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  • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

    You slam Tucker Carson or whatever his name is, then post stuff from Michael Moore as if it's intriguing. Nobody is going to bite on that, but nice try.
    Tucker Carson is a Kook though. He's a conspiracy theorist who doesn't even believe in modern medicine. I think I fairly introduced Moore as a Liberal. Plenty of his work is going to be extreme/unsavory. But some points he made in the movie I listed were compelling/damning.

    Take for instance education in Finland. They had some of the lowest test scores in the world. Then they decided to throw everything out. They actually took some of our ideas. Now they have the highest test scores in the world. Wanna know one of their secrets? No homework. Let the kids play. Help them to be happy people. The rest works itself out. Watch!

    P.S. So are you on record then as not being interested in having itemized pay stubs showing where your tax dollars go?


    • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
      Are there some good teachers out there in public education? Of course there are. But they are the minority...
      This is an incredibly uninformed statement.

      Teachers are a different breed - not unlike healthcare workers. But with even more compassion.


      • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
        "Her body." Bullshit.
        Sometimes it her body, Some to its his body.



        • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

          This is an incredibly uninformed statement.

          Teachers are a different breed - not unlike healthcare workers. But with even more compassion.
          You don't have children. You're wrong.

          I am SO far more informed on this than you, it's not even funny.

          Teachers are teachers. There are good and bad. But public school teaching (to be fair, more so in urban areas than rural) has become a safe space for the barely educated to collect an excellent check. But even worse is the moronic expansion of non-teaching positions that have watered down our institutions. There are far too many mid-managers in the public school system.

          You mentioned Norway and their success. Bully for them! I'm glad they found success for their children, it's important. I would love to look at a complete reboot of our system.

          However, what I DO NOT advocate for is 536 people in DC deciding what's right in Derby, KS, Pullman WA & Tampa, FL, as if they all have the same needs.

          And school vouchers (over time) would yield far superior results than we're getting today, at a much lower cost to taxpayers.


          • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

            You don't have children. You're wrong.
            This topped your previous statement in its... just... overall lack of intelligent premise.

            I don't have children, therefore I cannot possibly make a qualified statement on the average competence of today's public school teacher.

            Brother, I have intimate experience with teachers and their colleagues. The Pareto principle aptly covers the issue in all professions.


            • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

              You mentioned Norway and their success. Bully for them! I'm glad they found success for their children, it's important. I would love to look at a complete reboot of our system.
              So watch the video.

              Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

              However, what I DO NOT advocate for is 536 people in DC deciding what's right in Derby, KS, Pullman WA & Tampa, FL, as if they all have the same needs.
              I do not have an opinion on this. I've even asked teachers their opinion on this statement. Their responses have also been mixed. They report to their bosses (the principle) who report to the board. People by and large have your child's best interest at heart. Any other belief is conspiratorial Fox News fodder at best.

              But MAKE NO MISTAKE! These teachers BLEED from their heart for their pupils. The majority are "called" to teach and are absolutely BLESSED to watch many of them grow up to do great things.

              Like I've said before, the failure with today's youth is squarely on the shoulders of their parents. Teachers are and never were supposed to be parents. But more and more they are being relegated to "step-parent" because the kids come to school feral (no respect for anything/anybody).

              Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

              And school vouchers (over time) would yield far superior results than we're getting today, at a much lower cost to taxpayers.

              I'll take the devil's advocate position. And I believe the devil has it right.

              School vouchers would provide a short-term reprieve for those wanting to "flee the minorities/poverty", but eventually all those left behind would be subsidized to join those who'd fleed and we'd all be back together again. So in the long run, it would just be more expensive/wasteful.

              Yeah... I'd like to argue from that angle on this issue. It's the most logical and logic rules. And I rule logic.

              P.S. Once vouchers are issued, and half the public schools in the nation are shut down, where do you think all the NEW teachers to fill all the BETTER private schools are going to come from? That's right, your dumb, nasty public schools lol. You didn't really think this one through did ya sport? Or maybe these aren't your thoughts at all hmmm???

              P.P.S. Public schools pay their teachers more than private schools. Historically the best and the brightest go for the most pay in your typical industry.


              • I don't think I've ever seen anyone who thinks so highly of thyself as cold.


                • I have no idea what the solution to education is, but I'm guessing as long as the Dems are in the pocket of the teachers unions, not much is going to change.
                  "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                  • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                    I have no idea what the solution to education is, but I'm guessing as long as the Dems are in the pocket of the teachers unions, not much is going to change.
                    In Finland, it's illegal for unions to contribute to political campaigns. :)
                    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                    • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                      I have no idea what the solution to education is, but I'm guessing as long as the Dems are in the pocket of the teachers unions, not much is going to change.
                      The Feds getting involved in education was a big mistake. State and local control was better. Now we have a huge bureaucracy that pushes social issues (LBGTQ) and not teach kids to think and learn.


                      • State control would give us fifty test beds to see who can do it better for less $$$


                        • Originally posted by asiseeit View Post
                          State control would give us fifty test beds to see who can do it better for less $$$
                          Perhaps I’m not following your thought, but it sounds like you prefer dictatorial, top down, bureaucratic control from DC, and unions, setting local school policies.

                          While I’m not an RFK follower, this (controlling children in schools, along with controlling the unhealthy food industry that feeds our children) is why he left O’Bama, Harris and the Democrat Party, and is now backing Trump.

                          Since O’ Bama, everything the Democrat Party does, is decided at the top, by wealthy people instead of people,from the bottom up.

                          Not very democratic, is it?


                          • I think you read that wrong shockm. I believe he's saying that 50 states doing it their own way would enable states to find the best way by looking at each others process. As opposed to the feds saying " you have to do it this way"


                            • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post
                              I think you read that wrong shockm. I believe he's saying that 50 states doing it their own way would enable states to find the best way by looking at each others process. As opposed to the feds saying " you have to do it this way"
                              Atxshockfan has my meaning right. Shouldn't take long for education dollars to follow the students. The best schools survive and poor schools will fail. Best schools crank out better educated students and before long their process' will be adopted for better overall results.


                              • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"

