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Professors harassing students

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  • #46
    Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
    The "some reason" I "seem interested" is that you posted in a political forum taking a position that seemed at least slightly defensive on the side of shock's professor, and asked for specific instances of indoctrination. I replied that if you were of a liberal persuasion you probably would not pick up on the same reports I have over the years. That's the extent of my interest in your politics.
    1. In this thread, we have one party to a dispute presenting her/his point of view; the other party's point of view is not being presented. We are both old enough to know that every story (dispute) has at least two sides.
    2. If shock's claims represent the complete and unbiased truth and there is no pedagogical reason for the professor's approach to the class, then ESU will do something; the claim that a tenured professor cannot be punished or removed from the classroom is incorrect and David Guth is evidence of this. (My mention of "The Paper Chase" was in reference to different pedagogies.)
    3. We don't know if shock is an internet troll trying to make ESU look bad or an honest and sincere student who is frustrated with ESU. Since the ESU President is aware of the situation, why is shock "litigating" the case on a sports message board for a different university than ESU? If shock really is an ESU student, all he/she is doing is making ESU look bad and potentially devaluing degrees from ESU. Why?
    4. My objections have nothing to do with my political point of view; if a "liberal" student came to ShockerNet with a similar complaint, I would wonder why this is being discussed here and be critical of the "liberal" student. Bashing professors has become popular and my reaction to the thread might be influenced by this more than by any political views.
    5. You said I seemed "slightly defensive on the side of shock's professor." If everything shock said is correct and if shock did not contribute to an escalation in the verbal dispute or in the classroom atmosphere, then I think the professor is a jerk and ESU should do something. My guess is that shock and the professor are both at fault and both should accept some responsibility but this is just conjecture. If the professor had come to ShockerNet and bashed the student, you would probably complain that I seemed "slightly defensive on the side of the student."
    6. One can determine which ESU professor is teaching "Total War 1914-1945" this semester; the "criticism" here is directed at a specific, identifiable individual and the fact that no names have been mentioned does not change this. At what point does this thread veer into the realm of "defamation of character" or "libel"? Does SN bear any responsibility if the discussions go "too far"?
    Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
    Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


    • #47
      Now I'll confess to contradicting myself a bit; if other students from shock's class were to post in this thread, I would be curious and would read their comments. Of course, the posts could all be from trolls who have not been within 100 miles of ESU but this reminds me of the train wreck that you can't help watching. I know this diminishes me as a person and request your forgiveness. :hopelessness: :D
      Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
      Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


      • #48
        Originally posted by SpanglerFan316 View Post
        I don't think I express my political views in a sports forum like this. Politics has nothing to do with college sports, in my opinion. Is it so important to people here that their views be adopted on this board that they would be willing to splinter support for Shocker athletics over political issues? My opinion is the ShockerNet is a place where people of all political persuasions should be able to come together and root for the Shocks while leaving politics at home. Am I wrong?
        I guess I'm not sure what you mean here. SN is a sports fan board which also has other forums available if one wishes to participate or just blow off steam. SN has added this forum to try and keep politics out of the sports forums. You are mostly right, politics has nothing to do with college sports discussion. That's why this forum exists. No one need ever venture here unless they want to. You admit to being bored and it has allowed you activity by you posting 18 of the last 34 posts in this thread.

        I also believe that most here do leave their political views aside when it comes to the Shockers and are united in their Shocker support. If someone gets huffy, doesn't understand the difference between a sports forum and a political forum and leaves SN altogether, I view that as "taking your ball and going home". One forum should have nothing to do with the other. I believe that is widely understood here.

        Originally posted by SpanglerFan316 View Post
        We don't know if shock is an internet troll trying to make ESU look bad or an honest and sincere student who is frustrated with ESU. Since the ESU President is aware of the situation, why is shock "litigating" the case on a sports message board for a different university than ESU? If shock really is an ESU student, all he/she is doing is making ESU look bad and potentially devaluing degrees from ESU. Why?
        How is @shock: making ESU look bad? Nothing he has posted here gave me any impression of that. He has posted of an incident with one isolated individual. In fact, he gives credit to the ESU President for contacting him and looking into the situation. Do you consider any discussion or asking others of having similar situations as "litigating"? He told his situation and asked if others had similar incidents. Every institution of higher learning have their warts. I believe KU is having to deal with one at this time.


        • #49
          ShockTalk: I personally like to leave my politics at home; if I gave an impression that everyone should do this, then I did not communicate well. Some people do carry their politics over to sports and refuse to accept the validity of other peoples' political views; this comment (below) was directed to such people.
          Is it so important to people here that their views be adopted on this board that they would be willing to splinter support for Shocker athletics over political issues?
          Clearly I would be silly to object to people who brought their politics to this political forum and left their politics out of the sports forums.

