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  • We're probably heading towards another realignment of party constituents - Breitbart/nationalist Republicans look like they've gained a narrow plurality over the movement conservatives and commerce conservatives within the GOP (although the movement conservatives + commerce conservatives still outnumber the Breitbart herd), and the marriage looks like it can't last with the Breitbart/nationalist crew at the helm.

    I don't think the old school southern democrats the Republicans sniped in the 80s (a key pillar of the Breitbart crowd) are welcome or would want to return to the blue team, so it may come down to whether the movement/commerce conservatives are able to unite to boot the Breitbart folks out of the GOP and into a third party, or whether the Breitbart folks keep the other factions splintered long enough to eventually boot the movement/commerce folks out or subdue them over the course of a decade or two.

    The nativist/nationalists and their predecessors have acted as the pendulum for control of the House of Representatives for almost a century. Both parties are embarrassed by them but want their support, so long as they remain disenfranchised enough such that they cannot wrestle any real control of the party away. If they go independent, there would be some very interesting coalition building each cycle.


    • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post

      When people continue to fall for utter lies like this story about Hillary hating everyday Americans, I can't help but just feel more and more depressed about humanity in general.

      I don't have time to fully expound, but the short story is... Hillary hated the phrase "everyday Americans" when strategizing for talking points. She wanted to find a better way to say what she meant. She said nothing about hating people. She disliked a specific phrase and was looking for different terminology. That's really all it was.

      Personally, I've begun to hate the phrase "we the people". It seems tarnished now by idiots using it excessively. Do I hate the constitution? Absolutely not.

      Please stop blindly believing all the garbage you see the second you see it. This stuff is toxic.
      Actually SB beat me to it. But anyway...

      Who are you bullshittin'? Said nothing about hating people? Spin "deplorable" & "irredeemable." Then go to a recent poll, look at the stats and then come back here and post the % of "we the people" she was talking about.

      And as someone who has followed a lot of what WikiLeaks has exposed, I don't lean on it in the slightest because I got all of the verification I needed of her astronomical volume (33,000) of indiscretions the first week of July by the head of the FBI, which I believe wasn't conducted under oath.

      As far as her strategic "groundwork" to interject "buzzwords", I'll concede she (or rather her advisers) came up with some effective ones. They've surely "inflamed" impressionable passions across this once great land.


      • I suppose Trump still has a chance if he can enourage enough of his base to get registered to vote and show up at the polls to vote on November 28th. However, for some reason I just don't see that strategy doing much good.


        • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
          We're probably heading towards another realignment of party constituents - Breitbart/nationalist Republicans look like they've gained a narrow plurality over the movement conservatives and commerce conservatives within the GOP (although the movement conservatives + commerce conservatives still outnumber the Breitbart herd), and the marriage looks like it can't last with the Breitbart/nationalist crew at the helm.

          I don't think the old school southern democrats the Republicans sniped in the 80s (a key pillar of the Breitbart crowd) are welcome or would want to return to the blue team, so it may come down to whether the movement/commerce conservatives are able to unite to boot the Breitbart folks out of the GOP and into a third party, or whether the Breitbart folks keep the other factions splintered long enough to eventually boot the movement/commerce folks out or subdue them over the course of a decade or two.

          The nativist/nationalists and their predecessors have acted as the pendulum for control of the House of Representatives for almost a century. Both parties are embarrassed by them but want their support, so long as they remain disenfranchised enough such that they cannot wrestle any real control of the party away. If they go independent, there would be some very interesting coalition building each cycle.
          Were those old school southern Democrats what were called "Blue Dog Democrats" or is that a different element?
          Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


          • Originally posted by ShockBand View Post
            Were those old school southern Democrats what were called "Blue Dog Democrats" or is that a different element?
            Some of them, for sure. Sprinkle in George Wallace supporters, a lot of the union/blue collar folks south of the Mason-Dixon line (especially in coal country), a few David Duke types, and a hodgepodge of others. If it were a Venn diagram there would be lots of overlaps.


            • Utah is becoming very interesting.

              A new poll conducted by Y2 Analytics has Trump and Clinton are tied at 26%, Evan McMullin, the BYU grad and a Mormon, is at 22% within the 4.4% margin of error and Gary Johanson is at 14%.

