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  • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    Naw, it just proves he can't follow the rules.
    It’s better than lying that his (Joe’s) son, Beau, served in combat.


    • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

      It’s better than lying that his (Joe’s) son, Beau, served in combat.
      Lying is lying. We know Trump is a lier. Perhaps Joe is too?! I know VERY little about Joe.


      • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

        Naw, it just proves he can't follow the rules.
        So your saying Biden, Clinton and Obama can't follow rules? I posted photos of each of them at Arlington cemetery. I checked the laws concerning photos at Arlington and posted about those previous to the photo post. No rule has been broken at this point.

        Biden couldn't even follow his constitutional duty to secure the border


        • TDS


          • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
            He's a piece of garbage for disrupting the graves of recently fallen soldiers at Arlington. And the right tries to pride themselves on "patriotism"...
            Wow. Didn't take long for this story to be debunked.
            And he's not using it for a campaign ad like Obama did.


            • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

              Lying is lying. We know Trump is a lier. Perhaps Joe is too?! I know VERY little about Joe.
              What’s a lier?
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                Lying is lying. We know Trump is a lier. Perhaps Joe is too?! I know VERY little about Joe.
                You're not a good researcher or judge of character. Scandals, Corruption, lying, plagiarizing, and exaggerating are a major part of Biden's political career, and his personal life when building his political career, and defending his son's and brother's business dealings, otherwise known as the Biden Family Business in China, Ukraine, and who knows where else where they became a wealthy family with a beach house, other mansions, and where his son hired prostitutes, etc. Hunter will go to jail because of his crimes...... "No Wait" maybe not.


                • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

                  What’s a lier?


                  • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                    He's a piece of garbage for disrupting the graves of recently fallen soldiers at Arlington. And the right tries to pride themselves on "patriotism"...
                    So now that this scam, like many others, has been exposed, are you beginning to see the bias against Trump yet? I'm not faulting you for your choice for president, I'm just curious if anything will convince some folks.


                    • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                      People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                      Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                      Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                      • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                        He's a piece of garbage for disrupting the graves of recently fallen soldiers at Arlington. And the right tries to pride themselves on "patriotism"...
                        People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                        Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                        Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                        • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                          He's a piece of garbage for disrupting the graves of recently fallen soldiers at Arlington. And the right tries to pride themselves on "patriotism"...
                          This take gets worse and worse as each day passes.


                          • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                            He's a piece of garbage for disrupting the graves of recently fallen soldiers at Arlington. And the right tries to pride themselves on "patriotism"...
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

                              But he'll still put all of his votes for Kamala.


                              • Anybody that votes for Kamala & Tampon Tim is either uninformed, misinformed, evil, or stupid. That's it, four choices.........

