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Election Day 2016

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  • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
    I think I'm about the only Obama supporter around these parts, so I imagine I'm the condescending shockernetter to whom you refer
    Obama's fair game too. Shame the devil:


    • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
      I guess everyone's roles on shockernet will be changing. I'm now tasked with posting memes and inaccurate conspiracy theories about the Trump presidency, and you all will have to try to talk me out of my delusion. It's going to be a long four years.
      I look at Trump like a 3rd party candidate, especially considering how fractured the GOP is. Trump is not a Republican until he governs like one, IMO.

      I'm just elated that we aren't getting a president who should be under indictment and looking at prison time. That would be have been a low, low point in our country's history.


      • 8 years ago I knew President (Elect at the time) Obama would probably do nothing that I wanted policy wise, but I was encouraged that as a country, as a people, we were about to be closer than maybe at anytime in our history, and I honestly was moved to tears at his acceptance speech.

        Oh how wrong I was.

        Today I don't feel happy or celebratory and I certainly don't feel like gloating. President (Elect) Trump will make many decisions I disagree with because he's not a conservative by any stretch.

        But I, again, for right or wrong, will choose for now to believe he will do things to bring the country together.

        The difference being I now feel a responsibility to make that happen. It's time for people like me, and if you want to say it, the silent majority of white America, to help our fellow citizens out of the mess their Democratic (and yes some Republican leaders) have created for them.

        With great power comes great responsibility. And the time is now. It's time, maybe past time, for "us" to govern for ALL Americans, and to work together and FIX problems and not only make America greater than she's ever been, but to make it the land of opportunity for many more people that want that opportunity.


        • Where's the stock market crash the media was predicting last night? I guess it could still happen, but the 'doom and gloom' stock market sell-off reported last night hasn't happened at this point. Could they be wrong again?

          Wall Street reacted positively to the election of Donald Trump as the 45th US president, despite his victory sparking panic on global markets earlier in the day. But experts warned that the US, and global, economy faces a very uncertain future. Donald Trump wins US election: the world reacts – liveThe biggest corporate winners: prisons, oil and pharmaThe dollar hits four-month high against the yenShares in gunmakers tumbleHelp support our journalism. Become a Guardian supporter or make a contribution

          Last edited by WstateU; November 9, 2016, 10:47 AM.
          "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


          • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
            8 years ago I knew President (Elect at the time) Obama would probably do nothing that I wanted policy wise, but I was encouraged that as a country, as a people, we were about to be closer than maybe at anytime in our history, and I honestly was moved to tears at his acceptance speech.

            Oh how wrong I was.

            Today I don't feel happy or celebratory and I certainly don't feel like gloating. President (Elect) Trump will make many decisions I disagree with because he's not a conservative by any stretch.

            But I, again, for right or wrong, will choose for now to believe he will do things to bring the country together.

            The difference being I now feel a responsibility to make that happen. It's time for people like me, and if you want to say it, the silent majority of white America, to help our fellow citizens out of the mess their Democratic (and yes some Republican leaders) have created for them.

            With great power comes great responsibility. And the time is now. It's time, maybe past time, for "us" to govern for ALL Americans, and to work together and FIX problems and not only make America greater than she's ever been, but to make it the land of opportunity for many more people that want that opportunity.
            This post wins. This is so true.


            • The only thing that's still driving me crazy is the Supreme Court. The Republicans have held the country hostage. They have refused to confirm a moderate nomination, and it paid off. It worked.

              They wanted to keep that seat open so that they could sell the idea that the Supreme Court matters this time, and that there's a possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade. There's not. It's not as simple as overturning Roe v. Wade. They'd also have to overturn several other cases, and it's just not going to happen. (Though, to be fair, I used similar language when I referred to the Trump presidency). It doesn't matter, though. That's not how the Supreme Court works. It's not supposed to be a political bargaining chip.