              McMullin will draw support away from primarily Trump and perhaps Johnson.

              That clearly benefits Hillary but don't rule out the possiblity of a McMullin upset. He garnered 22% even though only 52% of the respondent were aware enough of him to have an opinion.

              Historically, Utah has been Ruby red. On a positive side for Utah Republicans this will probably not hurt down ballot candidates in the least bit.

              Not a big loss for Trump at 6 electoral college votes but he doesn't have the luxury of losing any traditionally strong red states.


              • Originally posted by ShockBand View Post
                I know this could go dissertation length, but where would you start? I did find this graphic that has been reasonably checked to include both mandatory and discretionary spending, and is from the 2015 budget.

                Thanks for the chart. It was needed.

                Looking at this highest % I can't help but wonder what the future ramifications of obamacare will be, and will it need to be reigned it Post Haste?


                • Is this another lurking bombshell for Trump or just another dirty political trick or someone just trying to extort some bucks from a deep pocket? Any of which is plausible. The fact that the Clinton Campaign has not hit on it that I know of may be somewhat telling. Of course, with Bill and Hillary Clinton's history attempting to exploit this may not be a winning strategy.


                  • Originally posted by ShockBand View Post
                    I know this could go dissertation length, but where would you start? I did find this graphic that has been reasonably checked to include both mandatory and discretionary spending, and is from the 2015 budget.

                    Well that's changing the subject. Are you in agreement that the national debt is what it is due to overspending? Or do you believe we are where we are because we just haven't taxed people enough?
                    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                    • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                      The sad thing is we are about to get this for our next president.

                      The main denominator of all of these dumps is their opposition to one of the current administrations primary strategic tactics, and that is the short attention span of the American public... Keep 'em coming right up to 11/08/2016. As if her actions weren't criminal and premeditated.

                      But hey, oppression is a bigger issue at stake here in America right?


                      • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post
                        Thanks for the chart. It was needed.

                        Looking at this highest % I can't help but wonder what the future ramifications of obamacare will be, and will it need to be reigned it Post Haste?
                        It is not just the spending that is an issue. It is the projections that the two largest pieces of the pie are projected to be insolvent in the not too distant future. Gary Johnson has discussed these issues in his speeches. Whether or not his solutions would work for Medicaid and Medicare I don't know. His suggestion of extending the social security retirement age and means testing social security make some sense. At least he is willing to raise the issue and is willing to attempt to get Congress to try to save these programs in some form for future generations. Hillary will no doubt just want to expand this programs. Not sure where Trump stand on this.


                        • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                          It actually not a story - but an email.

                          You should seek professional help for your depression. It a serious matter.

                          Glad you read her talking points.

                          Just like her "deplorable" statement. Just different "terminology" - she actually meant it as a term of endearment.

                          Well, if she had fulfilled her responsibility under the law this type of stuff would not even be a story.

                          What hasn't been toxic about the election. When your two best choices for the next leader of the U.S. is HRC or Trump - it says there is something broken in the system.
                          The ignorance and dishonesty here is painful.

                          I'll pick just one comment to address, then I'm done. You are basically saying "if only she did a good job, these lies wouldn't gain traction". Yeah, quality argument there buddy. Way to keep your integrity in tact.

                          Sigh. Humanity is a cesspool.


                          • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                            The ignorance and dishonesty here is painful.

                            I'll pick just one comment to address, then I'm done. You are basically saying "if only she did a good job, these lies wouldn't gain traction". Yeah, quality argument there buddy. Way to keep your integrity in tact.

                            Sigh. Humanity is a cesspool.
                            You know what painful, that there are people like u who support and defend HRC.

                            You are leading the way to the cesspool.

                            She broke the LAW AND VIOLATE THE ESPIONAGE ACT, she OBSTRUCTED FEDERAL INVESTIGATIONS, and destroyed evidence, and violate federal FOIA LAWS. So your defense off Hillary is laughable, don't fall of your holier than thou horse.


                            • @_kai_ really should consider nuking the Politics forum. Its devolution is pretty much complete.


                              • Not nowwww, someone finally called me Mr. Dizzle!

