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Who will run in 2012

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  • Who will run in 2012

    There have been a number of names thrown around already and we won't have a real good idea for a while. But the list of names off the top of my head that have been mentioned are Palin, Jindal, Sanford, Pawlenty, Huckabee, Romney and Gingrich. I'm sure I'm missing some as well.

    Palin is an interesting character. I still really like her and believe she has time to work on a few things and play a role. The Left obviously still views her a threat as they still can't stop attacking her.

    Jindal seems like a pretty bright guy doing a pretty good job in LA. I know there's a big push for him to put his name out there but I'm not sure if he's interested at this point. He's young and has plenty of time ahead of him.

    Sanford as of this moment isn't looking good in the political field. It will be interesting to see what he ends up doing down the road. I really do like his political stance on most issues. How long will it take to recover from the cheating on the wife issue?

    Pawlenty could be a good candidate. I don't know a ton about him but from what I've seen at a distance he's got potential. I really do need to know more about him as I do most the others.

    Huckabee has grown on me. The more I've seen and heard from him the more I believe he's a guy I may be able to get behind. I do trust that he's a fairly honest person which seems to be rare in politics.

    Romney I'm not a big fan of. He's got some good points but I've never been big on him. And I haven't heard much from or about him since the election. But I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he's involved.

    Gingrich is a guy who has quite a following and has been in the news quite a bit voicing his concern and ideas. I will say I agree with a lot of what he's been saying and a recent peace got me thinking about this. Gingrich: 2012 Run Possible vs. Obama 'Fantasy Wing' of Democratic Party

    We've mentioned this a few times in other threads but figured I'd go ahead and start this one that we can use some for the next few years. And I still wouldn't mind seeing a legit 3rd Party play a role. Maybe not at the highest level but it would be nice to see someone like the Libertarians actually start to get seats at some level.
    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
    RIP Guy Always A Shocker
    Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
    ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
    Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry

  • #2
    Who knows what the political landscape will look like in 2012? But, I guess I will reluctantly play (it is a slow day):

    Palin: The positives are she is a good speaker and will attract crowds. The negative attacks against her personally or her family don’t bother me that much in terms of damaging her – as long as she doesn’t play the “victim”. The bottom line is she needs to take the time and hone her arguments (I could say this about most Republicans). She has the right instincts but that alone is not enough. She currently lacks the debating skills she needs to effectively defend herself, articulate a message and to persuade an audience. Also, I think she needs to tone down the “folksy”, for lack of a better term, talk. I hate to sound elitist but, in my judgment, phrases like “you betcha” are to be used sparingly if they are to be effective. She should not abandon this kind of expression because that is part of who she is; however, she needs to learn to use it wisely. ;-)

    Jindal: I like Jindal and I know he has a solid conservative foundation – he would probably be good in a debate; however, I would fear he might have a tendency to get bogged down in details – in which case he might find his audience in a trance like thousand yard stare. His “story”, for what it is worth in the political realm is good but I think he needs to work on the charisma factor – if that is even possible. :)

    Sanford: While in politics you never know, I think you might as well stick a fork in this fellow. The issue with me is not just the infidelity – it is the fact that, as the Chief Executive of South Carolina, he completely falls off the grid for several days. :blink: That is irresponsible and inexcusable conduct in my book.

    Pawlenty: I don’t know. His national profile is small. He was closely aligned with McCain. I just don’t know enough about the guy to comment. :noidea:

    Huckabee: I have serious reservations about Huckabee – I guess I just have a hard time taking him seriously right now. I am also having a difficult time externalizing why this is the case. He is pretty good speaker and he has a quick wit – but…. :noidea:

    Romney: Given recent events, if Republicans want a presidential candidate who lives clean and whose family hasn't been involved in tabloid scandals, it might be Romney by process of elimination. That being said, I think he would have to be the most likely candidate out there right now as he was the runner up to McCain and he has some credibility on economics and budgeting – which, you know, might be an important issue come 2012. :whistle:

    Gingrich: I don’t think right now a Gingrich candidacy would be realistic. The positive would be he, above all the others you mentioned, would shine in a debate. Gingrich is a smart man and knows how to formulate an effective argument. The fact is, when he is on his game, Gingrich is both polite and a killer - a devastating combination. He will give you the obligatory bows of a samurai, but you better beware lest he separate your head from your shoulders. :yes: :good:

    I know this will bother Royal; however, a third-party candidate is not the way to go. It is still necessary to attempt to affect change through one of the two major political parties.


