Originally posted by ShockerGorilla
The leftist "news" doesn't just report only the stories that benefit their side of the argument, the grossly misconstrue and misrepresent in an attempt to, as ShockCity would put it, "brainwash" their readership.
What I like about the conservative "news" sites is that while they mostly report the stories that benefit their side of the argument, they don't generally resort to the same tactics that HuffPo, Salon, et. al. do.
I admit that I am absolutely loving the blowback the Dems are now getting from truly angry conservatives who have finally woke up and are expressing their displeasure with the direction our the country is headed. We've dealt with the left-wing, violent protester crew for decades. But we always knew they were just generally angry people looking for any and all targets to express it and didn't really represent mainstream views. But the town hall protests are very, very different and the Dems know it.
Every time they attempt to slander the protesters they know it's a lie but it's all they have to try and hold their ground. Even members of their own party are waking up and abandoning the ship. That's why Obama demanded a bill be passed before August. But the sleeping masses have awakened.