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  • So Trump is as big of a scumbag as the witch's most trusted & senior adviser? Her top expert on international trade?


    • IMG_4574.jpg
      There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


      • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post
        So Trump is as big of a scumbag as the witch's most trusted & senior adviser? Her top expert on international trade?
        There is no shortage of scumbags in either camp. #NeverEither is such an obvious choice.


        • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
          Hey Donald, how do you like your goose?
          If it's anything like the way he likes his steak, it's so well-done that it "would rock on the plate."

          If for no other reason, refuse to cast a vote for someone that mistreats meat that way.


          • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
            There is no shortage of scumbags in either camp. #NeverEither is such an obvious choice.
            No quarrel there.


            • Trump's son and campaign manager both retweeted a fake news article.

              It’s no secret that there’s been a huge number of totally fake news websites popping up in the past few years. Apparently, it’s a fun and profitable venture. While some of the fak…


              • I simply do not believe these women. If those stories were true, why wouldn't they have sued this billionaire for big bucks when it happened? Coming out 2 weeks before the election. No way.


                • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                  Trump's son and campaign manager both retweeted a fake news article.

                  Yep. They both later deleted, but not until after screenshots were taken.


                  • I love all the snarky "I gotcha" assholes on the left beating their chests about nailing Trump, all the while the same people are dead silent on the massive volume of corruption, cronyism, and collusion illustrated by Hillary since forever.

                    Trump is a rotten parasite mostly due to words; Hillary is a rotten parasite mostly due to actions. I'm not choosing either of them, but if someone put a gun to my head I'd choose the person who offends with words every day of the week over the person who offends with actions.


                    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                      I simply do not believe these women. If those stories were true, why wouldn't they have sued this billionaire for big bucks when it happened? Coming out 2 weeks before the election. No way.
                      This is a highly ignorant, dangerous, and offensive line of thinking. For your sake, I really really hope it is all just ignorance, and not intentional.

                      What do you think happens when you challenge the mafia... aka... Trump? Do you really think these women didn't see what power Trump has and decide there was no way they wanted to put themselves and their families on the line? I'm not saying it would have been absolutely crazy for any of them to have decided to be a hero and take Trump head on, but on the flip side, it is very understandable why they decided not to go that route.

                      Why now you ask? Because they now have the media's attention. Trump wouldn't dare do anything to them other than call them liars and move on. He knows there are 1 million "journalists" out there looking for any sign of retribution by Trump toward these women. He knows he can't go after them now.

                      Why didn't they come out sooner?!?! Uggghhh.


                      • and just to clarify... of course the media is complicit in some of the timing of news breaking right now. The Billy Bush video? Why now, and not months or even years ago, if not in order to screw Trump?

                        but that is FAR FROM the same as blaming all these women for making things up. The screwy media is playing games, but those games led to this opportunity and needed cover for these women to come out of the shadows. That's about the only good thing I can say about what the media is doing right now.

                        No, I don't necessarily see an open/shut legal case against Trump by these women. Innocent until proven guilty is a tough standard. I'm using the "JH4P trial system" here. Think back to O.J... the courts found him innocent, but come on now, we all know differently...


                        • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
                          If it's anything like the way he likes his steak, it's so well-done that it "would rock on the plate."

                          If for no other reason, refuse to cast a vote for someone that mistreats meat that way.
                          Fricken' absolutely!

                          What other crimes against humanity does the "well-done steak" crowd hide? There's something wrong with those people.


                          • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                            and just to clarify... of course the media is complicit in some of the timing of news breaking right now. The Billy Bush video? Why now, and not months or even years ago, if not in order to screw Trump?

                            but that is FAR FROM the same as blaming all these women for making things up. The screwy media is playing games, but those games led to this opportunity and needed cover for these women to come out of the shadows. That's about the only good thing I can say about what the media is doing right now.

                            No, I don't necessarily see an open/shut legal case against Trump by these women. Innocent until proven guilty is a tough standard. I'm using the "JH4P trial system" here. Think back to O.J... the courts found him innocent, but come on now, we all know differently...
                            Didn't find him innocent. Not guilty.


                            • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                              and just to clarify... of course the media is complicit in some of the timing of news breaking right now. The Billy Bush video? Why now, and not months or even years ago, if not in order to screw Trump?

                              but that is FAR FROM the same as blaming all these women for making things up. The screwy media is playing games, but those games led to this opportunity and needed cover for these women to come out of the shadows. That's about the only good thing I can say about what the media is doing right now.

                              No, I don't necessarily see an open/shut legal case against Trump by these women. Innocent until proven guilty is a tough standard. I'm using the "JH4P trial system" here. Think back to O.J... the courts found him innocent, but come on now, we all know differently...
                              None of this is going to a trial. He'll sue them first, if he hasn't already.

                              To infer the media is being altruistic in their intent, when everything up to now has led to quite the opposite, is being willfully ignorant, kinda like the witch was with her server.


                              • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post
                                To infer the media is being altruistic in their intent, when everything up to now has led to quite the opposite, is being willfully ignorant
                                That's literally the exact opposite of what he said.

