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  • Glad we can all have our own opinions. My opinion is that the two major party candidates are both equally balanced piles of **** with a stick of lip gloss thrown on top.
    "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


    • It's okay to get mad at your own team for shooting off its toes right before the start of a marathon.


      • Exactly!! And anyone in their right mind that claims to be a Republican OR a Democrat should be mad at it's own team right now. Really America, the criminal and the comb over are the best we can do?
        "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


        • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
          Exactly!! And anyone in their right mind that claims to be a Republican OR a Democrat should be mad at it's own team right now. Really America, the criminal and the comb over are the best we can do?
          Agreed, but with the way the media and the public rip them to shreds, most decent people wouldn't want the job.


          • Originally posted by wu_shizzle View Post
            They're campaigning in Arizona.


            At this point my hope is that Gary Johnson could win a couple states, keep Clinton and Trump from the necessary 270 electoral votes, and kick the decision to the House.
            That would be a very entertaining outcome. However, for that to have any chance of happening Johnson needs to make the Presidential debates and that is not looking very likely at this point.

            The entry of #NeverTrump spoiler Evan McMullin in the race is just as likely, if not more likely, to syphon off support from Johnson instead of Trump making it even tougher for Johnson to qualify for the presidential debates. Blocking Johnson form the debates probably helps Trump more than Hillary. So McMullin's entry into the race may well have the opposite effect from what is intended.

            It's apparent the primary goal of the BYU Boy entering the race is an attempt to swing Utah and its 6 electoral votes from Red to Blue which may or may not be of any real significance if the current polling numbers hold up. However, as previously stated McMullin may simply syphon off votes from Johnson, who is currently polling at 16% in Utah with little to no impact on the actual outcome.

            I will still be casting my vote for Johnson/Weld knowing that such a vote in Kansas is of no real significance to anyone but myself. It really would be interesting to see what might happen if Gary Johnson did make the presidential debates although Johnson is not a strong debater (I guess some would say he is not a master debater). In any case, it doesn't look to me like he will get the chance the way things look right now.

            Regardless of whether Clinton or Trump win this election the pressing question going forward will be who will win the contract for defumigating the White House at the end of their presidential term?

            I could see an interesting twist out of all this however. Clinton wins the White House. During Clinton's term, Donald Trump hires Bill for a series of 4 speeches for $2,000,000 and then makes a big contribution to the Clinton Foundation. Not long after that Clinton agrees to sell the White House to Trump who will develop it into a luxury hotel which will be staffed by Mexican immigrants who received special green cards from Clinton. Trump will build a fortress wall around the Trump White House Plaza to provide adequate security for the multi-millionaires and billionaires who will be the only ones that will be able to afford to stay there . Of course, certain big money interests, such as Charles and David Koch, will no doubt be on a no-stay list.


            • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
              Exactly!! And anyone in their right mind that claims to be a Republican OR a Democrat should be mad at it's own team right now. Really America, the criminal and the comb over are the best we can do?

              "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


              • Here we go again...

                Trump suggests 'Second Amendment people' could stop Clinton (take your pick)

                "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                • Bing bing bong
                  Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                  • Would someone please wake me up. This nightmare has gone on long enough.


                    • I can visualize Trump saying this at the first debate; substitute ‘Hillary’ for ‘Jane’…

                      Hillary's response...

                      "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                      • "Jane you ignorant slut" may be the funniest line ever on television.


                        • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                          Glad we can all have our own opinions. My opinion is that the two major party candidates are both equally balanced piles of **** with a stick of lip gloss thrown on top.
                          I must respectfully disagree. I have been unable to detect any lip gloss.


                          • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                            "Jane you ignorant slut" may be the funniest line ever on television.
                            Agreed. Not just the line but Akroyd's delivery killed it. (Can I say killed it?)


                            • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                              Here we go again...

                              Trump suggests 'Second Amendment people' could stop Clinton (take your pick)

                              Wouldn't you just love to be on Trump's campaign staff and have to try to defend this guy with a straight face. All those guys should nominated for Oscars.


                              • I bet a coworker that he will pull out before the election. Feeling better about it every single day.