    • #3
      I think Sanford has about as much a chance of running as Edwards would for the other side.

      I wonder if Ron Paul will run again? Maybe he'll run as a third party candidate.


      • #4
        Originally posted by 1979Shocker
        I think Sanford has about as much a chance of running as Edwards would for the other side.

        I wonder if Ron Paul will run again? Maybe he'll run as a third party candidate.
        Do you know something about our current President that I don’t? :) Or are you just placing the odds of an Edwards campaign in 2012 at zero?

        As for Ron Paul, ask Royal, he is the expert in these parts. If he does choose to run either as a Republican or for a third party – I put his chances only a few notches north of Sanford or Edwards.


        • #5
          Palin: She's a great personality for the party, but does she have the leadership skills to take on BHO and turn this thing around?

          Jindal: A smart guy, but does he have a strong enough personality to go after BHO's extreme positions?

          Sanford: Stick a fork in, he's done.

          Pawlenty: Boring. Comes off soft.

          Huckabee: Like Palin, a great spokesperson. The Huckster makes a good TV personality, but I doubt he's the man to go after BHO.

          Romney: Has the experience of a presidential run, and might have beaten McCain straight up without Huckabee splitting the Conservative vote. He has authority when he talks about the economy and that's how they need frame the debate.

          Gingrich: The smartest guy in the room, but needs to be elected to something or become a cabinet member before expecting to win the presidency.

          So for me, it looks like Romney has the best combination of experience and personality to be successful in 2012.

          If I had to pick a dark horse for 2012 (but more realistically 2016 or 2020) I'm going with Kris Kobach.
          "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
          -John Wooden


          • #6
            Re: Who will run in 2012

            Originally posted by SubGod22
            The Left obviously still views her a threat as they still can't stop attacking her.
            Haaaaaa!!!! This is classic!!! Man, there are some bitter, kind of sore loser conservatives on the Off Topic section. I have never seen more complaining and finger pointing since Clinton was in office. Wow, and I thought the Dems were bad when Bush was in office. Jeez!


            • #7
              Re: Who will run in 2012

              Originally posted by ShockCity
              Originally posted by SubGod22
              The Left obviously still views her a threat as they still can't stop attacking her.
              Haaaaaa!!!! This is classic!!! Man, there are some bitter, kind of sore loser conservatives on the Off Topic section. I have never seen more complaining and finger pointing since Clinton was in office. Wow, and I thought the Dems were bad when Bush was in office. Jeez!
              Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
              RIP Guy Always A Shocker
              Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
              ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
              Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
              Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


              • #8
                Just trying to liven things up a bit in here. :D


                • #9
                  I bet Gingrich will get the nomination for the GOP. Assuming he can keep his mouth shut.

                  Who cares anyways. Politicians suck. No matter who you elect nothing is going to be changed. Roe V Wade won't be overturned. New gun laws won't be restricted. That is just my opinion though.
                  The mountains are calling, and I must go.


                  • #10
                    Pence Latest Republican Heading to Iowa
                    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                    RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                    Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                    ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                    Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                    • #11
                      As Barbara Bush would say: "There's a sorry lot."
                      For some the glass is half full and for others half empty. My glass is out of ice.
                      - said no one ever...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by shoxilla
                        As Barbara Bush would say: "There's a sorry lot."


                        • #13
                          Sarah Palin steps down as governor.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by twister17e
                            A part of me wants her to run because no matter what Obama does, I would pray that there is no way Americans would put that whack job in office... (not my words, google "whack job")

                            But, then the other part of me thinks what if by some crazy event she were to win... Republicans like to cry and complain about how much they hate Obama and how bad he is making everything... Seriously consider Palin in office...


                            • #15
                              Let me finish your thought MM...Palin would be much better than the lying thief, jug-eared moron that currently occupies the office....!

                              I don't know how much more "hope & change", this country can take. I am considering cutting 4 more position/jobs "employees", people with families at the end of next week. I wander if I can borrow your little jug-eared leaders teleprompter for just exactly the right words to say, meaningless as they may be?

                              Happy Independence Day America, if you believe the voting numbers and think ACORN didn't rig the election...52% of you voted for this weasel! :roll:

