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The Basketball Tournament - Wichita Regional

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  • Since JT Durley played. I wonder if Matty B (I know he coaches but maybe he can still hoop) and Sean Ogirri would play? I'd love to see those two play again in CKA! Two of my favs from the Turg era.
    Shocker Alumni
    Shocker Club Soccer alumni
    Jayhawk fan but the Shockers come first


    • WuShock16
      WuShock16 commented
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      I love Matty B, but he’d be the first to tell you that he has ZERO business playing in this event. He hasn’t played competitively since he finished his eligibility, which was 11 years ago. This isn’t fun pick-up ball where we want to watch all our “favorites” from the past. We need our best pros playing in this. I’m hoping Ron, Toure, Tekele, and Joe are available next summer.

  • Is Hatch still playing?
    The Assman


    • WuDrWu
      WuDrWu commented
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      Tore his Achilles playing pickup. I believe he works in law enforcement and is a full time father and husband. His playing days are over.

  • Originally posted by shock-it-to-me View Post
    Has this site been glitching out for anybody else lately? It won’t let me look at the last page of a thread.
    Yeesh, I'll take a look.
    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


    • Most impressive player: CF
      Most disappointing player: GS
      Biggest Surprise: How good the guards would be for the other teams
      Critical Factor: Second chance points


      • WuDrWu
        WuDrWu commented
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        Garrett played 1 minute 30 seconds and had the only positive +- on the team. Hard to blame him at all.

      • NCAABound
        NCAABound commented
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        Yeah it looked like Garrett resigned himself to being a coach in the 2nd half. Even though yesterday was not a good matchup for him, I was damn happy to see him back at Koch.

    • Good to see the tradition of an opponent shooting out of their minds carry on for the alumni.

      #10 who pulls the ball behind his head to shoot goes from 37% to 77% from game 1 to 2


      • Maizerunner08
        Maizerunner08 commented
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        It reminded me of the George Mason game when they were chucking junk up and getting them to fall.

      • Shock Top
        Shock Top commented
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        Easier to shoot when wide open, but I agree.

        Some traditions never die!

      • Stickboy46
        Stickboy46 commented
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        Well self made left him wide open too. So that excuse doesn't work for once lol

    • And I thought I was gonna cheer Keane on coming into this because he was the small guy from a small school but not anymore. All respect lost for him with his antics


      • I don’t think this tournament is worth naming and shaming but there were a couple players who literally stood still on defense/rebounds/loose balls multiple times. Get the tape and don’t bother asking them back.

        i can’t get over how good CF is. Shorter and Clevin has a couple really boneheaded plays but the effort and D were there so I can’t really complain.

        There were definitely times when I was wishing for more RK and ZB. Never thought that would happen.

        Durley was better than I expected him to be.


        • Shock Top
          Shock Top commented
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          Agreed, that lack of defense and rebounding was embarrassing at times. You'd think after playing for Marshall for multiple seasons, that would be ingrained into their psyche

      • The game is trending towards shooting being more important than anything else. Big guys need to be able to run protect and guard on switchs. The days of throwing the ball into the post are basically over. With that said next years team needs to remove Stutz and Durley and add 3 of the following, Baker, Armstead, Ragland, mcduffie, mekal, Cotton, or Murry


        • 12eagle
          12eagle commented
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          Yes I know they were on the roster but we needed them playing

        • WichitaHawk
          WichitaHawk commented
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          I’d love to see Gal Makel play again in CKA. He played in the NBA. Dude has got game. I loved his style. Just don’t think he mixed well with Turg. I can only imagine how good Gal would have been under HCGM.

        • AndShock
          AndShock commented
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          He did play under HCGM for a year.

      • It was fun! We lost but enjoyable! Thanks to the AfterShocks for 2 days of fun in the wasteland of the off season.
        I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


        • My wish list of players:

          Coach- Kellen, Karon



          People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

          Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
          Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


          • Anyone else see the article that stated that Carl Hall was supposed to play for the purple and black Team? I was kinda surprised by that


            • They shot well. Our defense sucked. We went under on the switch every time and they made us pay. We played very unshocker-like


              • I’d add Darral Willis, Ron, McDuffie and Joe Ragland next year. All these guys can score.


                • WstateU In honor of you I changed my avatar


                  • WstateU
                    WstateU commented
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                    He was the man! You’re now the man! Ross is smiling... thanks!

                  • Kung Wu
                    Kung Wu commented
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                    There's three of us now! It's a movement!

                • While I’m disappointed in the fact our men (and they’re definitely men now) didn’t get as far as they did, I’m pretty flipping proud of the whole effort, starting with Karon for even exploring the possibility of fielding a team to the outpouring of support from the community. I think those guys did as good as can be expected for having never played in the tournament before, and for some, having never played together before.

                  I would be Shocked if we don’t get invited back next year and hopefully we will add some 3point assassins to the team. Well done to all!

