Lots of discussion about improving education to achieve a sense of equality of opportunity. Without systemic reform of the public school system in the U.S. to a degree which is incredibly unlikely in the next several decades due to entrenched interests on both sides, is there a way you see to accomplish this without massive tax (typically property tax) increases on wealthy areas to subsidize the much lower revenue base in disadvantaged areas? If yes, what alternative do you prefer and is it viable without blowing up the current system? If no, do you think higher income areas would be and will be amenable to sharply increasing their taxes for such subsidization?
The other question would be, is the desired outcome to bring schools in blighted areas "up" to standards enjoyed by public schools in affluent communities (very expensive), or would the sales pitch involve bringing those disadvantaged schools up to a lesser level while lowering the standards currently enjoyed by public schools in affluent communities (less expensive or even expense neutral)?
Or, are we simply talking about doing our best to remove facially discriminatory policies, laws and regulations at an institutional level without regard to quality of education offered under the guise of a level playing field?
The other question would be, is the desired outcome to bring schools in blighted areas "up" to standards enjoyed by public schools in affluent communities (very expensive), or would the sales pitch involve bringing those disadvantaged schools up to a lesser level while lowering the standards currently enjoyed by public schools in affluent communities (less expensive or even expense neutral)?
Or, are we simply talking about doing our best to remove facially discriminatory policies, laws and regulations at an institutional level without regard to quality of education offered under the guise of a level playing field?