              What the Republicans did in the last year has set a precedent for the executive and legislative branches to completely ignore the system of checks and balances that exists in our country. It's similar to Brownback's treatment of the Kansas judiciary. There just isn't respect for the separate roles these branches are supposed to serve.

              And none of it would have mattered if Clinton had won. It might not have even mattered had the Democrats taken the Senate, since it would indicate that Senators cannot do these political dangerous moves in an effort to get elected. But it paid off for the Republicans. It just makes me sick to my stomach, much more so than the idea of a Trump or Clinton presidency. The fact that people let them get away with this just drives me crazy.


              • I am ashamed for my country. I don't care what you think about politics. I don't care how much you think we needed change.

                Trump is not fit, on any level, to be President. Morally. Personally. Politically. He is, without any doubt the worst Presidential candidate in history.

                And again, I'm not talking about hating his policy yet. I'm just saying that the man lacks even the start of the principles or mannerisms that make a successful President. He's a strong-arm bully that tries to win out of vindictiveness, not conviction. Even if his supporters don't, he himself embodies all the -isms the left loves to talk about. He lacks the judgment, temperament, even the basic social skills.

                His policies are anti-intellectual crap that seem to always run counter to what sanity says is the best choice. He will cause a depression. He will dramatically increase the debt. Worst of all, from all we've seen he would be willing to do those things just to personally enrich himself. How many thousands of people has cheated as businessman, not through "great deals" but by literally not paying for what he is given? That something only someone worthless as a human being would pull, a narcissist or a sociopath.

                The "Wall" is an example. Everything about the wall was anti-fact. Anti-Fact - Illegal Mexican immigrants are pouring over the border. Fact - We have net negative net immigration to Mexico. Fact - Most come here legally and overstay Visas. Anti-Fact illegals are tremendously dangerous. Fact - Illegal immigrants commit violent crime at a MUCH lower rate than citizens. Anti-Fact: A wall is the best solution. Fact - Drones + more agents would do more good for FAR less money than a wall at stopping immigrants.

                And if you are libertarian leaning in even the slightest regard, you should be deeply afraid of having every branch of government align. No government overreaches more than the one with no checks and balances, and even if you mostly agree with conservatives you should understand the incredible danger of having a Republican House/Senate/Supreme Court/President while also dominated local and state elections. When you DO disagree, nothing can be done. No one can stand up. No one can dissent. Libertarians should be most happy when government is grid-locked as the party's fight each other, and most afraid when the government gets a blank check and freedom to do whatever they want.

                I will not respect the man, and I consider it a great slap in my face to have him as the President of this country. Not my country, this country. This is a defeat for everyone that values competence. It is a defeat for everyone that fears big government. It is a defeat for this country's standing in the world, and a defeat for common sense and dignity. Trump will not, and can not "Make America Great Again." He is lacking, his party is lacking, and his policies are lacking. This country is now racially divided as white people have for the first time voted as a ethnic blog against all other groups, and that will not change. Donald Trump will not bring us together, he will and has torn us apart.

                It is in a Depression starting today whose magnitude we won't fully grasp for years. White working class people are going to find that Donald Trump hurts them as much as he hurts everyone else, and I hope that they own that in 2018 and 2020.

                Rant Out.


                • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post
                  Obama's fair game too. Shame the devil:

                  This picture is exactly why "that guy headed to the White House who I refuse to name" will get no support from those who voted against him. Obama supporters have a very good memory of all of the disrespect that President Obama has been given over the last eight years. If you want to complain about the man's politics, fine...but don't tell me that people shouldn't protest the national anthem because of the "disrespect" that it shows towards our military when this picture shows gross disrespect of the Commander-in-Chief. Spare me from any future "you need to respect the office" rants because I have seen very little of it in the past...and yes, I know that Bush was grossly disrespected before Obama and then Clinton was disrespected...yadda yadda. It's a bad cycle.

