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Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border

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  • #16
    I know this for certain: There are no Catholics that I am aware of that want to invade my country and kill me.

    According to this article there are approximately 1.8 million Muslims that want to invade my country and kill me. One point eight million Muslims can do a LOT of damage if even a small percent of them are allowed into our country through Mexico.
    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


    • #17
      US Embassy grounds in Lybia stormed by Islamists.

      “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


      • #18
        Originally posted by DUShock View Post
        US Embassy grounds in Lybia stormed by Islamists.
        I am sure it was outrage was caused over a video making fun of the child molester founder of Islam.
        An “Old West” Texas analysis and summary of Mueller report and Congress’ efforts in one sentence:

        "While we recognize that the subject did not actually steal any horses, he is obviously guilty of trying to resist being hanged for it."


        • #19
          Originally posted by DUShock View Post
          US Embassy grounds in Lybia stormed by Islamists.

          What difference does it make?
          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


          • #20
            Originally posted by DUShock View Post
            US Embassy grounds in Lybia stormed by Islamists.

            The White House spokesman said they are "caretakers" - safeguarding the embassy.....really


            • #21
              Ok, movalleyjohn, I apologize, calling you stupid was a little extreme, more like ignorant. Ignorant people lap up slanted articles from HuffPo or your favorite, WND, which is even worse.

              Jerome Corsi is one of the main contributors and editors at WND. He's a grade A crank who hangs out with white supremacists and Alex Jones. He is also, apparently, a science denier, here is a description of the main theme from his latest book:
              "Corsi has also promoted the theory of abiogenic petroleum origin (as opposed to the theory for formation of petroleum from biological matter);[66] the idea that oil is naturally produced underground through chemical processes under extreme heat and pressure, rather than by the conversion of biological material.[67] In his book Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil, Corsi questions the "truism that oil is fossil fuel."[68] As oil wells have drilled ever deeper, and discovered oil at 30,000 feet beneath the surface (5½ miles) it becomes clear, Corsi argues, that no dinosaur remains were buried 30,000 feet under ground.[69] Corsi argues that oil men have long noticed that oil wells pumped dry sometimes "refill" with oil, suggesting a much deeper source for the oil, rising up under pressure"

              I guess he's smarter than anyone who ever studied petroleum geology (or for that matter geology in general), physics and Paleontology. There's more about the kooks who run WND, but I'm not going to spam the topic.

              And you are posting links to his 'news' as facts here. In my opinion that qualifies you as ignorant. I'm sorry if that offends you, but it's pretty obvious that your 'news' doesn't come from a creditable source.
              Last edited by shocka khan; August 31, 2014, 06:08 PM. Reason: Typo


              • #22
                I don't think anyone, except for a handful of bleeding-heart liberals, don't want the borders secured. I support Perry sending out the guard-except in true Perry fashion, he did not take into account the guard, for the most part, are working and middle class people with bills to pay. Sending them to the border without some sort of advance on their per diem was short sighted and stupid. Now some guard members have reached out to food banks, as their personal credit cards are maxed out. I think that's embarrassing, but it's typical slick Rick.

                Again, at the risk of offending some of you, if we DO have terrorists infiltrate our country from Mexico, they will be assisted by the cartels, many of whom are Catholics. Here's some info I dug up on the knights Templar (also known as the Calabaeros Tempelarios):
                "The former Pope Benedict XVI had a visit scheduled on 23 March 2012 to the Mexican state of Guanajuato.[8]

                Previous to that date, on 17 March 2012, the Knights Templar Cartel allegedly put up 14 banners on bridges of the León, San Miguel de Allende, Irapuato, Salamanca, Yuriria, Moroleón and Uriangato, municipalities of Guanajuato, pledging to not provoke any violent acts during the pope’s visit.[9][9] The banners read the following:

                “ The Knights Templar Cartel will not partake in any warlike acts, we are not killers, welcome Pope.[10] ”
                There were other similar banners that were allegedly signed by their rivals, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.[11]."

                The cartels don't care how they make their money. Also, they have a nasty habit of killing migrants who refuse their services. One Zeta, who was the plaza boss in San Leon, Tamaulipas. He murdered over 250 unescorted migrants and buried them in shallow graves. If they don't pay the piso, they will be dead or kidnapped.

                That being said, I think forged passports or visas are still more high-risk to another attack than someone sneaking across our southern border.


                • #23
                  I would bet most registered Democrats are against Obama protecting our borders.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                    Ok, movalleyjohn, I apologize, calling you stupid was a little extreme, more like ignorant. Ignorant people lap up slanted articles from HuffPo or your favorite, WND, which is even worse.

