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  • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post


    WHERE will they play Trump talking about Harris' policy shortcomings?
    It’s not the easiest path to win, but you obviously don’t understand the news cycle. He is his own worst enemy. Here is an article from one of Trump’s friendlier media groups that explains how he “steps on his own message.” There are a good number of articles explaining this phenomenon. One example that is mentioned is when the left wing media went to town on one of his comments when he referred to one of his one time female aides as a “dog”. It took over what else he said.


    • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

      It’s not the easiest path to win, but you obviously don’t understand the news cycle.
      What new cycles? That's pre-2008 thinking. There is NO NEWS CYCLE anymore. There hasn't been for at least 16 years.

      There is just information outlets coupled with political propaganda cycles now. You only hear what a media outlet with an agenda wants you to hear now. That's it, nothing more.

      Originally posted by Shockm View Post
      ​Here is an article from one of Trump’s friendlier media groups that explains how he “steps on his own message.”
      Good golly, that article is from 2018.

      We literally have 4 years of the man giving a master-class in CEO performance, executing nearly the entire conservative agenda laid out by the Heritage Foundation in just a couple years time. Nobody in history had every done so much in so little time (and all the while being attacked relentlessly by the leftists). He completely saved this nation for decades by turning over the federal court system, appointing conservative Supreme Court justices, revving the economy by dropping antiquated and overstepped corporate legal roadblocks, shoring up the southern border, and on, and on, and on, and on.

      But this election? COMPLETE blackout by all media outlets. He gets NO air time unless it's something they can spin negatively. NONE.

      News has been dead for over a decade.

      His only chance will be the debates. That's the ONLY time anybody but his voters will see him, and they are already drafting up the scripts to call Kamala the winner by a MILLION miles and attack him relentlessly immediately following the debate.

      It is a strange time we are living in.
      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


      • Everyday is a news cycle. There were lots of 2024 stories (google) about Trump stepping on his message, but they were left wing media groups that you won’t read.


        • Originally posted by Shockm View Post
          Everyday is a news cycle. There were lots of 2024 stories (google) about Trump stepping on his message, but they were left wing media groups that you won’t read.
          Now you're getting it.

          So back to the question .. if Trump says the PERFECT thing that your wife really, really needs to hear to win her over, what media outlet will put it in front of her eyeballs?

          Think his best messaging shows up organically on Facebook? Nope.
          Youtube? Nope.
          Google? Nope.
          Fox? Usually (but those are already his voters)
          ABC? CBS? NBC? Nope. Nope. Nope.
          Eagle Beacon? Nope.
          Insta? TikTok? Nope. Nope.
          CNN? Nope.
          MSNBC? Nope.
          Twitter? Maybe, if shes actively looking for it.

          The only thing your eyeballs get to consume is negative messaging put out by the left. That's it.

          The general population doesn't have a clue at how good his messaging/policy is unless they go search for it and consume his actual speeches. Other than that they'd think he was public enemy #1.
          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


          • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

            Now you're getting it.

            So back to the question .. if Trump says the PERFECT thing that your wife really, really needs to hear to win her over, what media outlet will put it in front of her eyeballs?

            Think his best messaging shows up organically on Facebook? Nope.
            Youtube? Nope.
            Google? Nope.
            Fox? Usually (but those are already his voters)
            ABC? CBS? NBC? Nope. Nope. Nope.
            Eagle Beacon? Nope.
            Insta? TikTok? Nope. Nope.
            CNN? Nope.
            MSNBC? Nope.
            Twitter? Maybe, if shes actively looking for it.

            The only thing your eyeballs get to consume is negative messaging put out by the left. That's it.

            The general population doesn't have a clue at how good his messaging/policy is unless they go search for it and consume his actual speeches. Other than that they'd think he was public enemy #1.
            You spend so much time defending DT, you didn’t read what I’ve been saying. Most anti-Trump women like conservatives such as Glenn Youngkin. They may even like Vance better than Trump. They don’t call people and women (dogs) they disagree with, names. The only thing that these women like are Trump policies. Thus Trump needs to learn to stick to his message (don’t step on the policy message) and stay from personal attacks.


            • The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget projects how much the plan would add to the federal deficit.


              • Now it's ok.
                LAS VEGAS (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris promised Saturday to work to eliminate taxes on tips paid to restaurant and other service industry employees, echoing a pledge that her opponent, Repub…


                • Today's media follows the news that gives them ratings. Trump has the press core at every public function he attends. He used to make it a point during his rallies to point and ridicule the media while the attendees turned and booed. His shooting got good coverage for a couple weeks. Trump is Trump's own worst enemy. His asshole routine finally jumped the shark. People want peace. The idea of that bloated egomaniac running his mouth behind the presidential seal for another four years turns a LOT of people off.


                  • Originally posted by Shockm View Post
                    ...Trump needs to learn..... and stay away from personal attacks.


