We have two different camps of fans in Shocker country. Those who believe that a team should have no dips and valleys in their play and should play at a top level (maybe even perfect) the entire year (on a graph that level would be at the top of the continuum and flat line at the top the entire graph). Those fans would say they are believers in high expectations and the team is not reaching their potential if they don't meet that high level every time out. Those people are highly emotional and see only what should be and not what is.
Then there are those who believe that all teams show dips and valleys during the year and hopefully the graph spikes during Feb. and March. They would call themselves realists and believe that each year, the team is a work in progress that in the end, hopefully reaches it's full potential. These people are less apt to get too high and too low, no matter what is happening during the long season.
Good Luck Shox. This is a long season.