                    Jerome Corsi is one of the main contributors and editors at WND. He's a grade A crank who hangs out with white supremacists and Alex Jones. He is also, apparently, a science denier, here is a description of the main theme from his latest book:
                    "Corsi has also promoted the theory of abiogenic petroleum origin (as opposed to the theory for formation of petroleum from biological matter);[66] the idea that oil is naturally produced underground through chemical processes under extreme heat and pressure, rather than by the conversion of biological material.[67] In his book Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil, Corsi questions the "truism that oil is fossil fuel."[68] As oil wells have drilled ever deeper, and discovered oil at 30,000 feet beneath the surface (5½ miles) it becomes clear, Corsi argues, that no dinosaur remains were buried 30,000 feet under ground.[69] Corsi argues that oil men have long noticed that oil wells pumped dry sometimes "refill" with oil, suggesting a much deeper source for the oil, rising up under pressure"

                    I guess he's smarter than anyone who ever studied petroleum geology (or for that matter geology in general), physics and Paleontology. There's more about the kooks who run WND, but I'm not going to spam the topic.

                    And you are posting links to his 'news' as facts here. In my opinion that qualifies you as ignorant. I'm sorry if that offends you, but it's pretty obvious that your 'news' doesn't come from a creditable source.
                    Here is the problem I have with what you are saying. I worked in media. It is how I ended up in advertising. All of that is why I had knowledge of how AM radio waves transmit and posted as much on the games moving to KEYN thread. With that first hand experience the media, I have also gained experience in how to vet information. I find it appalling how both Fox news and MSNBC are treated. They are both news organizations and provide fine news coverage. I watch both. If you ignore what Fox or MSNBC reports, you are missing important information. It is the viewers responsibility to understand the political leanings of the news being presented. In fact, you become more informed if you view and consider opinions from multiple news sources, even those with defined political objectives.

                    Now, on to the facts at hand. The US has finally acknowledged the real threat that exists in Mexico. The threat that you continue to deny because you refuse to give any credibility to news sources that don't fit your political ideology. Furthermore, you make a giant leap asserting that Catholics are behind the beheadings in Mexico. There is absolutely no information anywhere substantiation your claim. In fact, as time goes on, more and more information is coming to light supporting the increased violence to Muslim extremists embedding themselves in the Mexican drug cartels. But back to my first long paragraph, you won't accept that because it doesn't fit into your closed minded, anti religious and liberal agenda.

                    Unfortunately, the open Mexican border is a real threat to every one of us and has no business being politicized. But sadly, that is where we have come. Democrats are willing to sacrifice security and our safety to gain points with their Mexican voter block. They stand to gain more voters and power by denying any problem. Republicans, on the other hand, are putting forth rhetoric, but doing nothing. Republicans feel that there is more to gain by inciting their base and not actually fixing anything.

                    At the end of the day, Islam is a very dangerous religion not because all Muslims are violent, but because enough are violent to incite great acts of terror. The "peaceful" Muslims do nothing to stop the violence and there is enough Muslim scripture in the Koran to propagate violence forever.

                    Lastly, you have blasted my news sources, but I included Business Insider, a publication with a liberal slant, and also the Washington Times, a conservative, yet mainstream publication that vets news. You accepted neither.
                    There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                    • #25
                      There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                      • #26
                        White House press briefing to clarify the Obama Strategery


                        • #27
                          Movalleyjohn, thanks for your polite and respectful response, and I agree with your point about the veracity of some of the sources today.

                          I also think (and you appear to agree), that much of all news we see today is driven by what the large corporations who own our media want us to hear.

                          That being said, people who aren't aware of how dangerous the border area is nowadays. My point was that whether Muslim or Christian, the real danger we have today is a breakdown of the rule of law. My point is that Mexico is full of Christians (Catholics), and due to a breakdown of the rule of law, we have a lot of butchering going on by so-called Christians.

                          What were seeing in Syria and Iraq is government for sale, and a breakdown of the rule of law. To me, if you put the cartels in Mexico and Central America up against ISIS, you'd have two very similar comparisons.

                          There have been mass killings all over northern Mexico. This article references over 400 innocents dead in two locations. There was also a large mass grave discovered in chihuahua state and the mass dumping of over 60 innocents during rush hour in Veracruz. These problems are more related to governance breakdowns and less related to religion:

                          We all ought to thank everyone involved in law enforcement every day for what they do to keep all of us safe.


                          • #28
                            One more point: if Obama hadn't turned the NSA loose, we would not have had this problem. He out all of his eggs in the data collection basket and big data won't completely fix this. He should have been working on a more robust set of options and less on snooping on everyone.

