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  • Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
    How many "mothers" does he have and don't complete sentences usually have a verb? jk
    How many mothers he has is his business completely and is none of my business. :)


    • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


      • The **** show is strong no matter which side of the party lines you land on. The Bill, Obama, Hillary **** is trash. The Bill, Obama, Trump **** is trash. I'm more surprised by the people that try to make either one of them out as a "good" candidate than anything else. That being said, I do believe Hillary will win because of three things, the women vote, the minority vote, and the government assistance vote. Doesn't mean she should, but I think she will.
        "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


        • Originally posted by martymoose View Post
          I completely agree, the Democrats **** show is nothing compared to what we've seen from Republicans over the last 12+ years. Tea Party to Donald could you go wrong with that? There's a reason why the last 2 presidential elections weren't even close and this next one won't be close either.
          And why did the democrats lose the house and senate to the republican? The democratic **** show is just as bad, the only reason you don't smell it is because after awhile it is just your new normal. At least conservatives know we are F-d. You just have not realized it or are in denial.


          • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
            #NeverClinton movement is building steam - maybe Obama will just declare a third term by executive order and call for a redo - or tell give the Justice Department the GO sign and install his own candidate.


            • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
              I understand the Trump hatred. Most of the reasons for it I can even agree with. My question for those who hate Trump with a passion is, is this going to be a write in vote kind of year if Hillary gets the Dem nod, or will you be voting for someone that should be behind bars, hoping that she can pardon herself?
              #NeverTrump #NeverHillary I'll be writing in Rubio unless a quality 3rd party candidate arises and convinces me otherwise.


              • I don't dip into this forum very often, but I certainly try to stay informed on such political matters. Doc and I have had some good conversations about political things. I am a pretty middle of the road guy, although some mistake me for a flaming liberal. Yeah, if you think that label is appropriate....let me introduce you to some others I know who are way, Way, WAY farther left than I am. No, being in Kansas, I am looked at as pretty liberal, but if I lived in a liberal hot bed like the SF Bay Area or New England, I would be looked at as a total right-winger. Again...middle-of-the-road guy here.

                Anyway, I have thought a lot about this election, and I will say this: I will listen to Trump supporters on why they will vote for him...preferably without all the racist and sexist overtones...but I will listen to that argument. I am not really a fan of Trump but do appreciate his business sense. Obviously, someone with his track record of success is doing something right. I am all ears for balancing the budget, and if his business acumen can help with that, I am open to hearing those ideas.

                Here's what will bother me: years ago, what I heard from many people who voted for Bush 43 (and later against Obama) was that they were doing so solely because "I am a Christian." First, let me make clear that I am as close to the church as anyone here, so I certainly understand that viewpoint...but I agreed to disagree with those "Christians." With that same viewpoint (voting for the "Christian" candidate), there is NO WAY IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH that someone could justify voting for Trump...and it's not even close. As my fairly-conservative financial guy told me ten years ago (before Trump got into politics), "the guy is a moral scumbag." Ted Cruz recently said similar things about Trump, calling him a "serial philanderer" and an "amoral pathological liar." In a weird way, I have been almost rooting for Trump to win the GOP nomination because I was curious to see how the holier-than-thou Religious Right would handle this. I just cannot understand any logic for that group of people to support Donald Trump.

                That all said, I certainly recognize that Hillary has major issues as well and doesn't exactly make for a suitable option...which what makes this a very bizarre and fascinating election. We either get powerful Biff Tannen from Back to the Future II or essentially a third-term of Obama-like policies which will continue to divide our country, which is unhealthy for the long-term view of our country. I am honestly not sure how I will vote. Of course, given that I live in Kansas, it really doesn't matter how I vote. I mean, Jesus Christ himself could be on the Democrat ticket and would still lose in Kansas.

                Again, if someone talks policy and issues, I will listen to the Trump argument and might agree with a few points. If someone first and foremost is inclined to vote for the "Christian candidate" and then votes for Trump, I have no patience for that.

                So there's my two cents....and it is probably not even worth that...


                • I have little use for either of them. Probably a little less use for Donald, but the situation is fluid. Conservative/liberal labels don't mean **** to me. They are contrivances to divide us.


