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  • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post

    Who's surprised by that revelation? If anyone is capable of shaming public office by turning it into a "LUCRATIVE" career it's that witch. She'll cut our military budget even further when/if she gets elected. The Phillipines'll be aching to kick our ass under her.
    I guess I was just naive. I really thought when it came down to it - we (as a nation) believe in the rule of law, and journalist actually wanted the truth about corruption even if it went against their leanings. But we are now learning (and i'm sure more to come) that:

    1. Justice department (and FBI?) were in collusion with the HRC and the investigation into her server was fixed.

    2. The press were in full collusion - the media were giving her the debate questions ahead of time. Wikileaks also shows the media was in full collusion.

    3. We have democrats on secret video discussing rampant voter fraud.

    4. The DNC was in full collusion with HRC against Bernie (though this was not as suprising)

    5. HRC is totally in bed with Goldman Sachs and wall street.

    6. HRC was for the Keystone pipeline before she was against it


    • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
      I guess I was just naive. I really thought when it came down to it - we (as a nation) believe in the rule of law, and journalist actually wanted the truth about corruption even if it went against their leanings. But we are now learning (and i'm sure more to come) that:

      1. Justice department (and FBI?) were in collusion with the HRC and the investigation into her server was fixed.

      2. The press were in full collusion - the media were giving her the debate questions ahead of time. Wikileaks also shows the media was in full collusion.

      3. We have democrats on secret video discussing rampant voter fraud.

      4. The DNC was in full collusion with HRC against Bernie (though this was not as suprising)

      5. HRC is totally in bed with Goldman Sachs and wall street.

      6. HRC was for the Keystone pipeline before she was against it

      If she's elected, it will be an indictment on, as the right honorable Reverend Jeremiah Wright so eloquently stated, "*** **** America!"

      They'll be lining up.


      • I can't stand either of the major candidates, but one question. Why do we seem to trust WikiLeak's authenticity almost without question, when we tend to question virtually every other entity? Or does it fall back onto confirmation bias - if we like the message, we tend to trust it, if we don't like the message, we tend to call bullshit.
        Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


        • Originally posted by Aargh View Post
          the national debt suffers from decreased taxes.
          I disagree. I believe the national debt suffers from overspending. High taxation is merely a symptom of the underlying problem, not the root cause. Both parties have demonstrated that they are not willing to be intentional about reducing spending (one more than the other). The only recourse then is to reduce taxes, when possible, to exert financial pressure on the big spenders to start making cuts to programs.

          I believe it takes a while for those spenders to release their kung-fu death grip on their programs' budgets, and actually reduce spending. Basically they won't reduce spending until they have no choice. This can take years. Meanwhile, the people that have forced the cuts are made scapegoats of while the debt delta increases until the spending is reigned in.
          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


          • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
            I disagree. I believe the national debt suffers from overspending. High taxation is merely a symptom of the underlying problem, not the root cause. Both parties have demonstrated that they are not willing to be intentional about reducing spending (one more than the other). The only recourse then is to reduce taxes, when possible, to exert financial pressure on the big spenders to start making cuts to programs.

            I believe it takes a while for those spenders to release their kung-fu death grip on their programs' budgets, and actually reduce spending. Basically they won't reduce spending until they have no choice. This can take years. Meanwhile, the people that have forced the cuts are made scapegoats of while the debt delta increases until the spending is reigned in.
            I know this could go dissertation length, but where would you start? I did find this graphic that has been reasonably checked to include both mandatory and discretionary spending, and is from the 2015 budget.

            Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


            • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
              The sad thing is we are about to get this for our next president.


              When people continue to fall for utter lies like this story about Hillary hating everyday Americans, I can't help but just feel more and more depressed about humanity in general.

              I don't have time to fully expound, but the short story is... Hillary hated the phrase "everyday Americans" when strategizing for talking points. She wanted to find a better way to say what she meant. She said nothing about hating people. She disliked a specific phrase and was looking for different terminology. That's really all it was.

              Personally, I've begun to hate the phrase "we the people". It seems tarnished now by idiots using it excessively. Do I hate the constitution? Absolutely not.

              Please stop blindly believing all the garbage you see the second you see it. This stuff is toxic.


              • Originally posted by ShockBand View Post
                I can't stand either of the major candidates, but one question. Why do we seem to trust WikiLeak's authenticity almost without question, when we tend to question virtually every other entity? Or does it fall back onto confirmation bias - if we like the message, we tend to trust it, if we don't like the message, we tend to call bullshit.
                This is a good reminder. I am in the camp that fails to question their authenticity regularly.

