Now that I understand that artificial sweeteners are involved, not just sugars, my previous statement was ill-informed and incorrect.
I don't even see this as social engineering. This is just a flat out cash grab disguised to look like something to benefit the health of the comunity.
The fact it was a left-wing administration that imposed the tax seems to be more of a coincidence than a left-wing plot. Both sides of the aisle are pretty skillful at making cash grabs that are sold to the public as one thing, when they are actually something quite different.
I don't even see this as social engineering. This is just a flat out cash grab disguised to look like something to benefit the health of the comunity.
The fact it was a left-wing administration that imposed the tax seems to be more of a coincidence than a left-wing plot. Both sides of the aisle are pretty skillful at making cash grabs that are sold to the public as one thing, when they are actually something quite different.