                  I did appreciate Doc's comments. He and I have discussed these issues quite a bit over the years and while we haven't always agreed on it, we have always have civil discourse, for which I have been truly thankful. I too hope that we can unite as a country. It is going to be very difficult because there have been so many bridges burned.


                  • So I was watching the View, having never seen it, but people on here mentioning it. I could only stomach about 5 minutes of it. That one lady that's a b-level actress, that was in Jumping Jack Flash, was going on and on about some kind of conspiracy.

                    She absolutely had hate on her brain! It was all she could talk about!
                    I'd jump off of a bridge if I had that much hate in my heart. Sheesh, talk about paranoid!!!


                    • Im shocked that CBB is having another overreaction meltdown. Shocked.

                      I just hope he gets back on his meds before the basketball season begins.
                      Deuces Valley.
                      ... No really, deuces.
                      "Enjoy the ride."

                      - a smart man


                      • Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                          Maybe we should just admit that the margin of error is a real thing, and low probability occurrences do still happen on occasion.

                          The polls weren't really that far off for the most part. Clinton +2% to +4% nationally, and right now, she's up +0.1%.
                          Polls aren't news. Polls are being used to influence people. Polls,are being manipulated. Gallup even gave up on presidential polls, why is it so much to ask that the media report news, not polls? Why is it so much to ask that we base our votes on platforms, not polls? If the polls weren't that far off, explain Ohio.
                          There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                          • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
                            The only thing that's still driving me crazy is the Supreme Court. The Republicans have held the country hostage. They have refused to confirm a moderate nomination, and it paid off. It worked.

                            They wanted to keep that seat open so that they could sell the idea that the Supreme Court matters this time, and that there's a possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade. There's not. It's not as simple as overturning Roe v. Wade. They'd also have to overturn several other cases, and it's just not going to happen. (Though, to be fair, I used similar language when I referred to the Trump presidency). It doesn't matter, though. That's not how the Supreme Court works. It's not supposed to be a political bargaining chip.

                            What the Republicans did in the last year has set a precedent for the executive and legislative branches to completely ignore the system of checks and balances that exists in our country. It's similar to Brownback's treatment of the Kansas judiciary. There just isn't respect for the separate roles these branches are supposed to serve.

                            And none of it would have mattered if Clinton had won. It might not have even mattered had the Democrats taken the Senate, since it would indicate that Senators cannot do these political dangerous moves in an effort to get elected. But it paid off for the Republicans. It just makes me sick to my stomach, much more so than the idea of a Trump or Clinton presidency. The fact that people let them get away with this just drives me crazy.
                            Dude wasn't a moderate, I checked his record. Just because Obama touted him as a moderate, doesn't make him a moderate.
                            There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                            • [QUOTE=WuShock16;674980]This picture is exactly why "that guy headed to the White House who I refuse to name" will get no support from those who voted against him. Obama supporters have a very good memory of all of the disrespect that President Obama has been given over the last eight years. If you want to complain about the man's politics, fine...but don't tell me that people shouldn't protest the national anthem because of the "disrespect" that it shows towards our military when this picture shows gross disrespect of the Commander-in-Chief. Spare me from any future "you need to respect the office" rants because I have seen very little of it in the past...and yes, I know that Bush was grossly disrespected before Obama and then Clinton was disrespected...yadda yadda. It's a bad cycle.

                              I did appreciate Doc's comments. He and I have discussed these issues quite a bit over the years and while we haven't always agreed on it, we have always have civil discourse, for which I have been truly thankful. I too hope that we can unite as a country. It is going to be very difficult because there have been so many bridges burned.[/QUOTE

                              Hate comes in all colors buddy. Remember, this is 2016. If you're gonna B.S. yourself, don't expect others to go along with you. You get hip.


                              • Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
                                don't tell me that people shouldn't protest the national anthem because of the "disrespect" that it shows towards our military when this picture shows gross disrespect of the Commander-in-Chief
                                I very much agree with this. And I don't like people protesting the anthem at all. And I don't like Obama as president either, but you do have to draw the line on certain things.