                I will say, however, politicians don't appear to be saying they are fraudulent documents for the most part. The biggest problem appears to be the context of the information that is released. When you have such massive leaks, it is easy to take information out of context and make it look far worse than it actually is. That is probably more on the news sites looking for a story than on Wikileaks, though.


                • It's also plausible that if everything you have ever said or written can so easily be made to make you look/sound like a total shithead, a reasonable person might deduce that on the whole, you are a total shithead.

                  And, while I don't want to toot my own horn too much (cause someone will probably use it to make me look like the shithead that I am), I think the above is a pretty spot on analysis of this entire election.


                  • @Cdizzle:, I'm not sure that you were necessarily addressing my post, but I think your comment leads to an important point.

                    Reasonable people could judge Hillary and Trump to be complete garbage based on the nearly unlimited number of stories coming out showing them to be such. Yes, reasonable people could even get fooled by a false story about them amongst all the true stories. Well, at least, fooled at first, prior to getting a chance to investigate further.

                    But no, reasonable people do not take memes off of and share them as truth without even a hint of attempt to verify their authenticity. People who do that are scum and have no real interest in the truth.

                    Once again, not directing this post at you Mr. Dizzle, just using your post as a good excuse to jump on this soapbox one more time. I don't care if someone is talking about Billy Graham, or the devil himself. Lies are lies, and are never justified.


                    • Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
                      I don't want to toot
                      This just in: Cdizzle has to toot!


                      • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
                        This just in: Cdizzle has to toot!
                        Not any more.


                        • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                          When people continue to fall for utter lies like this story about Hillary hating everyday Americans, I can't help but just feel more and more depressed about humanity in general.
                          It actually not a story - but an email.

                          You should seek professional help for your depression. It a serious matter.

                          I don't have time to fully expound, but the short story is... Hillary hated the phrase "everyday Americans" when strategizing for talking points. She wanted to find a better way to say what she meant.
                          Glad you read her talking points.

                          She said nothing about hating people. She disliked a specific phrase and was looking for different terminology. That's really all it was.
                          Just like her "deplorable" statement. Just different "terminology" - she actually meant it as a term of endearment.

                          Please stop blindly believing all the garbage you see the second you see it.
                          Well, if she had fulfilled her responsibility under the law this type of stuff would not even be a story.

                          This stuff is toxic.
                          What hasn't been toxic about the election. When your two best choices for the next leader of the U.S. is HRC or Trump - it says there is something broken in the system.


                          • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                            What hasn't been toxic about the election. When your two best choices for the next leader of the U.S. is HRC or Trump - it says there is something broken in the system.
                            I have to whole-heartedly agree with this. But this has been coming for sometime now. Perhaps the more pressing issue or questions is have we passed the point of no return as a country and if so where are we heading?


                            • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                              I have to whole-heartedly agree with this. But this has been coming for sometime now. Perhaps the more pressing issue or questions is have we passed the point of no return as a country and if so where are we heading?
                              Good question. A friend on FB made an interesting observation, which made me think. He said it seemed to be that the political spectrum used to be more of a single bell curve, with the center of the bell being those that are politically moderate. He thinks now that we have become a double bell curve, with a "moderate" group within each ideological hump, but those are both away from the moderate center. His thinking, I believe, was that this explains the polarization, but also means that the outliers of each end are closer to the "norm" of their side. Not sure whether I totally agree with that, but it was an interesting way to put things.
                              Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


                              • It seems to me that the Republican Party is in a no-win situation here. If the Party or any individual candidates dump Trump they will likely bear the animosity of Trump's supporters which is still a significant number of folks. If they support Trump they will no doubt lose the support of many moderate Republicans, especially women.

                                I assume this is why Paul Ryan said for each Republican candidate to do whatever works best for him them in their own districts or states. Which no doubt varies widely.

                                I think we at least have the opportunity to survive Hillary if the Republicans can maintain control of the Senate and House and don't leave their cojones in lock box back home. Both of which are far from assured at this point in time.

                                One problem with a possible Democrat sweep is the Trumpists will no doubt continue with a scorched earth policy towards whatever will remain of the Republican Party. It could be a long, long time before the Democrat Party is supplanted. Just depends on how long it takes them to finish the country off. After that their will be a vacuum that will be filled with what? Who knows?

                                Whatever it is hopefully it works out for the best for future generations.

