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Republican Slow Slog - Poll Updates

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  • Good summary of last night:
    But they fight! Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz absolutely pummeled Donald Trump in last night's CNN debate. Will it be enough? Is it too late? We'll find out.

    Anyone who supports Trump over Rubio or Cruz is a moron who scares me. The scariest part is how many of these people seem to exist.


    • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
      Good summary of last night:
      But they fight! Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz absolutely pummeled Donald Trump in last night's CNN debate. Will it be enough? Is it too late? We'll find out.

      Anyone who supports Trump over Rubio or Cruz is a moron who scares me. The scariest part is how many of these people seem to exist.
      Thanks for the link, good stuff! Seems to me that Cruz and Rubio are cannibalizing each other and Trump is winning because of the three-candidate effect. Cruz or Rubio needs to drop out, but both have just enough support that neither will. What a shame.
      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


      • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
        What a humiliating debate for Trump. If you believe one word out of his mouth going forward after watching that debate, he should register you in one of his promised databases as learning disabled.

        I do not believe any word coming out of any politicians mouth. That some people listen to the spins and non-answers and believe it is disturbing. That is probably me just becoming totally cynical with respect to politics.


        • Originally posted by engrshock View Post
          I do not believe any word coming out of any politicians mouth. That some people listen to the spins and non-answers and believe it is disturbing. That is probably me just becoming totally cynical with respect to politics.
          Maybe you overstated things and will clarify in a follow-up post, but lumping all politicians into the same pool of liars, as if they are all equally untrustworthy, is juvenile thinking. The world is not made up of 100% truth tellers and 100% liars. Human beings fall all over a very wide spectrum. Failure to distinguish between the average (dare I say ordinary) dishonesty of politicians like Cruz and Rubio and the obsurd "nearly every single statement I make is a verifiable lie" coming from Trump is embarrassing. They are nowhere near the same, and it is lazy thinking to pretend they are.

          It's like saying "all teenage drivers are bad drivers", and therefore expressing no extra concern as your daughter gets into the car with a visibly drunk frat boy who's yelling "hey cops, come and get me" as he grabs the keys. You would never look at the kid next to you who politely offered to give her a safe ride instead and say "nah, all teens are liars and bad drivers, I don't believe you would do any better".

          This isn't about Cruz or Rubio being great by any standard. This is about anyone with half a brain realizing that Trump is infinitely worse.
          Last edited by Jamar Howard 4 President; February 26, 2016, 02:48 PM.


          • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
            Maybe you overstated things and will clarify in a follow-up post, but lumping all politicians into the same pool of liars, as if they are all equally untrustworthy, is juvenile thinking. The world is not made up of 100% truth tellers and 100% liars. Human beings fall all over a very wide spectrum. Failure to distinguish between the average (dare I say ordinary) dishonesty of politicians like Cruz and Rubio and the obsurd "nearly every single statement I make is a verifiable lie" coming from Trump is embarrassing. They are nowhere near the same, and it is lazy thinking to pretend they are.

            It's like saying "all teenage drivers are bad drivers", and therefore expressing no extra concern as your daughter gets into the car with a visibly drunk frat boy who's yelling "hey cops, come and get me" as he grabs the keys. You would never look at the kid next to you who politely offered to give her a safe ride instead and say "nah, all teens are liars and bad drivers, I don't believe you would do any better".

            This isn't about Cruz or Rubio being great by any standard. This is about anyone with half a brain realizing that Trump is infinitely worse.
            I do not doubt that Trump is worse but I have become very cynical with all politicians. The best lies are mostly true. Trumps are easy to spot. The others spin and twist things with enough truth to make them "believable". Juvenile thinking is believing the spins and BS because it matches what you want to believe.


            • I'm under no delusion that either Cruz or Rubio would be perfect, or that I can 100% predict every single move they will make.

              However, with even a moderate amount of brainpower, you can gain a fairly confident idea of what Cruz and Rubio would do as president. The same is not true for Trump. C&R may surprise on one vote here and there, but 90% of the time you know ahead of time what they will do. You may not like it, but their actions in the White House wouldn't be that hard to predict right now, a full year before either even got started. Trump on the other hand is going to go wherever his own personal interests take him. He has no moral compass guiding him. He says he used to be for partial birth abortion, but now he is against it. Where as I know 100% C&R will be against partial birth abortion until the day they die, I could easily see Trump supporting it again merely because circumstances changed and it was to his own benefit to switch back in favor.

              Yes, I know partial birth abortion is unlikely to be a major defining part of the next president's legacy, but it is an easy issue to use to illustrate a point. Cruz and Rubio are imperfect, but we can be reasonably confident where they stand on most issues. Trump is a dishonest, self-serving shape shifter who will become anything he wants in order to get whatever he wants.

              I'll say it again. Anyone who supports Trump over Rubio or Cruz is a moron who scares me.


              • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                I'm under no delusion that either Cruz or Rubio would be perfect, or that I can 100% predict every single move they will make.


                I'll say it again. Anyone who supports Trump over Rubio or Cruz is a moron who scares me.
                Man, you are firmly stuck in stage 1, "denial". @Play Angry: has made it to stage 2, so there's hope for you too!

                ... the five stages of Trump, based on the Kübler-Ross stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

                Myself, I'm finally pulling out of stage 4, and find solace in knowing that Trump will not be worse than Obama or Hillary, and will whip Hillary in a runoff!

                I can help you guys get to stage 3, but you have to start changing your thinking to something like, "Maybe Cruz or Rubio will offer him a Veep spot and he will step down? Maybe he will trip on the stage and get amnesia and not be able to run any longer?" But you will come to your senses quickly and move into stage 4. Now it takes a while to pull out of that nose dive, but you can do it when you stop paying attention to the primary race and starting thinking about the actual Presidential election.

                Now this is not to say that Rubio or Cruz could fall out of the election and change the dynamic entirely, but holding onto that hope could really set you back all the way to stage 1.
                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                • We're on the verge of nominating an authoritarian demagogue who is not at all representative of conservative values or ideology.

                  I will never reach bargaining or acceptance. His nomination would be an embarrassment of historical proportions.


                  • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                    We're on the verge of nominating an authoritarian demagogue who is not at all representative of conservative values or ideology.

                    I will never reach bargaining or acceptance. His nomination would be an embarrassment of historical proportions.
                    He hates Mexicans and Muslims so its gonna be ok


                    • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                      We're on the verge of nominating an authoritarian demagogue who is not at all representative of conservative values or ideology.

                      I will never reach bargaining or acceptance. His nomination would be an embarrassment of historical proportions.
                      Why would that suprise you? This is the same electorate that elected a community organizer who agenda was social justice and to do the bidding of his puppet masters to get us on the road to socialized medicine and spit on the the constitution.


                      • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                        We're on the verge of nominating an authoritarian demagogue who is not at all representative of conservative values or ideology.

                        I will never reach bargaining or acceptance. His nomination would be an embarrassment of historical proportions.
                        Two in a row! We're on a roll!
                        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                        • status quo seems to be mode of the polls. Trump pushing above his ceilings that Cruz/Rubio says he has.

                          Attached Files


                          • Call it whatever stage you want, but there is a 0% chance I will vote for Trump in November.


                            • I would vote for Hitler over Hillary.


                              • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                                I would vote for Hitler over Hillary.

                                Trump may give you the chance

