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Republican Slow Slog - Poll Updates

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  • Let's see what the #MakeDonaldDrumptAgain campaign does. John Oliver might be more effective than any of the Republicans.

    Last edited by tropicalshox; February 29, 2016, 04:50 PM.
    In the fast lane


    • Kris Kobach endorses Trump.

      In the fast lane


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        • What the heck is the New York Times doing leaking off the record comments of Donald Trump? Not a Trump fan, but the Times' action are completely inappropriate. This will back fire on them and just strengthen Trump's backers belief that the establishment is out to get him.
          Last edited by tropicalshox; March 1, 2016, 07:52 AM.
          In the fast lane


          • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
            Why would that suprise you? This is the same electorate that elected a community organizer who agenda was social justice and to do the bidding of his puppet masters to get us on the road to socialized medicine and spit on the the constitution.
            It does say in Revelation that there will be lots of anti-Christs before THE Anti-Christ. Just saying.


            • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
              Why would that suprise you? This is the same electorate that elected a community organizer who agenda was social justice and to do the bidding of his puppet masters to get us on the road to socialized medicine and spit on the the constitution.
              There has to be hope that your side will vote on principles and ideas otherwise you might as well bear hug nihilism.


              • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                @PlayAngry said:
                "Republicans are committing an embarrassing slow motion suicide by even considering this buffoon."

                While I generally agree with this statement, I don't believe other Republicans should slam him in this way; rather I think Republican's should put forth reasons why Rubio or Cruz should be elected instead.
                There is so much damning evidence against Trump's credentials as a conservative that his supporters' advocacy in Republican primaries can only be characterized as willful ignorance. Rational arguments are brushed aside because his people do not care about the "details," they simply want someone who tells them he can make the trains run on time, regardless of methods.

                Anyone voting for him today, after watching the most recent debate or listening to him speak at one of his incredibly well-attended rallies, is consciously compromising their values in exchange for what they perceive as strong leadership (embodied by simple tough talk, arrogance, and playground bullyism). They are, simply put, imbeciles.

                A Trump nomination may or may not signal a seismic shift in the future direction of the Republican Party (I believe it would). A Trump presidency would guarantee it.


                • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                  There has to be hope that your side will vote on principles and ideas otherwise you might as well bear hug nihilism.
                  Problem is you have people like Carson and Kasich who have no chance to win and are really helping trump but diluting the anti-trump vote. It really needs to be a two candidate race if Trump is going to be defeated.


                  • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                    There is so much damning evidence against Trump's credentials as a conservative that his supporters' advocacy in Republican primaries can only be characterized as willful ignorance. Rational arguments are brushed aside because his people do not care about the "details," they simply want someone who tells them he can make the trains run on time, regardless of methods.

                    Anyone voting for him today, after watching the most recent debate or listening to him speak at one of his incredibly well-attended rallies, is consciously compromising their values in exchange for what they perceive as strong leadership (embodied by simple tough talk, arrogance, and playground bullyism). They are, simply put, imbeciles.

                    A Trump nomination may or may not signal a seismic shift in the future direction of the Republican Party (I believe it would). A Trump presidency would guarantee it.
                    I could replace Trump with Hillary in your text (except her rallies are not well attended and she is not a strong leader, just corrupt) - but your side just looks the other way.


                    • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                      Problem is you have people like Carson and Kasich who have no chance to win and are really helping trump but diluting the anti-trump vote. It really needs to be a two candidate race if Trump is going to be defeated.
                      It's really simple: If Cruz AND Rubio stay in, they both lose. If Cruz drops out, Rubio has a strong chance of winning. If Rubio drops out, Cruz has a decent chance of winning. If either of them drop out, Carson and the rest would follow suit.

                      That said: Trump has the best chance of winning the actual Presidential race, like it or not.
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                        I could replace Trump with Hillary in your text (except her rallies are not well attended and she is not a strong leader, just corrupt) - but your side just looks the other way.
                        Unless I've totally missed something in these threads over the years, Play Angry ain't a Dem.


                        • and...


                          • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                            I could replace Trump with Hillary in your text (except her rallies are not well attended and she is not a strong leader, just corrupt) - but your side just looks the other way.
                            I don't understand what your comment re: "your side" means. Please elaborate.

                            Re: Hillary - of course she is a terrible option. However, you're being insincere if you want to confuse Trump's cult of personality with Hillary's core supporters. One bloc is significantly more ideologically aligned with their candidate than the other. Hillary, despite the occasional moment of pandering pragmatism, is pretty much a quintessential liberal Democrat and more or less represents the views of her party. That she is ideologically consistent with her voters is not a defense of Hillary and do not read it as such - instead, it is an indictment of Trump's supporters willingness to abandon previously held views and values to support a candidate who embodies few of those ideas. Alternatively, it is a credit to Trump's charisma that he has convinced legions built around a core of old, poor, uneducated whites to vote for an NYC scion billionaire who holds far, far right views on about three topics and is center-left to far left on most others.


                            • “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


                              • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                                Alternatively, it is a credit to Trump's charisma that he has convinced legions built around a core of old, poor, uneducated whites to vote for an NYC scion billionaire who holds far, far right views on about three topics and is center-left to far left on most others.
                                You can keep repeating yourself if it makes you feel better, but Trump won every single demographic last runoff (he split on one). Young, old, white, black, latino, educated, highly educated, and uneducated ... he won them all.
                                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

