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WSU vs. Arkansas, REGIONAL Game Thread 2 PM CST on ESPN3

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  • #61
    Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
    + many, Royal. I like giving away free outs as much as you do. Hope you don't get attacked by all the Gene-bashing second guessers who love the sacrifice because they assume that when executed it always leads to a positive result.

    Really, of course, the problem is that Gene forgot to tell Harbutz to put the ball in play. You'd think that after all these years of coaching, especially with a guy who has struggled in that situation all season even though he's finally heated up lately, Gene would know better. Coach him up, #10! Or let's get Hooper in here -- he'd know what to tell Harbutz in that spot. Yeah, that's it: get Hooper in here!
    Your shtick had become stale 3 years ago with this. And you're the one that likes to brag about putting people on ignore because your poor eyes just can't take it. How ironic.
    Deuces Valley.
    ... No really, deuces.
    "Enjoy the ride."

    - a smart man


    • #62
      If anyone else here was at the game there were 2 oddities I am hoping to get more info on....perhaps @CharlieHog: can provide one of them.

      Behind the 1st base dugout in the corner of the stands, there was an Arkansas fan that spent what seemed to be the entire game with a selection of flags that he/she (frankly I couldn't tell) would hold up as if they were signaling to a boat at sea. Is there a story here, or just mental problems?

      Late in the game, a guy wearing WSU gear walked in front of the section where we sat and got into a verbal exchange with one of the fans near me, a guy I don't know but who attends every game I've ever seen. I don't think they knew each other, but within 10 seconds it was nearly a fight. Anyone else see this and have any idea what happened?

      I have to tell you....sitting behind the dugout, and counting the outs until Gene's career is over was surreal if not 100% depressing. That's not the way I or anyone else envisioned this day unfolding...least of all Gene.

      For the first time in a long long was NOT a great day to be a Shocker.


      • #63
        Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
        Behind the 1st base dugout in the corner of the stands, there was an Arkansas fan that spent what seemed to be the entire game with a selection of flags that he/she (frankly I couldn't tell) would hold up as if they were signaling to a boat at sea. Is there a story here, or just mental problems?

        I have no idea. We have quite a few fans that bring flags to games as I'm sure most people do, but I've never seen anybody with what I'd call a selection of them. haha


        • #64
          The person had a red flag, a white flag, a hog flag and a couple others (one looked yellow) that they held as if they were signal flags. And I mean all the time! If play was going on, this person was signaling with a flag. It was the oddest thing I've seen from a fan.


          • #65
            Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
            The person had a red flag, a white flag, a hog flag and a couple others (one looked yellow) that they held as if they were signal flags. And I mean all the time! If play was going on, this person was signaling with a flag. It was the oddest thing I've seen from a fan.
            The fix was in!
            Shocker Nation, NYC


            • #66
              Last edited by Guest; August 10, 2013, 05:29 PM.


              • #67
                Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                The person had a red flag, a white flag, a hog flag and a couple others (one looked yellow) that they held as if they were signal flags. And I mean all the time! If play was going on, this person was signaling with a flag. It was the oddest thing I've seen from a fan.
                Gee, no wonder the Shocks couldn't hit with all those flags waving. They were either distracted by the sight itself or by trying to figure out if the guy was signaling what Stanek was going to throw next.