                  • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                    And why did the democrats lose the house and senate to the republican? The democratic **** show is just as bad, the only reason you don't smell it is because after awhile it is just your new normal. At least conservatives know we are F-d. You just have not realized it or are in denial.
                    I've voted for more Republicans as president than Democrats... That said, I'd vote for Hillary a 100 times before I'd even consider 1 vote for Trump. I'm just amazed by how many people are being blinded by party lines when it comes to backing Trump. The point is the majority of smart republicans were calling him an idiot months, even weeks ago, now that he's their only hope they're backing him and forgetting everything they said before.


                    • Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
                      I am not really a fan of Trump but do appreciate his business sense. Obviously, someone with his track record of success is doing something right.
                      He's in real estate. Few people of moral or ethical fabric make it big on the sales/development side of real estate. There are a few, but it is generally a cesspool. He's made a killing because he started with an inherited war chest, and has since boned large numbers of people on his way up that ladder. He ain't Sam Walton, let's put it that way.

                      Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
                      Here's what will bother me: years ago, what I heard from many people who voted for Bush 43 (and later against Obama) was that they were doing so solely because "I am a Christian." First, let me make clear that I am as close to the church as anyone here, so I certainly understand that viewpoint...but I agreed to disagree with those "Christians." With that same viewpoint (voting for the "Christian" candidate), there is NO WAY IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH that someone could justify voting for Trump...and it's not even close. As my fairly-conservative financial guy told me ten years ago (before Trump got into politics), "the guy is a moral scumbag." Ted Cruz recently said similar things about Trump, calling him a "serial philanderer" and an "amoral pathological liar." In a weird way, I have been almost rooting for Trump to win the GOP nomination because I was curious to see how the holier-than-thou Religious Right would handle this. I just cannot understand any logic for that group of people to support Donald Trump.
                      I don't know what your Facebook feed has looked like these past few months, but mine has been filled with conservative Christians gong on rants about how there's no way in hell (great pun in this context, right?) a self-professed Christian should be voting for Trump, and they've been getting lots of likes and supportive responses.

                      Me thinks that for some reason you have co-mingled the "conservative Christian" with "uneducated white trash" demos in your head. There's certainly some overlap, but they are different groups.


                      • Originally posted by martymoose View Post
                        The point is the majority of smart republicans were calling him an idiot months, even weeks ago, now that he's their only hope they're backing him and forgetting everything they said before.

                        There's a metric pantload of conservatives who's low opinion of Trump has not changed one bit, and who will be sitting at home on November 8th watching the train wreck unfold.

                        If there is a silver lining here it is that it will be fun watching unfiltered a-hole Trump going after felon Hillary in the press and debates. One of both Romney's and McCain's weaknesses were that they never knew they should take the gloves off.


                        • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                          I don't know what your Facebook feed has looked like these past few months, but mine has been filled with conservative Christians gong on rants about how there's no way in hell (great pun in this context, right?) a self-professed Christian should be voting for Trump, and they've been getting lots of likes and supportive responses.
                          I can certainly believe that and have seen it myself. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson were still options that could satisfy evangelicals, so of course the evangelicals would say that during the primaries. Can those same people stick to their beliefs that "there's no way in hell a self-professed Christian should be voting for Trump" if it means having to vote for Hillary? That remains to be seen.


                          • Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
                            I can certainly believe that and have seen it myself. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson were still options that could satisfy evangelicals, so of course the evangelicals would say that during the primaries. Can those same people stick to their beliefs that "there's no way in hell a self-professed Christian should be voting for Trump" if it means having to vote for Hillary? That remains to be seen.
                            You forgot there's always the option not to vote at all. I think it is fairly likely that the turnout at the polls this cycle will be the lowest per capita in decades. Huge chunks of both sides hate their assumed candidate.


                            • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                              You forgot there's always the option not to vote at all. I think it is fairly likely that the turnout at the polls this cycle will be the lowest per capita in decades. Huge chunks of both sides hate their assumed candidate.
                              For **** sake at least go out and write somebody in. (not aimed at you but the population in general)


                              • I'm going with Monty Brewster.
                                Attached Files