          Why could shock make ESU look bad? Imagine if ESU fails to take measures which he/she considers sufficient and shock comes here (and to other message boards) complaining about how mistreated he/she was; do you think this could affect ESU's reputation? As far as I know, ESU is looking into the dispute and has not made any decisions; it seems premature to me to be complaining on a WSU board.
          Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
          Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


          • #50
            Originally posted by SpanglerFan316 View Post
            ShockTalk: I personally like to leave my politics at home; if I gave an impression that everyone should do this, then I did not communicate well. Some people do carry their politics over to sports and refuse to accept the validity of other peoples' political views; this comment (below) was directed to such people.

            Clearly I would be silly to object to people who brought their politics to this political forum and left their politics out of the sports forums.

            Why could shock make ESU look bad? Imagine if ESU fails to take measures which he/she considers sufficient and shock comes here (and to other message boards) complaining about how mistreated he/she was; do you think this could affect ESU's reputation? As far as I know, ESU is looking into the dispute and has not made any decisions; it seems premature to me to be complaining on a WSU board.
            On the first part, we may just have to agree to disagree. Yes, every now and then, someone posts something political on a sports thread. I believe that when that happens, the poster is actually hurting their own position and more so, their creditability, even among those that have similar viewpoints because they don't want to see it there. However, it takes 2 to tango and if those of different views take the high road and drop it, it ends right there. You will always have a few who just don't understand that there are proper and improper places for their beliefs to be aired. I do not believe this to be a problem to the extent of splintering support for Shocker athletics on SN. If you feel so strongly to say that it does, this is the forum to out those who do this with abundant facts in hand. For the record, I do not like "name calling" whether it be in a political or sports thread. It, too, lessens what otherwise might be a strong position.

            As for part 2 of your post, the key word is "IF". So far @shock: has given credit to the institution. It should only hurt ESU if and when both sides are heard. Frankly, I don't believe the opinions of those on this board will have any effect on ESU's reputation. Again, it is not premature to discuss the issue of what happened between the individuals involved, particularly when the poster was reaching out to see if others had similar problems.. The reputation of ESU as an institution has not been questioned.


            • #51
              I'm not sure we disagree that much. It would be wild exaggeration to claim that SN has a huge (or has any :) ) effect on the world, including on the reputation of ESU. On the other hand, who knows what will be the next thing to go viral?
              particularly when the poster was reaching out to see if others had similar problems
              This strikes me a "fishing for complaints about ESU" but that's just me.
              Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
              Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


              • #52
                I hope all of you take my comments on SN with a big grain of salt; this is how they were intended to be taken.
                Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                  All he's teaching is that if you don't share the view of the person in authority, you should keep your mouth shut.
                  Royal, do you think this is an unimportant lesson to learn? (I started working when I was 13 years old and I learned it quickly. :D )
                  Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                  Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by SpanglerFan316 View Post
                    Royal, do you think this is an unimportant lesson to learn? (I started working when I was 13 years old and I learned it quickly. :D )
                    That's not the type of authority I'm talking about. But if you want to go there, maybe that professor should be taught about who is paying a good chunk of his salary - the very students he is disrespecting.


                    • #55
                      PLEASE COMMENT AND RATE! THANK YOU! LYRICS: Oh they like to get you in a compromising positionthey like to get you there and smile in your facewell they thin...


                      • #56
                        A professor at the University of Southern California delivered sustained attacks on Republicans, characterizing them as old, white, racist, and "losers."
                        There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                          That's not the type of authority I'm talking about. But if you want to go there, maybe that professor should be taught about who is paying a good chunk of his salary - the very students he is disrespecting.
                          I am stumped by Royal's reply.

                          Originally posted by SpanglerFan316 View Post
                          Royal, do you think this is an unimportant lesson to learn? (I started working when I was 13 years old and I learned it quickly. :D )
                          My post (above) was intended to be completely tongue-in-cheek; that is, it was intended as a joke. Now is Royal being serious in his reply (at the top) or is he one-upping me? I can't tell. This is what makes posting so annoying.
                          Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                          Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by SpanglerFan316 View Post
                            I'm not sure we disagree that much. It would be wild exaggeration to claim that SN has a huge (or has any :) ) effect on the world, including on the reputation of ESU. On the other hand, who knows what will be the next thing to go viral?

                            This strikes me a "fishing for complaints about ESU" but that's just me.
                            Actually, @shock never mentioned what school in the beginning. Only after a few assumed he was talking about WSU did he say it was ESU. I view that order of happenings as shock talking in generalities and in no way picking on ESU or any other school in particular. Edit: Now that I reviewed the posts, shock mentioned it was not WSU in post #9 and not until post #39 did he mention ESU in passing, only once and the only time I believe he's mentioned ESU.
                            Last edited by ShockTalk; October 26, 2013, 06:29 PM.


                            • #59
                              This thread is bizarre.
                              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
                                Actually, @shock never mentioned what school in the beginning. Only after a few assumed he was talking about WSU did he say it was ESU. I view that order of happenings as shock talking in generalities and in no way picking on ESU or any other school in particular. Edit: Now that I reviewed the posts, shock mentioned it was not WSU in post #9 and not until post #39 did he mention ESU in passing, only once and the only time I believe he's mentioned ESU.
                                East Stroudsburg University?

                                Go Warriors!
                                There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.

