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  • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    I wanted to believe that the GOP was above playing downright nasty and dirty politics. Man was I wrong. Where before I only cared about beating Hillary, I now hope that Trump kicks the living snot out of Cruz and the GOP establishment. What a bunch of cheating pricks.
    This is my problem with the entire system as it works (or doesn't work) now. It's not just the Repubs.

    The idea of no compromise, do anything possible to legislate an ideology, and do anything possible to stonewall an opposing ideology ends up with either the most radical liberal (Pelosi) ideologies becoming law or the most radical conservative ideologies (Cruz) becoming law. If either side doesn't get their agenda accepted, they just shut down the government until one side or the other blinks.

    That is no way to run a government. It is my belief that this country was built on opposing viewpoints each giving in a bit and finding a common ground that perhaps neither really endorsed, but both could, perhaps grudgingly, accept.

    The parties control so much PAC money, that candidates not named Trump have to absolutely agree to whatever the big money people supporting the party endorse. Without agreeing to the agenda of the financial backers, it is impossible to run for office.

    We're still reasonably close to "one person, one vote", but there are a very few persons who can tell us who we are allowed to vote for. That pretty much compromises the concept that the USA is a true democracy where the people choose the government they want.
    The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
    We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


    • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
      Thinking Chris Christie will be Trump's running mate.
      Another northeast rino is not going to help appease the Cruzers. Maybe a military man. I'd like to see Allen West get the nod.


      • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
        how does that help the ticket?
        I don't know that it does, but he seems to always pop up at Trump rallies.
        Last edited by Kung Wu; April 27, 2016, 06:09 AM.
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • Originally posted by shoxplode View Post
          Another northeast rino is not going to help appease the Cruzers. Maybe a military man. I'd like to see Allen West get the nod.
          Yes, I'd rather see other options too, but Christie appears to have Trump's ear. I've seen Christie at multiple rallies. He's a NJ guy so probably knows Trump VERY well (NY guy), and Trump probably trusts him.

          I guess with a Christie it would give them a better chance of beating Hillary in some NE blue states. I dunno. I'm just guessing it's Christie based on what I see, not what I want. I will say that I warmed up to Christie _a little_ during the debates. He's sharp, just not the conservative type I was hoping for.
          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


          • If Trump is the nominee, Pennsylvania all of a sudden is problem for the Dems. Look at the numbers last night.

            And if Hilary has to defend New York, unlikely but Trump is the ONLY GOP candidate that could force her to at least campaign there, at least the libs will be on the defensive for a change.


            • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
              Don't know, but he's going to be the recipient of a lot of votes from pissed off conservatives/Republicans that are sick of lying and cheating establishment bastards. They deserve to have an outsider crash their party.
              I'm mad too but I still don't like Trump and there are about half or more of Rep. who agree with me. To place Trump on a pedestal because he has better behavior than other candidates is a losing strategy.


              • Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
                I'm mad too but I still don't like Trump and there are about half or more of Rep. who agree with me. To place Trump on a pedestal because he has better behavior than other candidates is a losing strategy.
                According to recent polls, 50% of Republicans now back Trump, and that number is growing rapidly.
                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                  According to recent polls, 50% of Republicans now back Trump, and that number is growing rapidly.
                  I saw that an NBC poll had Trump at 50%, what were the others?

                  A recent CBS poll had Trump in the low 40's and Ted Cruz narrowing the gap into single digits.

                  The math hasn't really changed, Trump was always expected to win the Blue, NE states that Republicans never win. I have not seen a poll that has Trump winning Blue states away from the Dems.

                  He still has major problems getting to 1,237 and even bigger problems getting the support of the Conservative grassroots & Establishment delegates from all over the country.

                  I know it makes for good ratings, but Trump is not in the strong position he likes to pretend that he is.
                  "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
                  -John Wooden


                  • Is there a reason other than intuition that some of you guys think Trump will be competitive in the northeast and other democratic strongholds in the general election?

                    Polls say otherwise with emphasis. Just wondering.


                    • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                      Is there a reason other than intuition that some of you guys think Trump will be competitive in the northeast and other democratic strongholds in the general election?

                      Polls say otherwise with emphasis. Just wondering.
                      I have seen no data that would show Trump has a chance in NE states. I will grant after second look that Pa. is at least could be interesting.

                      From my circle (so take fwiw) I hear either people who absolutely love trump or hate him. Those who hate him are saying they are not going to vote for him regardless of who the democrat is. Hillary won't have that problem with Bernie supporters. They may not like her, but they will vote for her.

                      Trump has the Romney problem - unenthusiastic base.
                      Last edited by SB Shock; April 27, 2016, 11:21 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                        I wanted to believe that the GOP was above playing downright nasty and dirty politics. Man was I wrong. Where before I only cared about beating Hillary, I now hope that Trump kicks the living snot out of Cruz and the GOP establishment. What a bunch of cheating pricks.
                        What did I miss?

                        I admit, I haven't been paying close attention to the race for awhile. Who cheated, and how?


                        • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                          What did I miss?

                          I admit, I haven't been paying close attention to the race for awhile. Who cheated, and how?
                          I do pay attention and still not for sure to what actions he's talking about. Perhaps Cruz and Kasich acting together on which states to work?
                          In the fast lane


                          • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                            What did I miss?

                            I admit, I haven't been paying close attention to the race for awhile. Who cheated, and how?
                            No vote in Colorado.
                            No vote in Wyoming.
                            Collusion amongst Cruz and Kasich (who was mathematically completely out of the race moons ago).
                            Bought off delegates by the LOSER of a state election to convert the delegates from backing the winner.
                            GOP ballots being mysteriously lost.
                            Delegates "accidentally" being left out of delegate race.
                            GOP delegate ballots not showing which candidate they support.
                            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                            • Trump give a foreign policy speech today. It should be watched by everybody as part of determining who to vote for. I'm sure it can be found on-line. Yes he was Presidential enough. I'll have to review it again to come to conclusions. Some of it was good.

                              I thought he was going to name more of his foregin advisory team today. He did say in the speech he will bring in new people. I'll be very interested in who they are.
                              Last edited by tropicalshox; April 27, 2016, 03:12 PM.
                              In the fast lane


                              • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                                Trump has the Romney problem - unenthusiastic base.
                                Trump has already surpassed Romney's entire primary season in raw votes. George W. Bush set the record with 10,800,000 votes in the primary in 2000. Trump is going to break that record. Record turnout in a primary would seem to be a strong case for enthusiasm, wouldn't it?
                                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

