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  • #16
    A couple things to unpack with this. I admit that I am not well-read on this issue, but I think there are some overarching themes to be considered.

    As a staunch proponent of limited government, I believe governmental decisions should be made on as local a level as possible. In this aspect, I believe the UK declaring autonomy is a good decision. A sovereign nation should be able to look out for its own interests, and if its people feel that the EU is hindering their ability to do so, then I clearly support that.

    However, it is concerning that people voted for it and the next morning had the attitude of, "well, I didn't think it would actually pass so I didn't realize that my vote would count." Which makes me further appreciate that our founders had the foresight to establish a representative republic and not a true democracy.

    Gotta love the people who label this as racist and xenophobic. Those folks never quit. Being forced to take immigrants from areas where there may possibly be terrorist or ISIS-related activity is absurd, and the UK should certainly have a say into whether those people come into their country. I believe the same with regards to the US and its immigration policies.
    "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


    • #17
      I have zero problem with legal immigration; but they have to assimilate.


      • #18
        Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
        I have zero problem with legal immigration; but they have to assimilate.