                    • America deserves Kamala. If they vote for her, enjoy it. Personally, I will be fine. I'm not retarded. My finances will probably take a hit short term, but I will be able to maneuver through it. American cities will continue to decline. Young people will continue to struggle. But you know what? You voted for the government to have more control in your life (except more police in your community).

                      Go get your abortion and STFU.
                      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                      • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                        Today's media follows the news that gives them ratings. Trump has the press core at every public function he attends. He used to make it a point during his rallies to point and ridicule the media while the attendees turned and booed. His shooting got good coverage for a couple weeks. Trump is Trump's own worst enemy. His asshole routine finally jumped the shark. People want peace. The idea of that bloated egomaniac running his mouth behind the presidential seal for another four years turns a LOT of people off.
                        Yup, nobody wants an asshole meanie pants running things. We’d rather pay higher gas prices, throw our paychecks at the grocery store, let criminals control society, let any living creature, animal, and being flood our borders and pay for everything they will inherently do, and let Russia, Iran, and North Korea laugh at us while bending us over on all fours at the same time.

                        Yup, I prefer the America we’ve had the last 4 years and where it’s headed.

                        We MUST respect the media and we MUST win press conferences. We MUST say the right things and be politically correct but never deliver on anything. That’s WAY better than being a meanie pants and telling it like it is.

                        PRESS CONFERENCES > QUALITY OF LIFE.

                        Deuces Valley.
                        ... No really, deuces.
                        "Enjoy the ride."

                        - a smart man


                        • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                          America deserves Kamala. If they vote for her, enjoy it. Personally, I will be fine. I'm not retarded. My finances will probably take a hit short term, but I will be able to maneuver through it. American cities will continue to decline. Young people will continue to struggle. But you know what? You voted for the government to have more control in your life (except more police in your community).

                          Go get your abortion and STFU.
                          The only thing better than this would be if all conservatives lived in one place and all liberals in another so they could live by their ridiculous policy. Just California doesn’t work because they are too dumb to understand why they don’t like California when they move to Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska.
                          People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                          Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                          Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                          • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

                            Yup, nobody wants an asshole meanie pants running things. We’d rather pay higher gas prices, throw our paychecks at the grocery store, let criminals control society, let any living creature, animal, and being flood our borders and pay for everything they will inherently do, and let Russia, Iran, and North Korea laugh at us while bending us over on all fours at the same time.

                            Yup, I prefer the America we’ve had the last 4 years and where it’s headed.

                            We MUST respect the media and we MUST win press conferences. We MUST say the right things and be politically correct but never deliver on anything. That’s WAY better than being a meanie pants and telling it like it is.

                            PRESS CONFERENCES > QUALITY OF LIFE.
                            These things aren't mutually exclusive. We can have a responsible, conservative leader who also isn't an asshat.

                            If you're throwing your paycheck at the grocery store, we need to talk. Those gouging bastards can be beat. It's on all of us to fight back at the cash register. Go hybrid/electric and you'll never feel the sting of the pump again. And no, not all electric vehicles cost a fortune.

                            Too much hyperbole. Both parties are more similar than your programming will allow you to accept.


                            • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                              America deserves Kamala. If they vote for her, enjoy it. Personally, I will be fine. I'm not retarded. My finances will probably take a hit short term, but I will be able to maneuver through it. American cities will continue to decline. Young people will continue to struggle. But you know what? You voted for the government to have more control in your life (except more police in your community).

                              Go get your abortion and STFU.

                              How many unwanted babies did you adopt last year?

                              Increased regulation is inversely proportional to the average level of altruism in our society. Capitalism works... until it doesn't. And what will kill the experiment is the depravity of mankind. We all need to try harder. Greed is okay... to a point. Deceptive business practices are rotting this country's core. The middle-class is almost gone. How do you think that happened? Taxes?

                              The wealth gap is unsustainable. And taxing the rich harder is only a temporary fix. We need "workers" to own more of the place they work for. And no, I'm not talking about the very definition of Socialism lol. I mean they need to own more stock in a stock market that has created this wealth gap. The richest 10% in our country own 93% of the stock market. A stock market worth $50 TRILLION dollars! Why not pay employees 10% of their wages in company stock- locking it up for a certain period of time so they don't immediately blow it. The wealth gap trend would be reversed over night.

                              P.S. Americans need to learn how to manage their effing money. People buy too much **** they don't need in this country. You don't need an F950 pickup you tool.


                              • Originally posted by shock View Post

                                The only thing better than this would be if all conservatives lived in one place and all liberals in another so they could live by their ridiculous policy. Just California doesn’t work because they are too dumb to understand why they don’t like California when they move to Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska.
                                "Conservatives" don't have ALL the answers. Polarized thinking is the folly of undisciplined Alaskans. Don't be one!

                                The truth always lies somewhere in between.

                                A good start is to be kind and live honorably. Encourage your weaker brother. Get involved in your community. Be a role model. Love Thy Neighbor.

