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  • On the one hand, Trump is a buffoon and the dumbest president in history.

    Yet, he also just pulled off the greatest scheme to steal a U.S election from the greatest political gang since the Kennedys.
    "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


    • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
      On the one hand, Trump is a buffoon and the dumbest president in history.

      Yet, he also just pulled off the greatest scheme to steal a U.S election from the greatest political gang since the Kennedys.
      This made me laugh really hard.


      • And which Russian brainiac picked Trump to back? WTF! If those dumbasses would have chose Kasich, they probably would have gotten away with it and no one would have gotten wise to their games.

        "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


        • Originally posted by seskridge
          Also, it is interesting that most people on here choose to attack me personally even going so far as to look at how much I post rather than attacking the actual issue. It speaks volumes about them.
          Originally Posted by seskridge
          "Anything to deflect. I challenge all trump supporters to not mention Hillary for one week." Did you personally attack all trump supporters when you challenged them not to mention Hillary for one week? Because all I did was challenge you to not post about Trump for one week. If you admit you personally attacked all Trump supporters on shockernet I will gladly apologize for doing the same to you. And I only asked you one question in that post and I'm still waiting for your reply.


          • Originally posted by seskridge
            The most clear cut factor in implying collusion is the Trump administration's silence regarding this attack. There is a consensus in the US's intelligence community. There is a consensus in the U.S. Congress. There's information pouring in from foreign intelligence services implying the existence of a large scale project on behalf of the Russians to undermine liberal democracies around the world. To NOT address this in both rhetoric and language is unthinkably irresponsible. There is no possible conclusion that one could draw from this dumbfounding silence aside from an endorsement of these actions at best, and at worst - full on complicity.

            There has not been definitive evidence presented to imply that the Trump campaign was directly involved in the manipulation of the last presidential election, though there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to believe that to be the case.
            You offered two possible conclusions. Not even close. Those are the only two conclusions you can draw from this because you are so fully entrenched. He could be ignorant. He could know this happens all the time and not be overly concerned. There are many more.

            There is not circumstantial evidence that the campaigner was involved. There is suspicious activity that deserves investigation. Totally different.
            Livin the dream


            • Originally posted by seskridge
              My whole point is I shouldn't just say oh nothing is there due to the fact the investigation is taking forever. That is what others were telling me to do
              You shouldn't say nothing is there, but you shouldn't say something is there either. There is a whole broad world that lives in between those two poles, and in this country we believe in due process.
              Livin the dream


              • Another Trump hypocracy: If he's all for America first, why did he hire Russian hookers to pee on that hotel bed, when he could have given those jobs to American hookers?

                "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                  Another Trump hypocracy: If he's all for America first, why did he hire Russian hookers to pee on that hotel bed, when he could have given those jobs to American hookers?

                  Post of the hour!
                  There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                  • Originally posted by seskridge
                    There is enough there for an investigation. I mean if this forum wants everyone to have the same opinion on everything, I don't know what the point of a forum is.
                    You can have whatever opinion you want. Nobody is debating your opinion, it's the arguments you make to try and sway people that is out of whack.
                    Livin the dream

