensboro $3,732 2.0%
        Salt Lake City $3,584 1.9%
        Totals $185,569


        • Not sure of the process the TBT organizers used in seeding teams, but would have to think they are pretty happy with the outcome so far.

          Quarterfinal Match-ups
          (1) Carmen's Crew (Ohio State) vs (1) Eberlein Drive
          (1) Loyalty Is Love vs (1) Overseas Elite
          (1) Team Hines vs (3) Brotherly Love
          (8) Jackson TN vs (1) Golden Eagles


          • I wonder if HCGM was more happy to see his ex-players or more sad to see the non-Marshall style of play.


            • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
              I wonder if HCGM was more happy to see his ex-players or more sad to see the non-Marshall style of play.
              I'm guessing it is the former as he doesn't seem to be as caught up in the "style of play" as most on SN are. I am sure he was happy to see his guys.

              He seemed genuinely giddy and amped up about seeing the players on the broadcast.


              • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                I wonder if HCGM was more happy to see his ex-players or more sad to see the non-Marshall style of play.
                I would doubt that he was surprised. If he doesn’t give up control when they move on, it could drive him crazy.


                • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post
                  I think some of you might have expected to see a college basketball game. These games were not that and, IMO, not meant to be that. .
                  I agree fully. I could only watch out of state, but found myself cheering like it was for the Natty. My wife had to remind me that this was just a game to watch for fun, that unless I expected the team to give me a cut I had nothing in it except the enjoyment of watching players I'd never thought I'd see again in a Shocker (albeit modified) uniform in Koch. So, for pure entertainment, I'd buy a ticket if I lived in Wichita next year. Definitely worth it, playing style compromised or not.


                  • Games were exciting. Talent was top-notch. About the only thing the referees did consistently right was spell "REF" on their backs. 3G would have had 15 technicals. Overall, great for basketball.

                    I don't have the time, but it would be interesting to see the number of years each player had participated in TBT.

                    Any word on TC and TM's injury?
                    "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                    Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                    "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                    A physician called into a radio show and said:
                    "That's the definition of a stool sample."


                    • WSUwatcher
                      WSUwatcher commented
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                      Definitely too bad about Tekele. I doubt he's forgotten how to guard, and his level of defense could have been a difference maker for the Aftershocks. Hope he's back and healthy next year,

                  • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                    • Good stuff.

