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Comey Testimony - Live

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  • Originally posted by seskridge
    Trump didnt invoke executive privlege but yet sessions is using that an issue. What a crock.

    that is a lie.


    • Originally posted by seskridge
      Sorry, I'm not religious so I didn't think about the religious people that might get upset. My bad.
      Here's a piece of advice from a guy who has had multiple 2X4's applied to his head for making statements like that.....there are a lot of religious people on this board. You should understand and respect their right to believe in the way they see fit.

      What used to get me going was when they made gratuitous, insulting comments regarding Muslims. I think we should be tolerant of all religions. Most of the Muslims I have known were quiet, polite, deeply religious and cared about others.

      Having said that, I think terrorist (ISIS) sympathizers ought to be thrown under the jail.

      I thought it was appropriate and applauded the Imams in England who refused to conduct the last rites for the Muslims behind the recent terror attacks. More of them ought to stand up and say 'enough'!


      • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
        that is a lie.
        I'm watching the CBS news and I can tell you it isn't. Their cameras caught the exchange. Their take on it was Sessions did not want to invoke executive privilege, but rather is leaving it up to Trump. So while it is true on the surface, it did not catch the contexting around the exchange.

        In my opinion, I think Sessions is leaving this decision up to his boss (Trump), which is exactly what he should do.


        • Am I the only one that thinks this is going to end in a stalemate? Am I the only one that thinks both sides will declare victory, yet America will become more divided and we all will really end up losers?
          There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


          • Originally posted by seskridge
            So trump didnt implement executive privlege but yet sessions isn't talking due to possible executive privelege. Trump did know he was testifying, if he wanted to invoke privlege he could've but he didnt. Wouldnt trump want it known that discussions about comeys firing wasnt due to russia unless of course they did have a discussion about firing comey due to russia
            Unless your boss has done something illegal, I do believe a loyal employee's duty is to try to protect their boss, which is exactly what Sessions did. Neither you, or I, or anyone else posting here can say exactly whether Trump, Sessions or anyone else (other than perhaps Flynn and Manafort) have done something illegal. Some of them certainly look, to me, as if they've done something, but we don't have evidence and we don't know.

            So I will give Sessions props for not throwing his boss under the bus at this point. If Sessions had not left his boss with some wiggle room, to me it is a clear case of insubordination (on Session's part) and thusly a firing offense.

            Again, this is the way executives play the office game. I've said it before regards Comey and I'll say it again regards Sessions.


            • Originally posted by seskridge
              Their oath is to the American people not trump. This isn't a business, this is a government.
              Do you have a Joan of Arc complex? I don't. Your statement sounds good in theory, but works poorly in practice. I don't know about you, but I like my job, and would not deliberately do something to get me fired, UNLESS I had convincing and direct evidence of wrongdoing.

              Again, you do not have access to all the facts. You're jumping to conclusions just as bad as Pin does sometimes.


              • The oath states they will execute their responsibilities faithfully. Faithful means to be strict or thorough or to be true to one's word. I take that to include a lack of bias. What you're asking them to do is 'see things your way', which, in itself is a biased position.


                • Originally posted by seskridge
                  Well, I don't have a boss... I work for myself. I am bound by an ethical code and if I knew of another person in my profession violating it, yes, I would turn them in. In the case of Sessions, it is the utmost importance to report something if it is harmful to the country.
                  I am fully aware of ethical codes, I am also bound by them as a certified professional. Part of being a professional is to discharge your responsibilities in a manner that is free from bias. Jumping to conclusions, even if they are well-intended or well-founded does not reflect well on you.


                  • Originally posted by seskridge
                    No, I'm asking him to report the facts. It is important to the country if he had conversations about firing comey in regards to the russia investigation.
                    Providing his boss an opportunity to claim executive privilege does not equate to his memory in firing Comey. While he was being evasive, you are conflating issues. These are two separate, distinct issues.


                    • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
                      Am I the only one that thinks this is going to end in a stalemate? Am I the only one that thinks both sides will declare victory, yet America will become more divided and we all will really end up losers?
                      Nope. Colossal waste of time. Focusing on the actual interference by Russia would not be, but trying to prove collusion most certainly is a circle jerk.

                      This is coming from a guy that thinks Trump is an unmitigated disaster as President and would love for him and his crew of flunkies to hit the bricks sooner rather than later.
                      Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


                      • Originally posted by seskridge
                        I simply am asking him to tell the facts.
                        He will get the chance to do that when Muller interviews him under oath, as will his blabbermouth boss, who might have backed himself into a corner over his tweets.


                        • Originally posted by BOBB View Post
                          Nope. Colossal waste of time. Focusing on the actual interference by Russia would not be, but trying to prove collusion most certainly is a circle jerk.

                          This is coming from a guy that thinks Trump is an unmitigated disaster as President and would love for him and his crew of flunkies to hit the bricks sooner rather than later.
                          I absolutely agree. This is becoming a partisan circus and all Americans are losers.

                          I also agree with your observations about Trump.


                          • I think you are not focusing on on what I think is important. I believe you feel much more strongly than I do about this, so I'm out for today.


                            • I voted for Gary Johnson. If we could turn back time (Lousy Cher song) how many else would jump on the Johnson bandwagon?
                              There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                              • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
                                I voted for Gary Johnson. If we could turn back time (Lousy Cher song) how many else would jump on the Johnson bandwagon?
                                I also voted for Johnson even though he sounded like a bafoon every chance he got.
                                Livin the dream

